/****************************************************************************** * $Id: typemaps_java.i 37359 2017-02-12 19:40:53Z rouault $ * * Name: typemaps_java.i * Project: GDAL SWIG Interface * Purpose: Typemaps for Java bindings * Author: Benjamin Collins, The MITRE Corporation * */ %include "arrays_java.i"; %include "typemaps.i" %apply (int) {VSI_RETVAL}; %typemap(javabody) SWIGTYPE %{ private long swigCPtr; protected boolean swigCMemOwn; protected $javaclassname(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) { if (cPtr == 0) throw new RuntimeException(); swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn; swigCPtr = cPtr; } protected static long getCPtr($javaclassname obj) { return (obj == null) ? 0 : obj.swigCPtr; } %} /* DISOWN implementation */ %typemap(javacode) SWIGTYPE %{ private Object parentReference; protected static long getCPtrAndDisown($javaclassname obj) { if (obj != null) { obj.swigCMemOwn= false; obj.parentReference = null; } return getCPtr(obj); } /* Ensure that the GC doesn't collect any parent instance set from Java */ protected void addReference(Object reference) { parentReference = reference; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equal = false; if (obj instanceof $javaclassname) equal = ((($javaclassname)obj).swigCPtr == this.swigCPtr); return equal; } public int hashCode() { return (int)swigCPtr; } %} %typemap(javain) SWIGTYPE *DISOWN "$javaclassname.getCPtrAndDisown($javainput)" /* JAVA TYPEMAPS */ /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (double *val, int*hasval) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (double *val, int*hasval) ( double tmpval, int tmphasval ) { /* %typemap(in,numinputs=0) (double *val, int*hasval) */ $1 = &tmpval; $2 = &tmphasval; if($input == NULL || jenv->GetArrayLength($input) < 1) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null array or empty array"); return $null; } } %typemap(argout) (double *val, int*hasval) { /* %typemap(argout) (double *val, int*hasval) */ const jclass Double = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Double"); const jmethodID ctor = jenv->GetMethodID(Double, "", "(D)V"); if(*$2) { jobject dbl = jenv->NewObject(Double, ctor, tmpval$argnum); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement($input, (jsize)0, dbl); } else { jenv->SetObjectArrayElement($input, (jsize)0, 0); } } %typemap(jni) (double *val, int*hasval) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (double *val, int*hasval) "Double[]" %typemap(jstype) (double *val, int*hasval) "Double[]" %typemap(javain) (double *val, int*hasval) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (double *val, int*hasval) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (GDALColorEntry *) ***************************************************/ #ifdef SWIGANDROID /* Android Version with int */ %typemap(in) (GDALColorEntry *) (GDALColorEntry tmp) { /* %typemap(in) (GDALColorEntry *) (GDALColorEntry tmp) */ tmp.c4 = ($input >> 24) & 0xff; tmp.c1 = ($input >> 16) & 0xff; tmp.c2 = ($input >> 8) & 0xff; tmp.c3 = ($input >> 0) & 0xff; $1 = &tmp; } %typemap(out) (GDALColorEntry *) { /* %typemap(out) (GDALColorEntry *) */ /* Android Color is int = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue */ $result = ($1->c4 << 24) | ($1->c1 << 16) | ($1->c2 << 8) | $1->c3; } %typemap(jni) (GDALColorEntry *) "jint" %typemap(jtype) (GDALColorEntry *) "int" %typemap(jstype) (GDALColorEntry *) "int" %typemap(javain) (GDALColorEntry *) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (GDALColorEntry *) { return $jnicall; } #else /* J2SE Version with java.awt.Color */ %typemap(in) (GDALColorEntry *) (GDALColorEntry tmp) { /* %typemap(in) (GDALColorEntry *) (GDALColorEntry tmp) */ $1 = NULL; if ($input == NULL) { SWIG_JavaException(jenv, SWIG_ValueError, "Received a NULL pointer."); return $null; } float *colorptr = 0; const jclass Color = jenv->FindClass("java/awt/Color"); const jmethodID colors = jenv->GetMethodID(Color, "getRGBComponents", "([F)[F"); jfloatArray colorArr = jenv->NewFloatArray(4); colorArr = (jfloatArray)jenv->CallObjectMethod($input, colors, colorArr); colorptr = (float *)jenv->GetFloatArrayElements(colorArr, 0); tmp.c1 = (short)(colorptr[0] * 255); tmp.c2 = (short)(colorptr[1] * 255); tmp.c3 = (short)(colorptr[2] * 255); tmp.c4 = (short)(colorptr[3] * 255); /*printf( " %d, %d, %d, %d\n", tmp.c1, tmp.c2, tmp.c3, tmp.c4 );*/ $1 = &tmp; } %typemap(out) (GDALColorEntry *) { /* %typemap(out) (GDALColorEntry *) */ const jclass Color = jenv->FindClass("java/awt/Color"); const jmethodID ccon = jenv->GetMethodID(Color, "", "(IIII)V"); $result = jenv->NewObject(Color, ccon, $1->c1, $1->c2, $1->c3, $1->c4); } %typemap(jni) (GDALColorEntry *) "jobject" %typemap(jtype) (GDALColorEntry *) "java.awt.Color" %typemap(jstype) (GDALColorEntry *) "java.awt.Color" %typemap(javain) (GDALColorEntry *) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (GDALColorEntry *) { return $jnicall; } #endif /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs) { /* %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs) */ if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); if ($1 == 0) $2 = NULL; else { $2 = (GDAL_GCP*) malloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP) * $1); int i; for (i = 0; i<$1; i++) { jobject obj = (jobject)jenv->GetObjectArrayElement($input, i); if (obj == NULL) { free ($2 ); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null object in array"); return $null; } const jclass klass = jenv->FindClass("org/gdal/gdal/GCP"); const jmethodID getCPtr = jenv->GetStaticMethodID(klass, "getCPtr", "(Lorg/gdal/gdal/GCP;)J"); $2[i] = *(GDAL_GCP*) jenv->CallStaticLongMethod(klass, getCPtr, obj); } } } else { $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; } } %typemap(freearg) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs) */ if ($2) { free((void*) $2); } } %typemap(jni) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs ) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs ) "GCP[]" %typemap(jstype) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs ) "GCP[]" %typemap(javain) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const * pGCPs ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemap argout of GDAL_GCP* used in Dataset::GetGCPs( ) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) (int nGCPs=0, GDAL_GCP *pGCPs=0 ) { /* %typemap(in,numinputs=1) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) */ $1 = &nGCPs; $2 = &pGCPs; } %typemap(argout) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) { /* %typemap(argout) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) */ const jclass GCPClass = jenv->FindClass("org/gdal/gdal/GCP"); const jclass vectorClass = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Vector"); const jmethodID add = jenv->GetMethodID(vectorClass, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"); const jmethodID GCPcon = jenv->GetMethodID(GCPClass, "", "(DDDDDLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"); for( int i = 0; i < *$1; i++ ) { jstring stringInfo = jenv->NewStringUTF((*$2)[i].pszInfo); jstring stringId = jenv->NewStringUTF((*$2)[i].pszId); jobject GCPobj = jenv->NewObject(GCPClass, GCPcon, (*$2)[i].dfGCPX, (*$2)[i].dfGCPY, (*$2)[i].dfGCPZ, (*$2)[i].dfGCPPixel, (*$2)[i].dfGCPLine, stringInfo, stringId); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(stringInfo); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(stringId); jenv->CallBooleanMethod($input, add, GCPobj); } } %typemap(jni) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) "jobject" %typemap(jtype) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) "java.util.Vector" %typemap(jstype) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) "java.util.Vector" %typemap(javain) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) { /* %typemap(in) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) */ $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); $2 = (unsigned char *)jenv->GetByteArrayElements($input, NULL); } } %typemap(argout) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) { /* %typemap(argout) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) */ } %typemap(freearg) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) */ /* This calls JNI_ABORT, so any modifications will not be passed back into the Java caller */ if($2) { jenv->ReleaseByteArrayElements($input, (jbyte *)$2, JNI_ABORT); } } %typemap(jni) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) "jbyteArray" %typemap(jtype) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) "byte[]" %typemap(jstype) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) "byte[]" %typemap(javain) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) (int nBytes) { /* %typemap(in) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) (int nBytes) */ if ($input) { $1 = (char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars($input, 0); } else { SWIG_JavaException(jenv, SWIG_ValueError, "Received a NULL pointer."); return $null; } $2 = &nBytes; } %typemap(argout) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) { /* %typemap(argout) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) */ if ($input) { jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars($input, (char*)$1); } $result = jenv->NewByteArray(nBytes$argnum); jenv->SetByteArrayRegion($result, (jsize)0, (jsize)nBytes$argnum, (jbyte*)result); CPLFree(result); } %typemap(jni) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) "jstring" %typemap(jtype) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) "String" %typemap(jstype) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) "String" %typemap(javain) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (GByte* outBytes ) ***************************************************/ %typemap(out) (GByte* outBytes ) { /* %typemap(out) (GByte* outBytes ) */ } %typemap(jni) (GByte* outBytes ) "jbyteArray" %typemap(jtype) (GByte* outBytes ) "byte[]" %typemap(jstype) (GByte* outBytes ) "byte[]" %typemap(javain) (GByte* outBytes ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (GByte* outBytes ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) { /* %typemap(in) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) */ if ($input) { $1 = (char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars($input, 0); } } %typemap(freearg) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) { /* %typemap(freearg) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) */ if ($input) { jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars($input, (char*)$1); } } %typemap(jni) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) "jstring" %typemap(jtype) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) "String" %typemap(jstype) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) "String" %typemap(javain) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (const char* stringWithDefaultValue) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (tostring argin) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (tostring argin) { /* %typemap(in) (tostring argin) */ if ($input) $1 = (char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars($input, 0); } %typemap(freearg) (tostring argin) { /* %typemap(in) (tostring argin) */ if ($input) jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars($input, (char*)$1); } %typemap(jni) (tostring argin) "jstring" %typemap(jtype) (tostring argin) "String" %typemap(jstype) (tostring argin) "String" %typemap(javain) (tostring argin) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (tostring argin) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (retStringAndCPLFree*) ***************************************************/ %typemap(out) (retStringAndCPLFree*) { /* %typemap(out) (retStringAndCPLFree*) */ if(result) { $result = jenv->NewStringUTF((const char *)result); CPLFree(result); } } %typemap(jni) (retStringAndCPLFree*) "jstring" %typemap(jtype) (retStringAndCPLFree*) "String" %typemap(jstype) (retStringAndCPLFree*) "String" %typemap(javain) (retStringAndCPLFree*) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (retStringAndCPLFree*) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (char **ignorechange) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (char **ignorechange) (char* ori_val, char *val) { /* %typemap(in) (char **ignorechange) */ ori_val = val = (char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars($input, 0); $1 = &val; } %typemap(freearg) (char **ignorechange) { /* %typemap(freearg) (char **ignorechange) */ jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars($input, ori_val$argnum); } %typemap(jni) (char **ignorechange) "jstring" %typemap(jtype) (char **ignorechange) "String" %typemap(jstype) (char **ignorechange) "String" %typemap(javain) (char **ignorechange) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **ignorechange) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (int *nLen, char **pBuf) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in,numinputs=0) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) ( int nLen, char *pBuf ) { /* %typemap(in) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) */ $1 = &nLen; $2 = &pBuf; } %typemap(argout) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) { /* %typemap(argout) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) */ jbyteArray byteArray = jenv->NewByteArray(nLen$argnum); jenv->SetByteArrayRegion(byteArray, (jsize)0, (jsize)nLen$argnum, (jbyte*)pBuf$argnum); $result = byteArray; } %typemap(freearg) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) */ if( nLen$argnum ) { free( pBuf$argnum ); } } %typemap(jni) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) "jbyteArray" %typemap(jtype) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) "byte[]" %typemap(jstype) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) "byte[]" %typemap(javain) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int *nLen, char **pBuf ) { return $jnicall; } %import "ogr_error_map.i" %typemap(out,fragment="OGRErrMessages") OGRErr { /* %typemap(out) OGRErr */ if (result != 0 && bUseExceptions) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, OGRErrMessages(result)); return $null; } $result = (jint)result; } %typemap(ret) OGRErr { /* %typemap(ret) OGRErr */ } /* GDAL Typemaps */ %typemap(out) IF_ERR_RETURN_NONE { /* %typemap(out) IF_ERR_RETURN_NONE */ $result = 0; } %typemap(ret) IF_ERR_RETURN_NONE { /* %typemap(ret) IF_ERR_RETURN_NONE */ } %typemap(out) IF_FALSE_RETURN_NONE { /* %typemap(out) IF_FALSE_RETURN_NONE */ $result = 0; } %typemap(ret) IF_FALSE_RETURN_NONE { /* %typemap(ret) IF_FALSE_RETURN_NONE */ } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int nList, int* pList) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int nList, int* pList) { /* %typemap(in) (int nList, int* pList) */ /* check if is List */ if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); if ($1 == 0) $2 = NULL; else $2 = (int *)jenv->GetIntArrayElements($input, NULL); } else { $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; } } %typemap(argout) (int nList, int* pList) { /* %typemap(argout) (int nList, int* pList) */ } %typemap(freearg) (int nList, int* pList) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int nList, int* pList) */ if ($2) { jenv->ReleaseIntArrayElements($input, (jint*)$2, JNI_ABORT); } } %typemap(jni) (int nList, int* pList) "jintArray" %typemap(jtype) (int nList, int* pList) "int[]" %typemap(jstype) (int nList, int* pList) "int[]" %typemap(javain) (int nLen, int* pList ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int nLen, int* pList ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int nList, int* pListOut) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int nList, int* pListOut) { /* %typemap(in) (int nList, int* pListOut) */ /* check if is List */ if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); $2 = (int*) malloc($1 * sizeof(int)); } else { $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; } } %typemap(argout) (int nList, int* pListOut) { /* %typemap(argout) (int nList, int* pListOut) */ } %typemap(freearg) (int nList, int* pListOut) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int nList, int* pListOut) */ if ($2) { jenv->SetIntArrayRegion($input, 0, $1, (jint*)$2); free((void*) $2); } } %typemap(jni) (int nList, int* pListOut) "jintArray" %typemap(jtype) (int nList, int* pListOut) "int[]" %typemap(jstype) (int nList, int* pListOut) "int[]" %typemap(javain) (int nLen, int* pListOut ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int nLen, int* pListOut ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) (int nLen = 0, int* pBuf = NULL) { /* %typemap(in) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) */ $1 = &nLen; $2 = &pBuf; } %typemap(argout) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) { /* %typemap(argout) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) */ if($input && jenv->GetArrayLength($input) >= 1) { jintArray intArray = jenv->NewIntArray(nLen$argnum); jenv->SetIntArrayRegion(intArray, (jsize)0, (jsize)nLen$argnum, (jint*)pBuf$argnum); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement($input,0,intArray); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(intArray); } CPLFree(pBuf$argnum); } %typemap(freearg) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) */ } %typemap(jni) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) "int[][]" %typemap(jstype) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) "int[][]" %typemap(javain) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int* pnList, int** ppListOut) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) (int nLen, int* pList) { /* %typemap(in) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) */ $1 = $input; $2 = &nLen; $3 = &pList; } %typemap(argout) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) { /* %typemap(argout) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) */ jintArray intArray = jenv->NewIntArray(nLen$argnum); jenv->SetIntArrayRegion(intArray, (jsize)0, (jsize)nLen$argnum, (jint*)pList$argnum); $result = intArray; } %typemap(freearg) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) */ } %typemap(jni) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) "jint" %typemap(jtype) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) "int" %typemap(jstype) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) "int" %typemap(javain) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int id, int *nLen, const int **pList) { return $jnicall; } %typemap(out) (retIntArray) { } %typemap(jni) (retIntArray) "jintArray" %typemap(jtype) (retIntArray) "int[]" %typemap(jstype) (retIntArray) "int[]" %typemap(javain) (retIntArray) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (retIntArray) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) (int nLen, double* pList) { /* %typemap(in) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) */ $1 = $input; $2 = &nLen; $3 = &pList; } %typemap(argout) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) { /* %typemap(argout) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) */ jdoubleArray doubleArray = jenv->NewDoubleArray(nLen$argnum); jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion(doubleArray, (jsize)0, (jsize)nLen$argnum, pList$argnum); $result = doubleArray; } %typemap(freearg) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) */ } %typemap(jni) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) "jint" %typemap(jtype) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) "int" %typemap(jstype) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) "int" %typemap(javain) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int id, int *nLen, const double **pList) { return $jnicall; } %typemap(out) (retDoubleArray) { } %typemap(jni) (retDoubleArray) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (retDoubleArray) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (retDoubleArray) "double[]" %typemap(javain) (retDoubleArray) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (retDoubleArray) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int nList, double* pList) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int nList, double* pList) { /* %typemap(in) (int nList, double* pList) */ /* check if is List */ if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); if ($1 == 0) $2 = NULL; else $2 = (double *)jenv->GetDoubleArrayElements($input, NULL); } else { $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; } } %typemap(argout) (int nList, double* pList) { /* %typemap(argout) (int nList, double* pList) */ } %typemap(freearg) (int nList, double* pList) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int nList, double* pList) */ if ($2) { jenv->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements($input, $2, JNI_ABORT); } } %typemap(jni) (int nList, double* pList) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (int nList, double* pList) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (int nList, double* pList) "double[]" %typemap(javain) (int nLen, double *pList ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int nLen, double *pList ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) { /* %typemap(in)(int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) */ /* check if is List */ if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); if ($1 == 0) $2 = NULL; else { $2 = (GDALRasterBandShadow**) malloc(sizeof(GDALRasterBandShadow*) * $1); int i; for (i = 0; i<$1; i++) { jobject obj = (jobject)jenv->GetObjectArrayElement($input, i); if (obj == NULL) { free ($2 ); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null object in array"); return $null; } const jclass klass = jenv->FindClass("org/gdal/gdal/Band"); const jmethodID getCPtr = jenv->GetStaticMethodID(klass, "getCPtr", "(Lorg/gdal/gdal/Band;)J"); $2[i] = (GDALRasterBandShadow*) jenv->CallStaticLongMethod(klass, getCPtr, obj); } } } else { $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; } } %typemap(argout) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) { /* %typemap(argout) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) */ } %typemap(freearg) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) */ if ($2) { free((void*) $2); } } %typemap(jni) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) "Band[]" %typemap(jstype) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) "Band[]" %typemap(javain) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int object_list_count, GDALRasterBandShadow **poObjects) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * * Java typemaps for (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) { /* %typemap(in)(int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) */ /* check if is List */ if ($input) { $1 = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); if ($1 == 0) $2 = NULL; else { $2 = (GDALDatasetShadow**) malloc(sizeof(GDALDatasetShadow*) * $1); int i; for (i = 0; i<$1; i++) { jobject obj = (jobject)jenv->GetObjectArrayElement($input, i); if (obj == NULL) { free ($2 ); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null object in array"); return $null; } const jclass klass = jenv->FindClass("org/gdal/gdal/Dataset"); const jmethodID getCPtr = jenv->GetStaticMethodID(klass, "getCPtr", "(Lorg/gdal/gdal/Dataset;)J"); $2[i] = (GDALDatasetShadow*) jenv->CallStaticLongMethod(klass, getCPtr, obj); } } } else { $1 = 0; $2 = NULL; } } %typemap(argout) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) { /* %typemap(argout) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) */ } %typemap(freearg) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) */ if ($2) { free((void*) $2); } } %typemap(jni) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) "Dataset[]" %typemap(jstype) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) "Dataset[]" %typemap(javain) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (int object_list_count, GDALDatasetShadow **poObjects) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps converts the Hashtable to a char array * ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) char **dict { /* %typemap(in) char **dict */ /* Convert the Hashtable to a char array */ $1 = NULL; if($input != 0) { const jclass hashtable = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Hashtable"); const jclass enumeration = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Enumeration"); const jclass stringClass = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/String"); const jmethodID get = jenv->GetMethodID(hashtable, "get", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"); const jmethodID keys = jenv->GetMethodID(hashtable, "keys", "()Ljava/util/Enumeration;"); const jmethodID hasMoreElements = jenv->GetMethodID(enumeration, "hasMoreElements", "()Z"); const jmethodID nextElement = jenv->GetMethodID(enumeration, "nextElement", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); for (jobject keyset = jenv->CallObjectMethod($input, keys); jenv->CallBooleanMethod(keyset, hasMoreElements) == JNI_TRUE;) { jstring key = (jstring)jenv->CallObjectMethod(keyset, nextElement); if (key == NULL || !jenv->IsInstanceOf(key, stringClass)) { CSLDestroy($1); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIllegalArgumentException, "a key in the hashtable is not a string"); return $null; } jstring value = (jstring)jenv->CallObjectMethod($input, get, key); if (value != NULL && !jenv->IsInstanceOf(value, stringClass)) { CSLDestroy($1); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIllegalArgumentException, "a value in the hashtable is not a string"); return $null; } const char *keyptr = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(key, 0); const char *valptr = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(value, 0); $1 = CSLAddNameValue($1, keyptr, valptr); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(key, keyptr); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, valptr); } } } %typemap(out) char **dict { /* %typemap(out) char ** -> to hash */ /* Convert a char array to a Hashtable */ char **stringarray = $1; const jclass hashtable = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Hashtable"); const jmethodID constructor = jenv->GetMethodID(hashtable, "", "()V"); const jmethodID put = jenv->GetMethodID(hashtable, "put", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"); $result = jenv->NewObject(hashtable, constructor); if ( stringarray != NULL ) { while (*stringarray != NULL ) { char const *valptr; char *keyptr; const char* pszSep = strchr( *stringarray, '=' ); if ( pszSep != NULL) { keyptr = CPLStrdup(*stringarray); keyptr[pszSep - *stringarray] = '\0'; valptr = pszSep + 1; jstring name = jenv->NewStringUTF(keyptr); jstring value = jenv->NewStringUTF(valptr); jenv->CallObjectMethod($result, put, name, value); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(name); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(value); CPLFree( keyptr ); } stringarray++; } } } %typemap(freearg) char **dict { /* %typemap(freearg) char **dict */ CSLDestroy( $1 ); } %typemap(jni) (char **dict) "jobject" %typemap(jtype) (char **dict) "java.util.Hashtable" %typemap(jstype) (char **dict) "java.util.Hashtable" %typemap(javain) (char **dict) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **dict) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps maps char** arguments from a Vector ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) char **options { /* %typemap(in) char **options */ $1 = NULL; if($input != 0) { const jclass vector = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Vector"); const jclass enumeration = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Enumeration"); const jclass stringClass = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/String"); const jmethodID elements = jenv->GetMethodID(vector, "elements", "()Ljava/util/Enumeration;"); const jmethodID hasMoreElements = jenv->GetMethodID(enumeration, "hasMoreElements", "()Z"); const jmethodID getNextElement = jenv->GetMethodID(enumeration, "nextElement", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); if(vector == NULL || enumeration == NULL || elements == NULL || hasMoreElements == NULL || getNextElement == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load (options **) jni types.\n"); return $null; } for (jobject keys = jenv->CallObjectMethod($input, elements); jenv->CallBooleanMethod(keys, hasMoreElements) == JNI_TRUE;) { jstring value = (jstring)jenv->CallObjectMethod(keys, getNextElement); if (value == NULL || !jenv->IsInstanceOf(value, stringClass)) { CSLDestroy($1); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIllegalArgumentException, "an element in the vector is not a string"); return $null; } const char *valptr = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(value, 0); $1 = CSLAddString($1, valptr); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, valptr); } } } %typemap(freearg) char **options { /* %typemap(freearg) char **options */ CSLDestroy( $1 ); } %typemap(out) char **options { /* %typemap(out) char ** -> Vector */ char **stringarray = $1; const jclass vector = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Vector"); const jmethodID constructor = jenv->GetMethodID(vector, "", "()V"); const jmethodID add = jenv->GetMethodID(vector, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"); $result = jenv->NewObject(vector, constructor); if ( stringarray != NULL ) { while(*stringarray != NULL) { /*printf("working on string %s\n", *stringarray);*/ jstring value = (jstring)jenv->NewStringUTF(*stringarray); jenv->CallBooleanMethod($result, add, value); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(value); stringarray++; } } } %typemap(jni) (char **options) "jobject" %typemap(jtype) (char **options) "java.util.Vector" %typemap(jstype) (char **options) "java.util.Vector" %typemap(javain) (char **options) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **options) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for retAsStringArrayNoFree ***************************************************/ %typemap(out) char **retAsStringArrayNoFree { /* %typemap(out) char **retAsStringArrayNoFree -> String[] */ char **stringarray = result; int i; int len=CSLCount(result); jstring temp_string; const jclass clazz = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/String"); $result = jenv->NewObjectArray(len, clazz, NULL); /* exception checking omitted */ for (i=0; iNewStringUTF(*stringarray++); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement(jresult, i, temp_string); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(temp_string); } } %typemap(jni) (char **retAsStringArrayNoFree) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (char **retAsStringArrayNoFree) "String[]" %typemap(jstype) (char **retAsStringArrayNoFree) "String[]" %typemap(javain) (char **retAsStringArrayNoFree) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **retAsStringArrayNoFree) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for retAsStringArrayNoFree ***************************************************/ %typemap(out) char **retAsStringArrayAndFree { /* %typemap(out) char **retAsStringArrayAndFree -> String[] */ char **stringarray = result; int i; int len=CSLCount(result); jstring temp_string; const jclass clazz = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/String"); $result = jenv->NewObjectArray(len, clazz, NULL); /* exception checking omitted */ for (i=0; iNewStringUTF(*stringarray++); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement(jresult, i, temp_string); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(temp_string); } CSLDestroy(result); } %typemap(jni) (char **retAsStringArrayAndFree) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (char **retAsStringArrayAndFree) "String[]" %typemap(jstype) (char **retAsStringArrayAndFree) "String[]" %typemap(javain) (char **retAsStringArrayAndFree) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **retAsStringArrayAndFree) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for char **OUTPUT ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) char **OUTPUT (char* ret) { /* %typemap(in) char **OUTPUT (char* ret) */ if (!