## @class Geo::GDAL # @brief GDAL utility functions and a root class for raster classes. # @details Geo::GDAL wraps many GDAL utility functions and is as a root class # for all GDAL raster classes. A "raster" is an object, whose core is # a rectagular grid of cells, called a "band" in GDAL. Each cell # contains a numeric value of a specific data type. ## @ignore FileFromMemBuffer ## @ignore GDALDestroyDriverManager ## @ignore HasThreadSupport ## @ignore TermProgress ## @ignore TermProgress_nocb ## @ignore PopErrorHandler ## @ignore PushErrorHandler ## @ignore SetErrorHandler ## @ignore Error ## @ignore ErrorReset ## @ignore GetLastErrorMsg ## @ignore GetLastErrorNo ## @ignore GetLastErrorType ## @ignore last_error ## @ignore error ## @ignore named_parameters ## @ignore GeneralCmdLineProcessor ## @ignore ParseCommandLine ## @ignore GetDataTypeName ## @ignore GetDataTypeByName ## @ignore GetColorInterpretationName ## @ignore GetPaletteInterpretationName ## @ignore VSIFOpenL ## @ignore VSIFWriteL ## @ignore VSIFCloseL ## @ignore VSIFReadL ## @ignore VSIFSeekL ## @ignore VSIFTellL ## @ignore VSIFTruncateL ## @ignore Mkdir ## @ignore ReadDir ## @ignore ReadDirRecursive ## @ignore Rename ## @ignore Rmdir ## @ignore Stat ## @ignore Unlink ## @ignore VSIStdoutSetRedirection ## @ignore VSIStdoutUnsetRedirection ## @ignore Debug ## @ignore FillNodata ## @ignore ContourGenerate ## @ignore RegenerateOverviews ## @ignore RegenerateOverview ## @ignore ApplyGeoTransform ## @ignore InvGeoTransform ## @ignore GCPsToGeoTransform ## @ignore make_processing_options ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALDEMProcessingOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALDEMProcessing ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALGridOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALGrid ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALNearblackOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALNearblackDestDS ## @ignore wrapper_GDALNearblackDestName ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALRasterizeOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestDS ## @ignore wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALTranslateOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALTranslate ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALVectorTranslateOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestDS ## @ignore wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestName ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALWarpAppOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALWarpDestDS ## @ignore wrapper_GDALWarpDestName ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALInfoOptions ## @ignore GDALInfo ## @ignore_class Geo::GDAL::GDALBuildVRTOptions ## @ignore wrapper_GDALBuildVRT_objects ## @ignore wrapper_GDALBuildVRT_names ## @ignore ComputeMedianCutPCT ## @ignore DitherRGB2PCT ## @ignore ReprojectImage ## @ignore AutoCreateWarpedVRT ## @ignore ComputeProximity ## @ignore RasterizeLayer ## @ignore Polygonize ## @ignore FPolygonize ## @ignore SieveFilter ##### XML is in its own class ## @ignore NodeTypes ## @ignore NodeType ## @ignore ParseXMLString ## @ignore NodeData ## @ignore Children ## @ignore Child ## @ignore SerializeXMLTree ## @sub UseExceptions # Use the Perl exception mechanism for GDAL messages (failures are # confessed and warnings are warned) and collect the messages # into \@Geo::GDAL::error. This is the default. ## @sub DontUseExceptions # Do not use the Perl exception mechanism for GDAL messages. Instead # the messages are printed to standard error. ## @sub $errstr # Clear the error stack and return all generated GDAL error messages in one (possibly multiline) string. # @return the chomped error stack joined with newlines. ## @sub $VersionInfo($request = 'VERSION_NUM') # @param request A string specifying the request. Currently either # "VERSION_NUM", "RELEASE_DATE", "RELEASE_NAME", or # "--version". Default is "VERSION_NUM". # @return Requested information. ## @sub PushFinderLocation($path) # Add a path to the set of paths from where GDAL support files are # sought. Note that GDAL puts initially into the finder the current # directory and value of GDAL_DATA environment variable (if it # exists), installation directory (prepended with '/share/gdal' or # '/Resources/gdal'), or '/usr/local/share/gdal'. It is usually only # needed to add paths to the finder if using an alternate set of data # files or a non-installed GDAL is used (as in testing). ## @sub PopFinderLocation() # Remove the latest addition from the set of support file search # paths. Note that calling this subroutine may remove paths GDAL put # into the finder. ## @sub FinderClean() # Clear the set of support file search paths. ## @sub $FindFile($basename) # Search for GDAL support files. # # An example: # \code # use Geo::GDAL; # $a = Geo::GDAL::FindFile('pcs.csv'); # print STDERR "$a\n"; # \endcode # Prints (for example): # \code # c:\msys\1.0\local\share\gdal\pcs.csv # \endcode # # @param basename The name of the file to search for. For example # 'pcs.csv'. # @return the path to the searched file or undef. ## @sub SetConfigOption($key, $value) # @param key A GDAL config option. Consult the GDAL # documentation for available options and their use. # @param value A value for the option, typically 'YES', 'NO', # undef, path, numeric value, or a filename. ## @sub $GetConfigOption($key) # @param key A GDAL config option. Consult the GDAL # documentation for available options and their use. # @return the value of the GDAL config option. ## @sub $GetCacheMax() # @return maximum amount of memory (as bytes) for caching within GDAL. ## @sub SetCacheMax($Bytes) # @param Bytes New maximum amount of memory for caching within GDAL. ## @sub $GetCacheUsed() # @return the amount of memory currently used for caching within GDAL. ## @sub @DataTypes() # @return a list of GDAL raster cell data types. These are currently: # +list Geo::GDAL::Const GDT_ TypeCount ## @sub $GetDataTypeSize($DataType) # @param DataType A GDAL raster cell data type (one of those listed by Geo::GDAL::DataTypes). # @return the size as the number of bits. ## @sub @DataTypeValueRange($DataType) # @param DataType Data type (one of those listed by Geo::GDAL::DataTypes). # @note Some returned values are inaccurate. # # @return the minimum, maximum range of the data type. ## @sub $DataTypeIsComplex($DataType) # @param DataType A GDAL raster cell data type (one of those listed by Geo::GDAL::DataTypes). # @return true if the data type is a complex number. ## @sub @OpenFlags() # @return a list of GDAL data set open modes. These are currently: # +list Geo::GDAL::Const OF_ ## @sub @ResamplingTypes() # @return a list of GDAL resampling methods. These are currently: # +list Geo::GDAL::Const GRA_ ## @sub @RIOResamplingTypes() # @return a list of GDAL raster IO resampling methods. These are currently: # +list Geo::GDAL::Const GRIORA_ ## @sub $DecToDMS($angle, $axis, $precision=2) # Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, and seconds string # @param angle A number # @param axis A string specifying latitude or longitude ('Long'). # @param precision # @return a string nndnn'nn.nn'"L where n is a number and L is either # N or E ## @sub $PackedDMSToDec($packed) # @param packed DMS as a number DDDMMMSSS.SS # @return decimal degrees ## @sub $DecToPackedDMS($dec) # @param dec Decimal degrees # @return packed DMS, i.e., a number DDDMMMSSS.SS ## @ignore GetDriverCount ## @ignore GetDriver ## @ignore GetDriverByName ## @ignore GetDriverNames ## @sub @Drivers() # @note Use Geo::OGR::Drivers for vector drivers. # @return a list of all available GDAL raster drivers. ## @sub @DriverNames() # Available raster format drivers. # \code # perl -MGeo::GDAL -e '@d=Geo::GDAL::DriverNames;print "@d\n"' # \endcode # @note Use Geo::OGR::DriverNames for vector drivers. # @return a list of the short names of all available GDAL raster drivers. ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Driver Driver($Name) # Access a format driver. # @param Name The short name of the driver. One of # Geo::GDAL::DriverNames or Geo::OGR::DriverNames. # @note This subroutine is imported into the main namespace if Geo::GDAL # is used with qw/:all/. # @return a Geo::GDAL::Driver object. ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Driver IdentifyDriver($path, $siblings) # @param path a dataset path. # @param siblings [optional] A list of names of files that belong to the data format. # @return a Geo::GDAL::Driver. ## @sub $PackCharacter($DataType) # Get the character that is needed for Perl's pack and unpack when # they are used with Geo::GDAL::Band::ReadRaster and # Geo::GDAL::Band::WriteRaster. Note that Geo::GDAL::Band::ReadTile # and Geo::GDAL::Band::WriteTile have simpler interfaces that do not # require pack and unpack. # @param DataType A GDAL raster cell data type, typically from $band->DataType. # @return a character which can be used in Perl's pack and unpack. ## @ignore AccessTypes ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open(%params) # Open a dataset. # An example, which opens an existing raster dataset for editing: # \code # use Geo::GDAL qw/:all/; # $ds = Open(Name => 'existing.tiff', Access => 'Update'); # \endcode # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Name Dataset string (typically a filename). Default is '.'. # - \a Access Access type, either 'ReadOnly' or 'Update'. Default is 'ReadOnly'. # - \a Type Dataset type, either 'Raster', 'Vector', or 'Any'. Default is 'Any'. # - \a Options A hash of GDAL open options passed to candidate drivers. Default is {}. # - \a Files A list of names of files that are auxiliary to the main file. Default is []. # # @note This subroutine is imported into the main namespace if Geo::GDAL # is use'd with qw/:all/. # # @note Some datasets / dataset strings do not explicitly imply the # dataset type (for example a PostGIS database). If the type is not # specified in such a case the returned dataset may be of either type. # # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object if success. ## @ignore OpenShared ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenEx(%params) # The generic dataset open method, used internally by all Open and OpenShared methods. # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Name The name of the data set or source to open. (Default is '.') # - \a Flags A list of access mode flags. Available flags are listed by Geo::GDAL::OpenFlags(). (Default is []) # - \a Drivers A list of short names of drivers that may be used. Empty list means all. (Default is []) # - \a Options A hash of GDAL open options passed to candidate drivers. (Default is {}) # - \a Files A list of names of files that are auxiliary to the main file. (Default is []) # # An example # \code # $ds = Geo::GDAL::OpenEx(Name => 'existing.tiff', Flags => [qw/RASTER UPDATE/]); # \endcode # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. ## @class Geo::GDAL::XML # @brief A simple XML parser # @details ## @method new($string) # @param string String containing XML. # @return A new Geo::GDAL::XML object, which is a reference to an anonymous array. ## @method traverse(coderef subroutine) # @param subroutine Code reference, which will be called for each node in the XML with parameters: node, node_type, node_value. Node type is either Attribute, Comment, Element, Literal, or Text. ## @method serialize() # @return The XML serialized into a string. ## @class Geo::GDAL::AsyncReader # @brief Enable asynchronous requests. # @details This class is not yet documented nor tested in the GDAL Perl wrappers # @isa (Geo::GDAL) # @todo Test and document. ## @class Geo::GDAL::MajorObject # @brief An object, which holds meta data. # @details # @isa (Geo::GDAL) ## @sub Domains # @return the class specific DOMAINS list ## @method $Description($description) # @param description [optional] # @return the description in a non-void context. ## @method $GetDescription() # @return ## @method SetDescription($NewDesc) # @param NewDesc # ## @ignore SetMetadataItem ## @ignore GetMetadataItem ## @method \%Metadata(hashref metadata = undef, $domain = '') # @param metadata # @param domain # @return the metadata in a non-void context. ## @method \%GetMetadata($domain = "") # @note see Metadata # @param domain # @return ## @method SetMetadata(hashref metadata, $domain = "") # @note see Metadata # @param metadata # @param domain # ## @class Geo::GDAL::Driver # @brief A driver for a specific dataset format. # @details # @isa (Geo::GDAL::MajorObject Geo::GDAL) ## @method Open # The same as Geo::GDAL::Open except that only this driver is allowed. ## @ignore Register ## @ignore Deregister ## @attr ShortName # $driver->{ShortName} ## @attr LongName # $driver->{LongName} ## @attr HelpTopic # $driver->{HelpTopic} ## @method Rename($NewName, $OldName) # Rename (move) a GDAL dataset. # @param NewName String. # @param OldName String. ## @method CopyFiles($NewName, $OldName) # Copy the files of a dataset. # @param NewName String. # @param OldName String. # @method $Name # @return The short name of the driver. ## @method @Capabilities() # @return A list of capabilities. When executed as a package subroutine # returns a list of all potential capabilities a driver may have. When # executed as an object method returns a list of all capabilities the # driver has. # # Currently capabilities are: # +list Geo::GDAL::Const DCAP_ # # Examples. # \code # @all_capabilities = Geo::GDAL::Driver::Capabilities; # @capabilities_of_the_geotiff_driver = Geo::GDAL::Driver('GTiff')->Capabilities; # \endcode ## @method $TestCapability($cap) # Test whether the driver has the specified capability. # @param cap A capability string (one of those returned by Capabilities). # @return a boolean value. ## @method $Extension() # @note The returned extension does not contain a '.' prefix. # @return a suggested single extension or a list of extensions (in # list context) for datasets. ## @method $MIMEType() # @return a suggested MIME type for datasets. ## @method @CreationOptionList() # @return a list of options, each option is a hashref, the keys are # name, type and description or Value. Value is a listref. ## @method @CreationDataTypes() # @return a list of data types that can be used for new datasets of this format. A subset of Geo::GDAL::DataTypes ## @ignore CreateDataset ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Create(%params) # Create a raster dataset using this driver. # @note a.k.a. CreateDataset # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Name The name for the dataset (default is 'unnamed') or an object, which implements write and close. # - \a Width The width for the raster dataset (default is 256). # - \a Height The height for the raster dataset (default is 256). # - \a Bands The number of bands to create into the raster dataset (default is 1). # - \a Type The data type for the raster cells (default is 'Byte'). One of Geo::GDAL::Driver::CreationDataTypes. # - \a Options Driver creation options as a reference to a hash (default is {}). # # @return A new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. ## @ignore CreateCopy ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Copy(%params) # Create a new raster Geo::GDAL::Dataset as a copy of an existing dataset. # @note a.k.a. CreateCopy # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Name name for the new raster dataset. # - \a Src the source Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. # - \a Strict 1 (default) if the copy must be strictly equivalent, or 0 if the copy may adapt. # - \a Options an anonymous hash of driver specific options. # - \a Progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data). # - \a ProgressData [optional] # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. ## @method Delete($name) # @param name ## @class Geo::GDAL::GCP # @brief A ground control point for georeferencing