# Copyright (c) 2002 Trustees of Indiana University # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Define SGB (stanford graph base top level directory) and # LEDA (also top level directory) at the command line of jam using -s import modules ; import path ; path-constant TEST_DIR : . ; path-constant PLANAR_INPUT_FILES : ./planar_input_graphs ; path-constant CYCLE_RATIO_INPUT_FILE : ./cycle_ratio_s382.90.dot ; path-constant METIS_INPUT_FILE : ./weighted_graph.gr ; test-suite graph_test : # test_graphs will eventually defined a framework for testing the structure # and implementation of graph data structures and adaptors. [ run test_graphs.cpp ] [ run index_graph.cpp ] # TODO: Make this part of the test_graphs framework [ run labeled_graph.cpp ] [ run transitive_closure_test.cpp ] [ compile adj_list_cc.cpp ] # adj_list_test needs some work -JGS # unit-test adj_list_test : adj_list_test.cpp ; [ run adj_list_edge_list_set.cpp ] [ run adj_list_loops.cpp ] [ compile adj_matrix_cc.cpp ] [ run bfs.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor ] [ compile bfs_cc.cpp ] [ run bellman-test.cpp ] [ run betweenness_centrality_test.cpp : 100 ] [ run bidir_remove_edge.cpp ] [ run bipartite_test.cpp ] [ run csr_graph_test.cpp : : : : : release ] [ run dag_longest_paths.cpp ] [ run dfs.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor ] [ run undirected_dfs.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor ] [ compile dfs_cc.cpp ] [ compile dijkstra_cc.cpp ] [ run dijkstra_heap_performance.cpp : 10000 ] [ run dijkstra_no_color_map_compare.cpp : 10000 ] [ run dominator_tree_test.cpp ] [ run relaxed_heap_test.cpp : 5000 15000 ] [ compile edge_list_cc.cpp ] [ compile filtered_graph_cc.cpp ] [ run generator_test.cpp ] [ run graph.cpp ] [ compile graph_concepts.cpp ] [ run graphviz_test.cpp /boost/test//boost_test_exec_monitor/static ../build//boost_graph ../../regex/build//boost_regex : --log_level=all ] [ run metis_test.cpp : $(METIS_INPUT_FILE) ] [ run gursoy_atun_layout_test.cpp ] [ run layout_test.cpp : : : always_show_run_output intel:off ] [ run serialize.cpp ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization : : : ] [ compile reverse_graph_cc.cpp ] [ run sequential_vertex_coloring.cpp ] # TODO: Merge these into a single test framework. [ run subgraph.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor ] [ run subgraph_bundled.cpp ] [ run subgraph_props.cpp ] [ run isomorphism.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor ] [ run adjacency_matrix_test.cpp ] [ compile vector_graph_cc.cpp ] [ compile copy.cpp ] [ compile swap.cpp ] [ compile property_iter.cpp ] [ run bundled_properties.cpp ] [ run floyd_warshall_test.cpp ] [ run astar_search_test.cpp ] [ run biconnected_components_test.cpp ] [ run cuthill_mckee_ordering.cpp ] [ run king_ordering.cpp ] [ run matching_test.cpp ] [ run max_flow_test.cpp ] [ run boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow_test.cpp ] [ run cycle_ratio_tests.cpp ../build//boost_graph ../../regex/build//boost_regex : $(CYCLE_RATIO_INPUT_FILE) ] [ run basic_planarity_test.cpp ] [ run make_connected_test.cpp ] [ run make_bicon_planar_test.cpp ] [ run make_maximal_planar_test.cpp ] [ run named_vertices_test.cpp ] [ run all_planar_input_files_test.cpp ../../filesystem/build ../../system/build : $(PLANAR_INPUT_FILES) ] [ run parallel_edges_loops_test.cpp ../../filesystem/build ../../system/build : $(PLANAR_INPUT_FILES) ] [ run r_c_shortest_paths_test.cpp ] [ run rcsp_custom_vertex_id.cpp ] [ run is_straight_line_draw_test.cpp ] [ run metric_tsp_approx.cpp : metric_tsp_approx.graph ] [ compile dimacs.cpp ] [ run bron_kerbosch_all_cliques.cpp ] [ run tiernan_all_cycles.cpp ] [ run closeness_centrality.cpp ] [ run degree_centrality.cpp ] [ run mean_geodesic.cpp ] [ run eccentricity.cpp ] [ run clustering_coefficient.cpp ] [ run core_numbers_test.cpp ] [ run read_propmap.cpp ] [ run mcgregor_subgraphs_test.cpp ../build//boost_graph ] [ compile grid_graph_cc.cpp ] [ run grid_graph_test.cpp ] [ run incremental_components_test.cpp ] [ run two_graphs_common_spanning_trees_test.cpp ] [ run random_spanning_tree_test.cpp ../build//boost_graph ] [ run graphml_test.cpp ../build//boost_graph : : "graphml_test.xml" ] [ run mas_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework/static : $(TEST_DIR) ] [ run stoer_wagner_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework/static : $(TEST_DIR) ] [ compile filtered_graph_properties_dijkstra.cpp ] [ run vf2_sub_graph_iso_test.cpp ] [ run vf2_sub_graph_iso_test_2.cpp ] [ run hawick_circuits.cpp ] [ run successive_shortest_path_nonnegative_weights_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework/static ] [ run cycle_canceling_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework/static ] ; # Run SDB tests only when -sSDB= is set. local SDB = [ modules.peek : SDB ] ; if $(SDB) { local sdb-root = [ path.root [ path.make $(SDB) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ; compile stanford_graph_cc.cpp : $(sdb-root) ; } # Run LEDA tests only when -sLEDA= is set. local LEDA = [ modules.peek : LEDA ] ; if $(LEDA) { local leda-root = [ path.root [ path.make $(LEDA) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ; local leda-include = [ path.join $(leda-root) incl ] ; compile leda_graph_cc.cpp : $(leda-include) ; }