# # Watcom / OpenWatcom / Win32 makefile for cURL. # G. Vanem # !ifndef %watcom !error WATCOM environment variable not set! !endif !ifdef %libname LIBNAME = $(%libname) !else LIBNAME = libcurl !endif TARGETS = $(LIBNAME).dll $(LIBNAME)_imp.lib $(LIBNAME).lib CC = wcc386 LD = wlink AR = wlib RC = wrc !ifdef __LOADDLL__ ! loaddll wcc386 wccd386 ! loaddll wpp386 wppd386 ! loaddll wlib wlibd ! if $(__VERSION__) > 1270 ! loaddll wlink wlinkd ! else ! loaddll wlink wlink ! endif !endif !ifdef __LINUX__ DS = / CP = cp MD = mkdir -p RD = rmdir -p RM = rm -f !else DS = $(X)\$(X) CP = copy 2>NUL MD = mkdir RD = rmdir /q /s 2>NUL !if $(__VERSION__) < 1250 RM = del /q /f 2>NUL !else RM = rm -f !endif !endif SYS_INCL = -I$(%watcom)$(DS)h$(DS)nt -I$(%watcom)$(DS)h SYS_LIBS = $(%watcom)$(DS)lib386$(DS)nt;$(%watcom)$(DS)lib386 CFLAGS = -3r -mf -hc -zff -zgf -zq -zm -s -fr=con -w2 -fpi -oilrtfm & -wcd=201 -bt=nt -bc -d+ -dWIN32 -dHAVE_STRTOLL & -I..$(DS)include -I..$(DS)lib $(SYS_INCL) !ifdef %debug DEBUG = -dDEBUG=1 -dDEBUGBUILD CFLAGS += -d3 $(DEBUG) !else CFLAGS += -d0 !endif !ifdef %use_ipv6 CFLAGS += -d_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -dENABLE_IPV6 !endif # # Change to suite. # !ifdef %zlib_root ZLIB_ROOT = $(%zlib_root) !else ZLIB_ROOT = ..$(DS)..$(DS)zlib-1.2.8 !endif !ifdef %libssh2_root LIBSSH2_ROOT = $(%libssh2_root) !else LIBSSH2_ROOT = ..$(DS)..$(DS)libssh2-1.4.3 !endif !ifdef %librtmp_root LIBRTMP_ROOT = $(%librtmp_root) !else LIBRTMP_ROOT = ..$(DS)..$(DS)rtmpdump-2.3 !endif !ifdef %openssl_root OPENSSL_ROOT = $(%openssl_root) !else OPENSSL_ROOT = ..$(DS)..$(DS)openssl-0.9.8y !endif !ifdef %ares_root ARES_ROOT = $(%ares_root) !else ARES_ROOT = ..$(DS)ares !endif !ifdef %use_ssl CFLAGS += -wcd=138 -dUSE_OPENSSL -dUSE_SSLEAY -I$(OPENSSL_ROOT)$(DS)inc32 !endif OBJ_DIR = WC_Win32.obj LINK_ARG = $(OBJ_DIR)$(DS)wlink.arg # In order to process Makefile.inc wmake must be called with -u switch! !ifndef %MAKEFLAGS !error You MUST call wmake with the -u switch! !else !include Makefile.inc !endif # For now we still define the CURLX_ONES sources here unless we know how # to split off the prefixed path. CURLX_SOURCES = rawstr.c nonblock.c OBJS = $(CURL_CFILES:.c=.obj) !ifdef %curl_static CFLAGS += -DCURL_STATICLIB !else CFLAGS += -br OBJS += $(CURLX_SOURCES:.c=.obj) !endif !ifdef __LINUX__ OBJS = $OBJ_DIR/$(OBJS: = $OBJ_DIR/) !else OBJS = $OBJ_DIR\$(OBJS: = $OBJ_DIR\) !endif RESOURCE = $(OBJ_DIR)$(DS)curl.res all: tool_hugehelp.c $(OBJ_DIR) curl.exe .SYMBOLIC @echo Welcome to cURL clean: .SYMBOLIC -$(RM) $(OBJS) -$(RM) $(RESOURCE) $(LINK_ARG) vclean distclean: clean .SYMBOLIC -$(RD) $(OBJ_DIR) -$(RM) curl.exe curl.map curl.sym tool_hugehelp.c tool_hugehelp.c: tool_hugehelp.c.cvs $(CP) $[@ $^@ tool_hugehelp.c.cvs: .EXISTSONLY $(CP) tool_hugehelp.c $^@ $(OBJ_DIR): -$(MD) $^@ curl.exe: $(OBJS) $(RESOURCE) $(LINK_ARG) $(LD) name $^@ @$]@ $(RESOURCE): curl.rc $(RC) $(DEBUG) -q -r -zm -bt=nt -I..$(DS)include $(SYS_INCL) $[@ -fo=$^@ # suffix search path - vpath-like hack .c: ..$(DS)lib .ERASE .c{$(OBJ_DIR)}.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $[@ -fo=$^@ $(LINK_ARG): $(__MAKEFILES__) %create $^@ @%append $^@ system nt @%append $^@ file { $(OBJS) } !ifdef %debug @%append $^@ debug all @%append $^@ option symfile !endif @%append $^@ option quiet, map, caseexact, eliminate, @%append $^@ res=$(RESOURCE) libpath $(SYS_LIBS) !ifdef %curl_static @%append $^@ library wldap32.lib @%append $^@ library ..$(DS)lib$(DS)$(LIBNAME).lib !ifdef %use_zlib @%append $^@ library $(ZLIB_ROOT)$(DS)zlib.lib !endif !ifdef %use_rtmp @%append $^@ library $(LIBRTMP_ROOT)$(DS)librtmp$(DS)librtmp.lib, winmm.lib !endif !ifdef %use_ssh2 @%append $^@ library $(LIBSSH2_ROOT)$(DS)win32$(DS)libssh2.lib !endif !ifdef %use_ssl @%append $^@ library $(OPENSSL_ROOT)$(DS)out32$(DS)libeay32.lib, $(OPENSSL_ROOT)$(DS)out32$(DS)ssleay32.lib !endif !ifdef %use_ares @%append $^@ library $(ARES_ROOT)$(DS)cares.lib !endif !ifdef %use_winidn ! if $(__VERSION__) > 1290 @%append $^@ library normaliz.lib ! else @%append $^@ import '_IdnToAscii@20' 'NORMALIZ.DLL'.'IdnToAscii' @%append $^@ import '_IdnToUnicode@20' 'NORMALIZ.DLL'.'IdnToUnicode' ! endif !endif !else @%append $^@ library ..$(DS)lib$(DS)$(LIBNAME)_imp.lib !endif !ifeq USE_WATT32 1 @%append $^@ library $(%watt_root)$(DS)lib$(DS)wattcpw_imp.lib !else @%append $^@ library ws2_32.lib !endif