rasters. # @details # @isa (Geo::GDAL) ## @cmethod $new($x = 0.0, $y = 0.0, $z = 0.0, $column = 0.0, $row = 0.0, $info = "", $id = "") # @param x projection coordinate # @param y projection coordinate # @param z projection coordinate # @param column cell x coordinate # @param row cell y coordinate # @param info informational message # @param id unique identifier (string) # @return a new Geo::GDAL::GCP object ## @attr X # projection coordinate (access as $gcp->{X}) ## @attr Y # projection coordinate (access as $gcp->{Y}) ## @attr Z # projection coordinate (access as $gcp->{Z}) ## @attr Column # cell x coordinate (access as $gcp->{Column}) ## @attr Row # cell y coordinate (access as $gcp->{Row}) ## @attr Info # informational message (access as $gcp->{Info}) ## @attr Id # unique identifier (string) (access as $gcp->{Id}) ## @class Geo::GDAL::Dataset # @brief A set of associated raster bands or vector layer source. # @details # @isa (Geo::GDAL::MajorObject Geo::GDAL) ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open # The same as Geo::GDAL::Open ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenShared # The same as Geo::GDAL::OpenShared ## @ignore FlushCache ## @ignore stdout_redirection_wrapper ## @attr RasterXSize # scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterXSize}) ## @attr RasterYSize # scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterYSize}) ## @attr RasterCount # scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterCount}) ## @method @GetFileList() # @return list of files GDAL believes to be part of this dataset. ## @method @Size() # @return (width, height) ## @method Geo::GDAL::Driver Driver() # @note a.k.a. GetDriver # @return a Geo::GDAL::Driver object that was used to open or create this dataset. ## @ignore GetRasterBand ## @method Geo::GDAL::Band Band($index) # Create a band object for the band within the dataset. # @note a.k.a. GetRasterBand # @param index 1...RasterCount, default is 1. # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Band object ## @method @Bands() # @return a list of new Geo::GDAL::Band objects ## @ignore GetLayerByIndex ## @ignore GetLayerByName ## @ignore Layer ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer GetLayer($name) # @param name the name of the requested layer. If not given, then # returns the first layer in the data source. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Layer object that represents the layer # in the data source. ## @ignore GetLayerCount ## @ignore Layers ## @method @GetLayerNames() # @note Delivers the functionality of undocumented method GetLayerCount. # @return a list of the names of the layers this data source provides. ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer CreateLayer(%params) # @brief Create a new vector layer into this dataset. # # @param %params Named parameters: # - \a Name (scalar) name for the new layer. # - \a Fields (array reference) a list of (scalar and geometry) field definitions as in # Geo::OGR::Layer::CreateField. # - \a ApproxOK (boolean value, default is true) a flag, which is forwarded to Geo::OGR::Layer::CreateField. # - \a Options (hash reference) driver specific hash of layer creation options. # - \a Schema (hash reference, deprecated, use \a Fields and \a Name) may contain keys Name, Fields, GeomFields, GeometryType. # - \a SRS (scalar) the spatial reference for the default geometry field. # - \a GeometryType (scalar) the type of the default geometry field # (if only one geometry field). Default is 'Unknown'. # # @note If Fields or Schema|Fields is not given, a default geometry # field (Name => '', GeometryType => 'Unknown') is created. If it is # given and it contains spatial fields, GeometryType is ignored. The # type can be also set with the named parameter. # # Example: # \code # my $roads = Geo::OGR::Driver('Memory')->Create('road')-> # CreateLayer( # Fields => [ { Name => 'class', # Type => 'Integer' }, # { Name => 'geom', # Type => 'LineString25D' } ] ); # \endcode # # @note Many formats allow only one spatial field, which currently # requires the use of GeometryType. # # @return a new Geo::OGR::Layer object. ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer CopyLayer($layer, $name, hashref options = undef) # @param layer A Geo::OGR::Layer object to be copied. # @param name A name for the new layer. # @param options A ref to a hash of format specific options. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Layer object. ## @method DeleteLayer($name) # Deletes a layer from the data source. Note that if there is a layer # object for the deleted layer, it becomes unusable. # @param name name of the layer to delete. ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer ExecuteSQL($statement, $geom = undef, $dialect = "") # @param statement A SQL statement. # @param geom A Geo::OGR::Geometry object. # @param dialect # @return a new Geo::OGR::Layer object. The data source object will # exist as long as the layer object exists. ## @method ReleaseResultSet($layer) # @param layer A layer the has been created with ExecuteSQL. # @note There is no need to call this method. The result set layer is # released in the destructor of the layer that was created with SQL. ## @ignore GetProjectionRef ## @ignore GetProjection ## @ignore SetProjection ## @ignore Projection ## @method Geo::OSR::SpatialReference SpatialReference(Geo::OSR::SpatialReference sr) # Get or set the projection of this dataset. # @param sr [optional] a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object, # which replaces the existing projection definition of this dataset. # @return a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object, which represents the # projection of this dataset. # @note Methods GetProjection, SetProjection, and Projection return WKT strings. ## @ignore GetGeoTransform ## @ignore SetGeoTransform ## @method Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform GeoTransform(Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform $geo_transform) # Transformation from cell coordinates (column,row) to projection # coordinates (x,y) # \code # x = geo_transform[0] + column*geo_transform[1] + row*geo_transform[2] # y = geo_transform[3] + column*geo_transform[4] + row*geo_transform[5] # \endcode # @param geo_transform [optional] # @return the geo transform in a non-void context. ## @method BuildOverviews($resampling, arrayref overviews, coderef progress, $progress_data) # @param resampling the resampling method, one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes. # @param overviews The list of overview decimation factors to # build. For example [2,4,8]. # @param progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data) # @param progress_data [optional] ## @ignore GetGCPCount ## @ignore GetGCPs ## @ignore SetGCPs ## @method @GCPs(@GCPs, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference sr) # Get or set the GCPs and their projection. # @param GCPs [optional] a list of Geo::GDAL::GCP objects # @param sr [optional] the projection of the GCPs. # @return a list of Geo::GDAL::GCP objects followed by a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object. ## @method $GetGCPProjection() # @return projection string. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Extent Extent(@params) # @param params nothing, or a list ($xoff, $yoff, $w, $h) # @return A new Geo::GDAL::Extent object that represents the area that # this raster or the specified tile covers. ## @method Tile(Geo::GDAL::Extent e) # Compute the top left cell coordinates and width and height of the # tile that covers the given extent. # @param e The extent whose tile is needed. # @note Requires that the raster is a strictly north up one. # @return A list ($xoff, $yoff, $xsize, $ysize). ## @method FlushCache() # Write cached data to disk. There is usually no need to call this # method. ## @method AddBand($datatype = 'Byte', hashref options = {}) # Add a new band to the dataset. The driver must support the action. # @param datatype GDAL raster cell data type (one of those listed by Geo::GDAL::DataTypes). # @param options reference to a hash of format specific options. # @return The added band. ## @method WriteRaster(%params) # Write data into the dataset. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a XOff x offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a YOff y offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a XSize width of the area to write (default is the width of the dataset) # - \a YSize height of the area to write (default is the height of the dataset) # - \a Buf a buffer (or a reference to a buffer) containing the data. Create the buffer with \a pack function of Perl. See Geo::GDAL::Band::PackCharacter. # - \a BufXSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as XSize) # - \a BufYSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as YSize) # - \a BufType data type of the buffer (default is the data type of the first band) # - \a BandList a reference to an array of band indices (default is [1]) # - \a BufPixelSpace (default is 0) # - \a BufLineSpace (default is 0) # - \a BufBandSpace (default is 0) # # Entry in GDAL docs (method RasterIO) ## @method $ReadRaster(%params) # Read data from the dataset. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a XOff x offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a YOff y offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a XSize width of the area to read (default is the width of the dataset) # - \a YSize height of the area to read (default is the height of the dataset) # - \a BufXSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as XSize) # - \a BufYSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as YSize) # - \a BufType data type of the buffer (default is the data type of the first band) # - \a BandList a reference to an array of band indices (default is [1]) # - \a BufPixelSpace (default is 0) # - \a BufLineSpace (default is 0) # - \a BufBandSpace (default is 0) # - \a ResampleAlg one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes (default is 'NearestNeighbour'), # - \a Progress reference to a progress function (default is undef) # - \a ProgressData (default is undef) # # Entry in GDAL docs (method RasterIO) # @return a buffer, open the buffer with \a unpack function of Perl. See Geo::GDAL::Band::PackCharacter. ## @method CreateMaskBand() # Add a mask band to the dataset. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset DEMProcessing($Dest, $Processing, $ColorFilename, hashref Options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Apply a DEM processing to this dataset. # @param Dest Destination raster dataset definition string (typically filename) or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Processing Processing to apply, one of "hillshade", "slope", "aspect", "color-relief", "TRI", "TPI", or "Roughness". # @param ColorFilename The color palette for color-relief. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. # @param progress [optional] A reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data). # @param progress_data [optional] # ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Nearblack($Dest, hashref Options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Convert nearly black/white pixels to black/white. # @param Dest Destination raster dataset definition string (typically # filename), destination dataset to which to add an alpha or mask # band, or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. # @return Dataset if destination dataset definition string was given, # otherwise a boolean for success/fail but the method croaks if there # was an error. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Translate($Dest, hashref Options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Convert this dataset into another format. # @param Dest Destination dataset definition string (typically # filename) or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. # @return New dataset object if destination dataset definition # string was given, otherwise a boolean for success/fail but the # method croaks if there was an error. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Warped(%params) # Create a virtual warped dataset from this dataset. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a SrcSRS Override the spatial reference system of this dataset if there is one (default is undef). # - \a DstSRS The target spatial reference system of the result (default is undef). # - \a ResampleAlg The resampling algorithm (default is 'NearestNeighbour'). # - \a MaxError Maximum error measured in input cellsize that is allowed in approximating the transformation (default is 0 for exact calculations). # # # Documentation for GDAL warper. # # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Warp($Dest, hashref Options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Reproject this dataset. # @param Dest Destination raster dataset definition string (typically # filename) or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. # @note This method can be run as a package subroutine with a list of # datasets as the first argument to mosaic several datasets. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Grid($Dest, hashref Options) # Creates a regular raster grid from this data source. # This is equivalent to the gdal_grid utility. # @param Dest Destination raster dataset definition string (typically # filename) or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Rasterize($Dest, hashref Options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Render data from this data source into a raster. # @param Dest Destination raster dataset definition string (typically # filename), destination dataset, or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. # @return Dataset if destination dataset definition string was given, # otherwise a boolean for success/fail but the method croaks if there # was an error. # ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset BuildVRT($Dest, arrayref Sources, hashref Options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Build a virtual dataset from a set of datasets. # @param Dest Destination raster dataset definition string (typically # filename), or an object, which implements write and close. # @param Sources A list of filenames of input datasets or a list of # dataset objects. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. # @return Dataset object # # @note This subroutine is imported into the main namespace if Geo::GDAL # is use'd with qw/:all/. ## @method $Info(hashref Options) # Information about this dataset. # @param Options See section \ref index_processing_options. ## @method Geo::GDAL::ColorTable ComputeColorTable(%params) # Compute a color table from an RGB image # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Red The red band, the default is to use the red band of this dataset. # - \a Green The green band, the default is to use the green band of this dataset. # - \a Blue The blue band, the default is to use the blue band of this dataset. # - \a NumColors The number of colors in the computed color table. Default is 256. # - \a Progress reference to a progress function (default is undef) # - \a ProgressData (default is undef) # - \a Method The computation method. The default and currently only option is the median cut algorithm. # # @return a new color table object. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Band Dither(%params) # Compute one band with color table image from an RGB image # @params params Named parameters: # - \a Red The red band, the default is to use the red band of this dataset. # - \a Green The green band, the default is to use the green band of this dataset. # - \a Blue The blue band, the default is to use the blue band of this dataset. # - \a Dest The destination band. If this is not defined, a new in-memory band (and a dataset) will be created. # - \a ColorTable The color table for the result. If this is not defined, and the destination band does not contain one, it will be computed with the ComputeColorTable method. # - \a Progress Reference to a progress function (default is undef). Note that if ColorTable is computed using ComputeColorTable method, the progress will run twice from 0 to 1. # - \a ProgressData (default is undef) # # @return the destination band. # # Usage example. This code converts an RGB JPEG image into a one band PNG image with a color table. \code my $d = Geo::GDAL::Open('pic.jpg'); Geo::GDAL::Driver('PNG')->Copy(Name => 'test.png', Src => $d->Dither->Dataset); \endcode ## @class Geo::GDAL::Extent # @brief A rectangular area in projection coordinates: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Extent new(@params) # @param params nothing, a list ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax), or an Extent object # @return A new Extent object (empty if no parameters, a copy of the parameter if it is an Extent object). ## @sub @Size() # @return A list ($width, $height). ## @sub $Overlaps($extent) # @param extent Another Geo::GDAL::Extent object. # @return True if this extent overlaps the other extent, false otherwise. ## @sub $Overlap($extent) # @param extent Another Geo::GDAL::Extent object. # @return A new, possibly empty, Geo::GDAL::Extent object, which # represents the joint area of the two extents. ## @sub ExpandToInclude($extent) # Extends this extent to include the other extent. # @param extent Another Geo::GDAL::Extent object. ## @class Geo::GDAL::Band # @brief A raster band. # @details # @isa ( Geo::GDAL::MajorObject Geo::GDAL ) ## @sub ColorInterpretations # @return a list of types of color interpretation for raster # bands. These are currently: # +list Geo::GDAL::Const GCI_ ## @attr XSize # Object attribute. # scalar (access as $band->{XSize}) ## @attr YSize # Object attribute. # scalar (access as $band->{YSize}) ## @ignore GetDataset ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Dataset() # @return The dataset which this band belongs to. ## @ignore GetBand ## @method $GetBandNumber() # @return The index of this band in the parent dataset list of bands. ## @method $DataType() # @return The data type of this band. One of Geo::GDAL::DataTypes. ## @method $PackCharacter() # @return The character to use in Perl pack and unpack for the data of this band. ## @method @Size() # @return The size of the band as a list (width, height). ## @method @BlockSize() # A.k.a GetBlockSize # @return The size of a preferred i/o raster block size as a list # (width, height). ## @ignore GetRasterColorInterpretation ## @ignore SetRasterColorInterpretation ## @ignore GetColorInterpretation ## @ignore SetColorInterpretation ## @method $ColorInterpretation($color_interpretation) # @note a.k.a. GetRasterColorInterpretation and GetColorInterpretation # (get only and returns an integer), SetRasterColorInterpretation and # SetColorInterpretation (set only and requires an integer) # @param color_interpretation [optional] new color interpretation, one # of Geo::GDAL::Band::ColorInterpretations. # @return The color interpretation of this band. One of Geo::GDAL::Band::ColorInterpretations. ## @ignore GetNoDataValue ## @ignore SetNoDataValue ## @method $DeleteNoDataValue() ## @method $NoDataValue($NoDataValue) # Get or set the "no data" value. # @param NoDataValue [optional] # @note $band->NoDataValue(undef) sets the NoData value to the # Posix floating point maximum. Use Geo::GDAL::Band::DeleteNoDataValue # to stop this band using a NoData value. # @return The NoData value or undef in scalar context. An undef # value indicates that there is no NoData value associated with this # band. ## @ignore GetUnitType ## @ignore SetUnitType ## @method Unit($type) # @param type [optional] the unit (a string). # @note $band->Unit(undef) sets the unit value to an empty string. # @return the unit (a string). # @since version 1.9 of the bindings. ## @ignore GetScale ## @ignore SetScale ## @ignore GetOffset ## @ignore SetOffset ## @method ScaleAndOffset($scale, $offset) # Scale and offset are used to transform raw cell values into the # units returned by GetUnits(). The conversion function is: # \code # Units value = (raw value * scale) + offset # \endcode # @return a list ($scale, $offset), the values are undefined if they # are not set. # @since version 1.9 of the bindings. ## @method hashref ClassCounts($classifier, $progress = undef, $progress_data = undef) # Compute the counts of cell values or number of cell values in ranges. # @note Classifier is required only for float bands. Do not specify # one for integer bands. # @note NoData values are counted similar to other values. # # @param classifier Anonymous array of format [ $comparison, # $classifier ], where $comparison is a string '<', '<=', '>', or '>=' # and $classifier is an anonymous array of format [ $value, # $value|$classifier, $value|$classifier ], where $value is numeric # value against which the reclassified value is compared to. # @note Numeric value requires decimal point. # # In the example below, the real line is divided into ranges # [-inf..3), [3..5), and [5..inf], i.e., three ranges with indexes 0, # 1, and 2. # \code # $classifier = [ '<', [5.0, [3.0, 1.0, 2.0], 3.0] ]; # \endcode # @return a reference to an anonymous hash, which contains the class # values (indexes) as keys and the number of cells with that value or # in that range as values. If the subroutine is user terminated an # error is raised. ## @method Reclassify($classifier, $progress = undef, $progress_data = undef) # Reclassify the cells in the band. # @note This method is defined only for integer bands. # @note NoData values are reclassified if explicitly specified in the # map. However, they are not reclassified to the default value, if one # is specified. # @note If the subroutine is user terminated or the classifier is # incorrect, already reclassified cells will stay reclassified but an # error is raised. # @param classifier For integer rasters an anonymous hash, which # contains old class values as keys and new class values as values. A # special key '*' (star) can be used as default, to act as a fallback # new class value. For float rasters as in Geo::GDAL::Band::ClassCounts. ## @method ComputeRasterMinMax($approx_ok = 0) # @return arrayref MinMax = [min, max] ## @method ComputeBandStats($samplestep = 1) # @param samplestep the row increment in computing the statistics. # @note Returns uncorrected sample standard deviation. # # See also Geo::GDAL::Band::ComputeStatistics. # @return a list (mean, stddev). ## @method $GetMinimum() # @note Call Geo::GDAL::Band::ComputeStatistics before calling # GetMinimum to make sure the value is computed. # # @return statistical minimum of the band or undef if statistics are # not kept or computed in scalar context. In list context returns the # minimum value or a (kind of) minimum value supported by the data # type and a boolean value, which indicates which is the case (true is # first, false is second). ## @method $GetMaximum() # @note Call Geo::GDAL::Band::ComputeStatistics before calling # GetMaximum to make sure the value is computed. # # @return statistical minimum of the band or undef if statistics are # not kept or computed in scalar context. In list context returns the # maximum value or a (kind of) maximum value supported by the data # type and a boolean value, which indicates which is the case (true is # first, false is second). ## @method @ComputeStatistics($approx_ok, $progress = undef, $progress_data = undef) # @param approx_ok Whether it is allowed to compute the statistics # based on overviews or similar. # @note Returns uncorrected sample standard deviation. # # See also Geo::GDAL::Band::ComputeBandStats. # @return a list ($min, $max, $mean, $stddev). ## @method @GetStatistics($approx_ok, $force) # @param approx_ok Whether it is allowed to compute the statistics # based on overviews or similar. # @param force Whether to force scanning of the whole raster. # @note Uses Geo::GDAL::Band::ComputeStatistics internally. # # @return a list ($min, $max, $mean, $stddev). ## @method SetStatistics($min, $max, $mean, $stddev) # Save the statistics of the band if possible (the format can save # arbitrary metadata). # @param min # @param max # @param mean # @param stddev ## @method $GetOverviewCount() # @return the number of overviews available of the band. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Band GetOverview($index) # @param index 0..GetOverviewCount-1 # @return a Geo::GDAL::Band object, which represents the internal # overview band, or undef. if the index is out of bounds. ## @method HasArbitraryOverviews() # @return true or false. ## @method $Checksum($xoff = 0, $yoff = 0, $xsize = undef, $ysize = undef) # Computes a checksum from the raster or a part of it. # @param xoff # @param yoff # @param xsize # @param ysize # @return the checksum. ## @method Fill($real_part, $imag_part = 0.0) # Fill the band with a constant value. # @param real_part Real component of fill value. # @param imag_part Imaginary component of fill value. # ## @method Piddle($piddle, $xoff = 0, $yoff = 0, $xsize = , $ysize = , $xdim, $ydim) # Read or write band data from/into a piddle. # # \note The PDL module must be available for this method to work. Also, you # should 'use PDL' in the code that you use this method. # # @param piddle [only when writing] The piddle from which to read the data to be written into the band. # @param xoff, yoff The offset for data in the band, default is top left (0, 0). # @param xsize, ysize [optional] The size of the window in the band. # @param xdim, ydim [optional, only when reading from a band] The size of the piddle to create. # @return A new piddle when reading from a band (no not use when writing into a band). ## @method WriteTile($data, $xoff = 0, $yoff = 0) # Write band data from a Perl array. # # \note Accessing band data in this way is slow. Consider using PDL and Geo::GDAL::Band::Piddle. # # @param data A two-dimensional Perl array, organizes as data->[y][x], y = # 0..height-1, x = 0..width-1. # @param xoff # @param yoff # ## @method \@ReadTile($xoff = 0, $yoff = 0, $xsize = , $ysize = ) # Read band data into a Perl array. # # \note Accessing band data in this way is slow. Consider using PDL and Geo::GDAL::Band::Piddle. # # Usage example (print the data from a band): # \code # print "@$_\n" for ( @{ $band->ReadTile() } ); # \endcode # Another usage example (process the data of a large dataset that has one band): # \code # my($W,$H) = $dataset->Band()->Size(); # my($xoff,$yoff,$w,$h) = (0,0,200,200); # while (1) { # if ($xoff >= $W) { # $xoff = 0; # $yoff += $h; # last if $yoff >= $H; # } # my $data = $dataset->Band(1)->ReadTile($xoff,$yoff,min($W-$xoff,$w),min($H-$yoff,$h)); # # add your data processing code here # $dataset->Band(1)->WriteTile($data,$xoff,$yoff); # $xoff += $w; # } # # sub min { # return $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1]; # } # \endcode # @param xoff Number of cell to skip before starting to read from a row. Pixels are read from left to right. # @param yoff Number of cells to skip before starting to read from a column. Pixels are read from top to bottom. # @param xsize Number of cells to read from each row. # @param ysize Number of cells to read from each column. # @return a two-dimensional Perl array, organizes as data->[y][x], y = # 0..height-1, x = 0..width-1. I.e., y is row and x is column. ## @method WriteRaster(%params) # Write data into the band. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a XOff x offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a YOff y offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a XSize width of the area to write (default is the width of the band) # - \a YSize height of the area to write (default is the height of the band) # - \a Buf a buffer (or a reference to a buffer) containing the data. Create the buffer with \a pack function of Perl. See Geo::GDAL::Band::PackCharacter. # - \a BufXSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as XSize) # - \a BufYSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as YSize) # - \a BufType data type of the buffer (default is the data type of the band) # - \a BufPixelSpace (default is 0) # - \a BufLineSpace (default is 0) # # Entry in GDAL docs (method RasterIO) ## @method $ReadRaster(%params) # Read data from the band. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a XOff x offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a YOff y offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0) # - \a XSize width of the area to read (default is the width of the band) # - \a YSize height of the area to read (default is the height of the band) # - \a BufXSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as XSize) # - \a BufYSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as YSize) # - \a BufType data type of the buffer (default is the data type of the band) # - \a BufPixelSpace (default is 0) # - \a BufLineSpace (default is 0) # - \a ResampleAlg one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes (default is 'NearestNeighbour'), # - \a Progress reference to a progress function (default is undef) # - \a ProgressData (default is undef) # # Entry in GDAL docs (method RasterIO) # @return a buffer, open the buffer with \a unpack function of Perl. See Geo::GDAL::Band::PackCharacter. ## @method @GetHistogram(%parameters) # Compute histogram from the raster. # @param parameters Named parameters: # - \a Min the lower bound, default is -0.5 # - \a Max the upper bound, default is 255.5 # - \a Buckets the number of buckets in the histogram, default is 256 # - \a IncludeOutOfRange whether to use the first and last values in the returned list # for out of range values, default is false; # the bucket size is (Max-Min) / Buckets if this is false and # (Max-Min) / (Buckets-2) if this is true # - \a ApproxOK if histogram can be computed from overviews, default is false # - \a Progress an optional progress function, the default is undef # - \a ProgressData data for the progress function, the default is undef # @note Histogram counts are treated as strings in the bindings to be # able to use large integers (if GUIntBig is larger than Perl IV). In # practice this is only important if you have a 32 bit machine and # very large bucket counts. In those cases it may also be necessary to # use Math::BigInt. # @return a list which contains the count of values in each bucket ## @method @GetDefaultHistogram($force = 1, coderef progress = undef, $progress_data = undef) # @param force true to force the computation # @param progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data) # @param progress_data [optional] # @note See Note in Geo::GDAL::Band::GetHistogram. # @return a list: ($min, $max, arrayref histogram). ## @method @SetDefaultHistogram($min, $max, $histogram) # @param min # @param max # @note See Note in Geo::GDAL::Band::GetHistogram. # @param histogram reference to an array containing the histogram ## @method FlushCache() # Write cached data to disk. There is usually no need to call this # method. ## @ignore GetRasterColorTable ## @ignore SetRasterColorTable ## @ignore GetColorTable ## @ignore SetColorTable ## @method Geo::GDAL::ColorTable ColorTable($ColorTable) # Get or set the color table of this band. # @param ColorTable [optional] a Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object # @return A new Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object which represents the # internal color table associated with this band. Returns undef this # band does not have an associated color table. ## @sub @MaskFlags # @return the list of mask flags. These are # - \a AllValid: There are no invalid cell, all mask values will be 255. # When used this will normally be the only flag set. # - \a PerDataset: The mask band is shared between all bands on the dataset. # - \a Alpha: The mask band is actually an alpha band and may have values # other than 0 and 255. # - \a NoData: Indicates the mask is actually being generated from NoData values. # (mutually exclusive of Alpha). ## @method CreateMaskBand(@flags) # @note May invalidate any previous mask band obtained with Geo::GDAL::Band::GetMaskBand. # # @param flags one or more mask flags. The flags are Geo::GDAL::Band::MaskFlags. