# Boost serialization Library Build Jamfile # (C) Copyright Robert Ramey 2002-2004. # Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the # Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file # LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # # See http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization for the library home page. project libs/serialization/example : id serialization_example : requirements ../build//boost_serialization ; rule demo_bsl_run ( demo-name : othersources * : requirements * ) { return [ run # sources $(demo-name).cpp $(othersources).cpp : # command : # input files : # requirements # toolset suppress-warnings gcc:"-Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy" msvc-8.0:"-wd4996" borland:"-w-8080 -w-8071 -w-8057 -w-8062 -w-8008 -w-0018 -w-8066" # toolset optimizations gcc:"-ftemplate-depth-255" msvc:"-Gy" # toolset shared library support como,shared:no msvc,stlport,shared:no cw,static:no $(requirements) : # test name $(demo-name) ] ; } test-suite "demo-suite" : # demos [ demo_bsl_run demo ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_auto_ptr ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_exception ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_log : log_archive ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_pimpl : demo_pimpl_A ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_polymorphic : demo_polymorphic_A ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_portable_archive : portable_binary_iarchive portable_binary_oarchive ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_shared_ptr ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_simple_log ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_trivial_archive ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_xml ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_xml_save ] [ demo_bsl_run demo_xml_load : : demo_xml_save ] ;