$input) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array null"); return $null; } if (jenv->GetArrayLength($input) == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, "Array must contain at least 1 element"); return $null; } $1 = &ret; } %typemap(argout) char **OUTPUT { /* %typemap(argout) char **OUTPUT */ jstring temp_string = jenv->NewStringUTF(ret$argnum); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement($input, 0, temp_string); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(temp_string); } %typemap(jni) (char **OUTPUT) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (char **OUTPUT) "String[]" %typemap(jstype) (char **OUTPUT) "String[]" %typemap(javain) (char **OUTPUT) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **OUTPUT) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for char** CSL ***************************************************/ /* Almost same as %typemap(out) char **options */ /* but we CSLDestroy the char** pointer at the end */ %typemap(out) char **CSL { /* %typemap(out) char **CSL -> vector of strings */ char **stringarray = $1; const jclass vector = jenv->FindClass("java/util/Vector"); const jmethodID constructor = jenv->GetMethodID(vector, "", "()V"); const jmethodID add = jenv->GetMethodID(vector, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"); $result = jenv->NewObject(vector, constructor); if ( stringarray != NULL ) { while(*stringarray != NULL) { /*printf("working on string %s\n", *stringarray);*/ jstring value = (jstring)jenv->NewStringUTF(*stringarray); jenv->CallBooleanMethod($result, add, value); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(value); stringarray++; } } CSLDestroy($1); } %typemap(jni) (char **CSL) "jobject" %typemap(jtype) (char **CSL) "java.util.Vector" %typemap(jstype) (char **CSL) "java.util.Vector" %typemap(javain) (char **CSL) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **CSL) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for char **argout. ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (char **argout) ( char *argout=0 ) { /* %typemap(in) (char **argout) */ $1 = &argout; } %typemap(argout) (char **argout) { /* %typemap(argout) (char **argout) */ jstring temp_string; if($input != NULL && (int)jenv->GetArrayLength($input) >= 1) { temp_string = jenv->NewStringUTF(argout$argnum); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement($input, 0, temp_string); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(temp_string); } } %typemap(freearg) (char **argout) { /* %typemap(freearg) (char **argout) */ if($1) { CPLFree((void *)argout$argnum); } } %typemap(jni) (char **argout) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) (char **argout) "String[]" %typemap(jstype) (char **argout) "String[]" %typemap(javain) (char **argout) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (char **argout) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for double *argout[ANY] ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (double *argout[ANY]) (double *argout) { /* %typemap(in) (double *argout[ANY]) */ if($input == NULL || jenv->GetArrayLength($input) != $dim0) { char errorMsg[512]; sprintf(errorMsg, "array of size %d expected", $dim0); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, errorMsg); return $null; } $1 = &argout; } %typemap(argout) (double *argout[ANY]) { /* %typemap(argout) (double *argout[ANY]) */ jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion($input, (jsize)0, (jsize)$dim0, *$1); } %typemap(freearg) (double *argout[ANY]) { /* %typemap(freearg) (double *argout[ANY]) */ CPLFree(*$1); } %typemap(jni) (double *argout[ANY]) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (double *argout[ANY]) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (double *argout[ANY]) "double[]" %typemap(javain) (double *argout[ANY]) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (double *argout[ANY]) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for double argin[ANY] ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (double argin[ANY]) { /* %typemap(in) (double argin[ANY]) */ if($input == NULL || jenv->GetArrayLength($input) != $dim0) { char errorMsg[512]; sprintf(errorMsg, "array of size %d expected", $dim0); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, errorMsg); return $null; } $1 = (double *)jenv->GetDoubleArrayElements($input, NULL); } %typemap(argout) (double argin[ANY]) { /* %typemap(argout) (double argin[ANY]) */ } %typemap(freearg) (double argin[ANY]) { /* %typemap(in) (double argin[ANY]) */ if($1) { jenv->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements($input, (jdouble *)$1, JNI_ABORT); } } %typemap(jni) (double argin[ANY]) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (double argin[ANY]) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (double argin[ANY]) "double[]" %typemap(javain) (double argin[ANY]) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (double argin[ANY]) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for double argout[ANY] ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (double argout[ANY]) { /* %typemap(in) (double argout[ANY]) */ if($input == NULL || jenv->GetArrayLength($input) != $dim0) { char errorMsg[512]; sprintf(errorMsg, "array of size %d expected", $dim0); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, errorMsg); return $null; } $1 = (double *)jenv->GetDoubleArrayElements($input, NULL); } %typemap(argout) (double argout[ANY]) { /* %typemap(argout) (double argout[ANY]) */ } %typemap(freearg) (double argout[ANY]) { /* %typemap(freearg) (double argout[ANY]) */ jenv->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements($input, (jdouble *)$1, 0); } %typemap(jni) (double argout[ANY]) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (double argout[ANY]) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (double argout[ANY]) "double[]" %typemap(javain) (double argout[ANY]) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (double argout[ANY]) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for char ** ***************************************************/ /* This tells SWIG to treat char ** as a special case when used as a parameter in a function call */ %typemap(in) char ** (jint size) { /* %typemap(in) char ** (jint size) */ int i = 0; size = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); $1 = (char **) malloc((size+1)*sizeof(char *)); /* make a copy of each string */ for (i = 0; iGetObjectArrayElement($input, i); const char * c_string = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(j_string, 0); $1[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen((c_string)+1)*sizeof(const char *)); strcpy($1[i], c_string); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(j_string, c_string); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(j_string); } $1[i] = 