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Band GetMaskBand() # @return the mask band associated with this # band. ## @method @GetMaskFlags() # @return the mask flags of the mask band associated with this # band. The flags are one or more of Geo::GDAL::Band::MaskFlags. ## @ignore GetRasterCategoryNames ## @ignore SetRasterCategoryNames ## @ignore GetCategoryNames ## @ignore SetCategoryNames ## @method @CategoryNames(@names) # @param names [optional] # @return ## @ignore SetDefaultRAT ## @ignore GetDefaultRAT ## @method Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable AttributeTable($AttributeTable) # @param AttributeTable [optional] A Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable object. # @return a new Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable object, whose data is # contained within the band. ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer Polygonize(%params) # Polygonize this raster band. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Mask A raster band, which is used as a mask to select polygonized areas. Default is undef. # - \a OutLayer A vector layer into which the polygons are written. If not given, an in-memory layer 'polygonized' is created and returned. # - \a PixValField The name of the field in the output layer into which the cell value of the polygon area is stored. Default is 'val'. # - \a Options Hash or list of options. Connectedness can be set to 8 to use 8-connectedness, otherwise 4-connectedness is used. ForceIntPixel can be set to 1 to force using a 32 bit int buffer for cell values in the process. If this is not set and the data type of this raster does not fit into a 32 bit int buffer, a 32 bit float buffer is used. # - \a Progress Progress function. # - \a ProgressData Additional parameter for the progress function. # # @return Output vector layer. ## @ignore ContourGenerate ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer Contours($DataSource, hashref LayerConstructor, $ContourInterval, $ContourBase, arrayref FixedLevels, $NoDataValue, $IDField, $ElevField, coderef Progress, $ProgressData) # Generate contours for this raster band. This method can also be used with named parameters. # @note This method is a wrapper for ContourGenerate. # # An example: # \code # use Geo::GDAL; # $dem = Geo::GDAL::Open('dem.gtiff'); # $contours = $dem->Band->Contours(ContourInterval => 10, ElevField => 'z'); # $n = $contours->GetFeatureCount; # \endcode # # @param DataSource a Geo::OGR::DataSource object, default is a Memory data source # @param LayerConstructor data for Geo::OGR::DataSource::CreateLayer, default is {Name => 'contours'} # @param ContourInterval default is 100 # @param ContourBase default is 0 # @param FixedLevels a reference to a list of fixed contour levels, default is [] # @param NoDataValue default is undef # @param IDField default is '', i.e., no field (the field is created if this is given) # @param ElevField default is '', i.e., no field (the field is created if this is given) # @param progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data) # @param progress_data [optional] # @return ## @ignore FillNodata ## @method FillNoData($mask, $max_search_dist, $smoothing_iterations, $options, coderef progress, $progress_data) # Interpolate values for cells in this raster. The cells to fill # should be marked in the mask band with zero. # # @param mask [optional] a mask band indicating cells to be interpolated (zero valued) (default is to get it with Geo::GDAL::Band::GetMaskBand). # @param max_search_dist [optional] the maximum number of cells to # search in all directions to find values to interpolate from (default is 10). # @param smoothing_iterations [optional] the number of 3x3 smoothing filter passes to run (0 or more) (default is 0). # @param options [optional] A reference to a hash. No options have been defined so far for this algorithm (default is {}). # @param progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data) (default is undef). # @param progress_data [optional] (default is undef). # # Documentation for GDAL algorithms ## @method RegenerateOverviews(arrayref overviews, $resampling, coderef progress, $progress_data) # @todo This is not yet available # # @param overviews a list of Geo::GDAL::Band objects for the overviews. # @param resampling [optional] the resampling method (one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes) (default is Average). # @param progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data) # @param progress_data [optional] ## @method RegenerateOverview(Geo::GDAL::Band overview, $resampling, coderef progress, $progress_data) # @param overview a Geo::GDAL::Band object for the overview. # @param resampling [optional] the resampling method (one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes) (default is Average). # @param progress [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data) # @param progress_data [optional] ## @method Geo::GDAL::Band Sieve(%params) # Remove small areas by merging them into the largest neighbour area. # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Mask A raster band, which is used as a mask to select sieved areas. Default is undef. # - \a Dest A raster band into which the result is written. If not given, an new in-memory raster band is created and returned. # - \a Threshold The smallest area size (in number of cells) which are not sieved away. # - \a Options Hash or list of options. {Connectedness => 4} can be specified to use 4-connectedness, otherwise 8-connectedness is used. # - \a Progress Progress function. # - \a ProgressData Additional parameter for the progress function. # # @return The filtered raster band. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Band Distance(%params) # Compute distances to specific cells of this raster. # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Distance A raster band, into which the distances are computed. If not given, a not given, a new in-memory raster band is created and returned. The data type of the raster can be given in the options. # - \a Options Hash of options. Options are: # - \a Values A list of cell values in this band to measure the distance from. If this option is not provided, the distance will be computed to non-zero pixel values. Currently pixel values are internally processed as integers. # - \a DistUnits=PIXEL|GEO Indicates whether distances will be computed in cells or in georeferenced units. The default is pixel units. This also determines the interpretation of MaxDist. # - \a MaxDist=n The maximum distance to search. Distances greater than this value will not be computed. Instead output cells will be set to a NoData value. # - \a NoData=n The NoData value to use on the distance band for cells that are beyond MaxDist. If not provided, the distance band will be queried for a NoData value. If one is not found, 65535 will be used (255 if the type is Byte). # - \a Use_Input_NoData=YES|NO If this option is set, the NoData value of this band will be respected. Leaving NoData cells in the input as NoData pixels in the distance raster. # - \a Fixed_Buf_Val=n If this option is set, all cells within the MaxDist threshold are set to this value instead of the distance value. # - \a DataType The data type for the result if it is not given. # - \a Progress Progress function. # - \a ProgressData Additional parameter for the progress function. # # @note This GDAL function behind this API is called GDALComputeProximity. # # @return The distance raster. ## @class Geo::GDAL::ColorTable # @brief A