# Boost Chrono Library test Jamfile # Copyright Beman Dawes 2008 # Copyright Vicente J. Botet Escriba 2009-2010 # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt # See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/chrono import os ; import feature ; project : requirements freebsd:"-lrt" linux:"-lrt -lpthread" clang/linux:"-lpthread" pgi:"-lrt" #single:BOOST_CHRONO_THREAD_DISABLED msvc:on BOOST_CHRONO_USES_MPL_ASSERT BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED #sun:BOOST_COMMON_TYPE_DONT_USE_TYPEOF #sun:BOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION sun:__typeof__=__typeof__ all gcc:-Wextra #gcc:-pedantic clang:on gcc:-Wno-long-long gcc:-Wno-variadic-macros darwin:-Wextra darwin:-pedantic darwin:-Wno-long-long darwin:-Wno-variadic-macros #pathscale:-Wextra pathscale:-Wno-long-long pathscale:-pedantic clang:-Wextra clang:-pedantic clang:-Wno-long-long clang:-Wno-variadic-macros gcc-4.5.0,windows:-Wno-missing-field-initializers gcc-4.5.0,windows:-fdiagnostics-show-option msvc:/wd4127 msvc:/wd4512 # Note: Some of the remarks from the Intel compiler are disabled # remark #193: zero used for undefined preprocessing identifier "XXX" # remark #304: access control not specified ("public" by default) # remark #383: value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used # remark #444: destructor for base class "XXX" (declared at line YYY") is not virtual # remark #593: variable "XXX" was set but never used # remark #981: operands are evaluated in unspecified order # remark #1418: external function definition with no prior declaration # remark #2415: variable "XXX" of static storage duration was declared but never referenced intel:-wd193,304,383,444 intel:-wd593,981 intel:-wd1418 intel:-wd2415 ; rule chrono-run ( sources ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_d ] #[ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono/static # : : # : # /boost/system//boost_system/static # : $(sources[1]:B)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-v1-v2-run ( sources ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_d ] [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono/static : : : /boost/system//boost_system/static : v1_$(sources[1]:B)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING #BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=1 : v1_$(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-run2 ( sources : name ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_d ] #[ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono/static # : : # : # /boost/system//boost_system/static # : $(name)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_h ] ; } rule date-run ( sources + ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_d ] ; } rule date-run-2 ( sources + : name ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_d ] ; } rule chrono-run-mt ( sources ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_d ] #[ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono/static # : : # : # /boost/system//boost_system/static # : $(sources[1]:B)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-run2-mt ( sources * : name ) { return [ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_d ] #[ run $(sources) ../build//boost_chrono/static # : : # : # /boost/system//boost_system/static # : $(name)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_h ] ; } rule chrono-run-check ( sources ) { return [ run $(sources) : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_d ] [ run $(sources) : : : /boost/system//boost_system/static BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-run-check2 ( sources : name ) { return [ run $(sources) : : : /boost/system//boost_system BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_d ] [ run $(sources) : : : /boost/system//boost_system/static BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_s ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_h ] ; } rule chrono-run-header ( sources ) { return [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-v1-v2-run-header ( sources ) { return [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING : v1_$(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-run-header2 ( sources : name ) { return [ run $(sources) : : : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_h ] ; } rule chrono-compile ( sources ) { return [ compile $(sources) : BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_l ] [ compile $(sources) : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(sources[1]:B)_h ] ; } rule chrono-compile2 ( sources : name ) { return [ compile $(sources) : BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_l ] [ compile $(sources) : BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY #BOOST_CHRONO_DONT_PROVIDE_HYBRID_ERROR_HANDLING BOOST_CHRONO_VERSION=2 : $(name)_h ] ; } test-suite "examples" : [ chrono-run-header ../example/cycle_count.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/runtime_resolution.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/xtime.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/saturating.cpp ] [ chrono-run ../example/min_time_point.