0; } /* This cleans up the memory we malloc'd before the function call */ %typemap(freearg) char ** { /* %typemap(freearg) char ** */ int i; for (i=0; iFindClass("java/lang/String"); while ($1[len]) len++; jresult = jenv->NewObjectArray(len, clazz, NULL); /* exception checking omitted */ for (i=0; iNewStringUTF(*result++); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement(jresult, i, temp_string); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(temp_string); } } %typemap(jni) char ** "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) char ** "String[]" %typemap(jstype) char ** "String[]" %typemap(javain) char ** "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) char ** { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) { /* %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) */ if ($input == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null array"); return $null; } $1 = jenv->GetDirectBufferAddress($input); if ($1 == NULL) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "Unable to get address of direct buffer. Buffer must be allocated direct."); return $null; } /* The cast to long is actually not that correct, but anyway afterwards */ /* we check that the theoretical minimum buffer size is not larger than INT_MAX */ /* so truncating to INT_MAX is OK */ $2 = (long) ((jenv->GetDirectBufferCapacity($input) > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : jenv->GetDirectBufferCapacity($input)); } /* These 3 typemaps tell SWIG what JNI and Java types to use */ %typemap(jni) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) "jobject" %typemap(jtype) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) "java.nio.ByteBuffer" %typemap(jstype) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) "java.nio.ByteBuffer" %typemap(javain) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (void * nioBuffer, long nioBufferSize) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) ***************************************************/ %define DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_OUT(ctype, jtype, function) %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) { /* %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) */ if ($input == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null array"); return $null; } $2 = sizeof(ctype) * jenv->GetArrayLength($input); $1 = (ctype*) malloc($2); //$1 = (ctype*) jenv->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical($input, 0); if ($1 == NULL) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "Unable to allocate temporary buffer."); return $null; } } %typemap(freearg) (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) { /* %typemap(freearg) (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) */ if (result == CE_None) jenv->function($input, (jsize)0, jenv->GetArrayLength($input), (jtype*)$1); free($1); //jenv->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical($input, $1, JNI_COMMIT); //jenv->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical($input, $1, 0); } /* These 3 typemaps tell SWIG what JNI and Java types to use */ %typemap(javain) (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (ctype *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) { return $jnicall; } %enddef DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_OUT(char, jbyte, SetByteArrayRegion); %typemap(jni) (char *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "jbyteArray" %typemap(jtype) (char *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "byte[]" %typemap(jstype) (char *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "byte[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_OUT(short, jshort, SetShortArrayRegion); %typemap(jni) (short *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "jshortArray" %typemap(jtype) (short *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "short[]" %typemap(jstype) (short *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "short[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_OUT(int, jint, SetIntArrayRegion); %typemap(jni) (int *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "jintArray" %typemap(jtype) (int *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "int[]" %typemap(jstype) (int *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "int[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_OUT(float, jfloat, SetFloatArrayRegion); %typemap(jni) (float *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "jfloatArray" %typemap(jtype) (float *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "float[]" %typemap(jstype) (float *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "float[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_OUT(double, jdouble, SetDoubleArrayRegion); %typemap(jni) (double *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (double *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (double *regularArrayOut, long nRegularArraySizeOut) "double[]" /*************************************************** * Typemaps for (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) ***************************************************/ %define DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_IN(ctype, jtype, get_fct, release_fct) %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) { /* %typemap(in, numinputs=1) (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) */ if ($input == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null array"); return $null; } $2 = sizeof(ctype) * jenv->GetArrayLength($input); $1 = (ctype*) jenv->get_fct($input, 0); if ($1 == NULL) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "Unable to get buffer."); return $null; } } %typemap(freearg) (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) { /* %typemap(freearg) (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) */ jenv->release_fct($input, (jtype*) $1, JNI_ABORT); } /* These 3 typemaps tell SWIG what JNI and Java types to use */ %typemap(javain) (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (ctype *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) { return $jnicall; } %enddef DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_IN(char, jbyte, GetByteArrayElements, ReleaseByteArrayElements); %typemap(jni) (char *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "jbyteArray" %typemap(jtype) (char *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "byte[]" %typemap(jstype) (char *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "byte[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_IN(short, jshort, GetShortArrayElements, ReleaseShortArrayElements); %typemap(jni) (short *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "jshortArray" %typemap(jtype) (short *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "short[]" %typemap(jstype) (short *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "short[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_IN(int, jint, GetIntArrayElements, ReleaseIntArrayElements); %typemap(jni) (int *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "jintArray" %typemap(jtype) (int *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "int[]" %typemap(jstype) (int *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "int[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_IN(float, jfloat, GetFloatArrayElements, ReleaseFloatArrayElements); %typemap(jni) (float *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "jfloatArray" %typemap(jtype) (float *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "float[]" %typemap(jstype) (float *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "float[]" DEFINE_REGULAR_ARRAY_IN(double, jdouble, GetDoubleArrayElements, ReleaseDoubleArrayElements); %typemap(jni) (double *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "jdoubleArray" %typemap(jtype) (double *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "double[]" %typemap(jstype) (double *regularArrayIn, long nRegularArraySizeIn) "double[]" /*************************************************** * Typemaps for GIntBig ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) (GIntBig) "$1 = $input;" %typemap(out) (GIntBig) { /* %typemap(out) (GIntBig) */ $result = result; } %typemap(jni) (GIntBig) "jlong" %typemap(jtype) (GIntBig) "long" %typemap(jstype) (GIntBig) "long" %typemap(javain) (GIntBig) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) (GIntBig) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) (int xyzLen) { /* %typemap(in) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) (int xyzLen) */ $1 = ($input) ? jenv->GetArrayLength($input) : 0; xyzLen = $1; $2 = (double*)CPLMalloc($1 * sizeof(double)); $3 = (double*)CPLMalloc($1 * sizeof(double)); $4 = (double*)CPLMalloc($1 * sizeof(double)); int i; for (i = 0; i<$1; i++) { jdoubleArray doubleArray = (jdoubleArray)jenv->GetObjectArrayElement($input, i); if (doubleArray == NULL) { CPLFree ($2); CPLFree ($3); CPLFree ($4); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null object in array"); return $null; } int nDim = jenv->GetArrayLength(doubleArray); if (nDim != 2 && nDim != 3) { CPLFree ($2); CPLFree ($3); CPLFree ($4); SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIllegalArgumentException, "wrong array dimensions"); return $null; } double* pElements = jenv->GetDoubleArrayElements(doubleArray, NULL); $2[i] = pElements[0]; $3[i] = pElements[1]; if (nDim == 3) $4[i] = pElements[2]; else $4[i] = 0; jenv->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(doubleArray, pElements, JNI_ABORT); } } %typemap(argout) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { /* %typemap(argout) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) */ int i; for (i = 0; i<$1; i++) { jdoubleArray doubleArray = (jdoubleArray)jenv->GetObjectArrayElement($input, i); int nDim = jenv->GetArrayLength(doubleArray); jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion(doubleArray, (jsize)0, (jsize)1, &$2[i]); jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion(doubleArray, (jsize)1, (jsize)1, &$3[i]); if (nDim == 3) jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion(doubleArray, (jsize)2, (jsize)1, &$4[i]); } CPLFree($2); CPLFree($3); CPLFree($4); } %typemap(jni) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) "double[][]" %typemap(jstype) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) "double[][]" %typemap(javain) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) ( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for ( int *panSuccess ) ***************************************************/ %typemap(in) ( int *panSuccess ) { /* %typemap(in) ( int *panSuccess ) */ if ($input == NULL) { $1 = (int*)CPLCalloc(xyzLen3, sizeof(int)); } else { int len = jenv->GetArrayLength($input); /* HACK */ if (len != xyzLen3) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIllegalArgumentException, "wrong array dimensions"); return $null; } $1 = (int*)CPLCalloc(len, sizeof(int)); } } %typemap(argout) ( int *panSuccess ) { /* %typemap(argout) ( int *panSuccess ) */ if ($input) jenv->SetIntArrayRegion($input, (jsize)0, (jsize)xyzLen3, (jint*)$1); CPLFree($1); } %typemap(jni) ( int *panSuccess ) "jintArray" %typemap(jtype) ( int *panSuccess ) "int[]" %typemap(jstype) ( int *panSuccess ) "int[]" %typemap(javain) ( int *panSuccess ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) ( int *panSuccess ) { return $jnicall; } /*************************************************** * Typemaps for Gemetry.GetPoints() ***************************************************/ %typemap(in,numinputs=0) (int* pnCount, double** ppadfXY, double** ppadfZ) ( int nPoints = 0, double* padfXY = NULL, double* padfZ = NULL) { /* %typemap(in,numinputs=0) (int* pnCount, double** ppadfXY, double** ppadfZ) */ $1 = &nPoints; $2 = &padfXY; $3 = &padfZ; } %typemap(argout) (int* pnCount, double** ppadfXY, double** ppadfZ) { /* %typemap(out) (int* pnCount, double** ppadfXY, double** ppadfZ) */ int nPointCount = *($1); if (nPointCount == 0) { $result = 0; } else { int nDimensions = (*$3 != NULL) ? 3 : 2; $result = jenv->NewObjectArray(nPointCount, jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Object"), NULL); for( int i=0; i< nPointCount; i++ ) { jdoubleArray dblArray = jenv->NewDoubleArray(nDimensions); jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion(dblArray, 0, 2, &( (*$2)[2*i] )); if (nDimensions == 3) jenv->SetDoubleArrayRegion(dblArray, 2, 1, &( (*$3)[i] )); jenv->SetObjectArrayElement($result, (jsize)i, dblArray); jenv->DeleteLocalRef(dblArray); } } } %typemap(freearg) (int* pnCount, double** ppadfXY, double** ppadfZ) { /* %typemap(freearg) (int* pnCount, double** ppadfXY, double** ppadfZ) */ VSIFree(*$2); VSIFree(*$3); } %typemap(argout) (retGetPoints*) { /* foo */ } %typemap(jni) ( retGetPoints* ) "jobjectArray" %typemap(jtype) ( retGetPoints* ) "double[][]" %typemap(jstype) ( retGetPoints* ) "double[][]" %typemap(javain) ( retGetPoints* ) "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) ( retGetPoints* ) { return $jnicall; }