color table from a raster band or a color table, which can be used for a band. # @details # @isa ( Geo::GDAL::MajorObject Geo::GDAL ) ## @cmethod Geo::GDAL::ColorTable new($GDALPaletteInterp = 'RGB') # Create a new empty color table. # @return a new Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object ## @method Geo::GDAL::ColorTable Clone() # Clone an existing color table. # @return a new Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object ## @method $GetPaletteInterpretation() # @return palette interpretation (string) ## @method $GetCount() # @return The number of colors in this color table. ## @ignore ColorEntries ## @ignore ColorTable ## @method @Colors(@colors) # Get or set the colors in this color table. # @note The color table will expand to the size of the input list but # it will not shrink. # @param colors [optional] A list of all colors (a list of lists) for this color table. # @return A list of colors (a list of lists). ## @ignore GetColorEntry ## @ignore GetColorEntryAsRGB ## @ignore SetColorEntry ## @ignore ColorEntry ## @method @Color($index, @color) # Get or set a color in this color table. # @param index The index of the color in the table. Note that the # color table may expand if the index is larger than the current max # index of this table and a color is given. An attempt to retrieve a # color out of the current size of the table causes an error. # @param color [optional] The color, either a list or a reference to a # list. If the list is too short or has undef values, the undef values # are taken as 0 except for alpha, which is taken as 255. # @note A color is an array of four integers having a value between 0 # and 255: (gray, red, cyan or hue; green, magenta, or lightness; # blue, yellow, or saturation; alpha or blackband) # @return A color, in list context a list and in scalar context a reference to an anonymous array. ## @method CreateColorRamp($start_index, arrayref start_color, $end_index, arrayref end_color) # @param start_index # @param start_color # @param end_index # @param end_color ## @class Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable # @brief An attribute table in a raster band. # @details # @isa = ( Geo::GDAL::MajorObject Geo::GDAL ) ## @cmethod Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable new() # @return a new Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable object ## @sub @FieldTypes() # @return ## @sub @FieldUsages() # @return ## @method Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable Clone() # @return a new Geo::GDAL::RasterAttributeTable object ## @method SetRowCount($count) # @param count # ## @method $GetRowCount() ## @method %Columns(%columns) # A get/set method for the columns of the RAT # @param columns optional, a the keys are column names and the values are anonymous # hashes with keys Type and Usage # @return a hash similar to the optional input parameter ## @method CreateColumn($name, $type, $usage) # @param name # @param type one of FieldTypes # @param usage one of FieldUsages ## @method $GetColumnCount() # @return ## @method $GetNameOfCol($column) # @param column # @return ## @method $GetUsageOfCol($column) # @param column # @return ## @method $GetTypeOfCol($column) # @param column # @return ## @method $GetColOfUsage($usage) # @param usage # @return ## @method $GetRowOfValue($value) # @param value a cell value # @return row index or -1 ## @method $Value($row, $column, $value) # @param row # @param column # @param value [optional] # @return ## @method $GetValueAsString($row, $column) # @param row # @param column # @return ## @method $GetValueAsInt($row, $column) # @param row # @param column # @return ## @method $GetValueAsDouble($row, $column) # @param row # @param column # @return ## @method SetValueAsString($row, $column, $value) # @param row # @param column # @param value # ## @method SetValueAsInt($row, $column, $value) # @param row # @param column # @param value # ## @method SetValueAsDouble($row, $column, $value) # @param row # @param column # @param value # ## @ignore GetLinearBinning ## @ignore SetLinearBinning ## @method LinearBinning($Row0MinIn, $BinSizeIn) # @param Row0MinIn [optional] the lower bound (cell value) of the first category. # @param BinSizeIn [optional] the width of each category (in cell value units). # @return ($Row0MinIn, $BinSizeIn) or an empty list if LinearBinning is not set. ## @class Geo::GDAL::Transformer # @brief # @details This class is not yet documented for the GDAL Perl bindings. # @todo Test and document. ## @class Geo::GDAL::VSIF # @brief A GDAL virtual file system. # @details # @isa = ( Geo::GDAL ) ## @sub Geo::GDAL::VSIF Open($filename, $mode) # @param filename Name of the file to open. For example "/vsimem/x". # @param mode Access mode. 'r', 'r+', 'w', etc. # @return A file handle on success. ## @method Close() ## @method $Read($count) # @param count The number of bytes to read from the file. # @return A byte string. ## @method Write($scalar) # @param scalar The byte string to write to the file. # @return Number of bytes written into the file. ## @method Seek($offset, $whence) ## @method $Tell() ## @method Truncate($new_size) ## @sub @ReadDir($dir) # @return Contents of a directory in an anonymous array or as a list. ## @sub $ReadDirRecursive($dir) # @note Give the directory in the form '/vsimem', i.e., without trailing '/'. # @return Contents of a directory tree in an anonymous array. ## @sub @Stat($filename) # @return ($filemode, $filesize). filemode is f for a plain file, d # for a directory, l for a symbolic link, p for a named pipe (FIFO), S # for a socket, b for a block special file, and c for a character # special file. ## @sub Unlink($filename) # @param filename The file to delete. # @return 0 on success and -1 on an error. ## @ignore Mkdir ## @sub MkDir($path) # Make a directory. # @param path The directory to make. # @note The name of this method is VSIMkdir in GDAL. ## @ignore Rmdir ## @sub RmDir($path) # Remove a directory. # @note The name of this method is VSIRmdir in GDAL. ## @sub Rename($old, $new) # Rename a file. # @note The name of this method is VSIRename in GDAL. ## @class Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform # @brief An array of affine transformation coefficients. # @details The geo transformation has the form # \code x = a + column * b + row * c y = d + column * e + row * f # \endcode # where # (column,row) is the location in cell coordinates, and # (x,y) is the location in projection coordinates, or vice versa. # A Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform object is a reference to an anonymous array [a,b,c,d,e,f]. # @isa = ( Geo::GDAL ) ## @cmethod new(@params) # @param params nothing, a reference to an array [a,b,c,d,e,f], a list # (a,b,c,d,e,f), or named parameters # - \a GCPs A reference to an array of Geo::GDAL::GCP objects. # - \a ApproxOK Minimize the error in the coefficients (integer, default is 1 (true), used with GCPs). # - \a Extent A Geo::GDAL::Extent object used to obtain the coordinates of the up left corner position. # - \a CellSize The cell size (width and height) (default is 1, used with Extent). # # @note When Extent is specifid, the created geo transform will be # north up, have square cells, and coefficient f will be -1 times the # cell size (image y - row - will increase downwards and projection y # will increase upwards). # @return a new Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform object. ## @ignore FromGCPs ## @ignore FromExtentAndCellSize ## @ignore Extent ## @method Apply($x, $y) # @param x Column or x, or a reference to an array of columns or x's # @param y Row or y, or a reference to an array of rows or y's # @return a list (x, y), where x and y are the transformed coordinates # or references to arrays of transformed coordinates. ## @method Inv # @return a new Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform object, which is the inverse # of this one (in void context changes this object).