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/i_dont_like_the_default_duration_behavior.cpp ] [ chrono-run ../example/simulated_thread_interface_demo.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/timeval_demo.cpp ] [ chrono-run ../example/chrono_unit_test.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/explore_limits.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/test_duration.cpp ] [ chrono-run ../example/test_clock.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/miscellaneous.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/test_special_values.cpp ] [ chrono-run ../example/manipulate_clock_object.cpp ] #[ chrono-run ../example/chrono_accuracy_test.cpp ] [ chrono-run-mt ../example/test_thread_clock.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header ../example/rounding.cpp ] #[ chrono-run ../example/await_keystroke.cpp ] ; test-suite "traits" : [ chrono-compile2 traits/common_type_duration_pass.cpp : traits_common_type_duration_p ] [ chrono-compile2 traits/common_type_time_point_pass.cpp : traits_common_type_time_point_p ] [ chrono-compile2 traits/treat_as_floating_point_pass.cpp : traits_treat_as_floating_point_p ] [ chrono-run-header2 traits/duration_values_pass.cpp : traits_duration_values_p ] ; test-suite "duration" : [ compile-fail duration/duration_duration_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/ratio_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/positive_num_fail.cpp ] [ chrono-compile duration/default_ratio_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-compile duration/types_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-compile duration/ratio_alias_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-compile duration/typedefs_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header duration/arithmetic_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header duration/duration_cast_pass.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/duration_cast_int_fail.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header duration/comparisons_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header duration/constructor_pass.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/cons/convert_float_to_int_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/cons/convert_inexact_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/cons/implicit_constructot_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/cons/non_implicit_convertible_rep_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/cons/treat_as_floating_point_Rep2_true_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/nonmember/divide_rep2_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/nonmember/modulus_rep2_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/nonmember/times_rep2_lhs_fail.cpp ] [ compile-fail duration/nonmember/times_rep2_rhs_fail.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header duration/duration_values_pass.cpp ] [ chrono-run-header duration/rounding_pass.cpp ] ; test-suite "time_point" : [ chrono-compile2 time_point/default_duration_pass.cpp : time_point_default_duration_p ] [ compile-fail time_point/not_duration_fail.cpp : : time_point_not_duration_f ] [ chrono-run-header2 time_point/arithmetic_pass.cpp : time_point_arithmetic_p ] [ chrono-run-header2 time_point/arithmetic_ext_pass.cpp : time_point_arithmetic_ext_p ] [ chrono-run-header2 time_point/time_point_cast_pass.cpp : time_point_time_point_cast_p ] [ compile-fail time_point/time_point_cast_int_fail.cpp : : time_point_time_point_cast_int_f ] [ chrono-run-header2 time_point/comparisons_pass.cpp : time_point_comparisons_p ] [ compile-fail time_point/comparisons/equal_fail.cpp : : time_point_equal_f ] [ compile-fail time_point/comparisons/less_fail.cpp : : time_point_less_f ] [ chrono-run-header2 time_point/constructor_pass.cpp : time_point_constructor_p ] [ compile-fail time_point/cons/implicit_fail.cpp : : time_point_implicit_f ] [ compile-fail time_point/cons/non_implicit_convertible_duration_fail.cpp : : time_point_non_implicit_convertible_duration_f ] [ chrono-run-header2 time_point/min_max_pass.cpp : time_point_min_max_p ] ; test-suite "clock" : [ chrono-run2-mt clock/clock_pass.cpp : clock_clock_p ] [ chrono-run2-mt one_obj.cpp another_obj.cpp : two_obj_p ] ; test-suite "io_ex" : [ chrono-v1-v2-run ../example/io_ex1.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run-header ../example/io_ex2.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run ../example/io_ex3.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run ../example/io_ex4.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run ../example/io_ex5.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run ../example/french.cpp ] ; test-suite "io" : [ chrono-v1-v2-run-header io/duration_input.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run-header io/duration_output.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run-header io/time_point_input.cpp ] [ chrono-v1-v2-run-header io/time_point_output.cpp ] [ chrono-run test_7868.cpp ] [ chrono-run test_11006.cpp ] [ chrono-run test_11012.cpp ] ; test-suite "win32" : [ chrono-run win32_test.cpp ] ; explicit ts_ ; test-suite ts_ : #[ chrono-run test_7868.cpp ] #[ chrono-run test_9337.cpp ] #[ chrono-run test_10778.cpp ] ;