## @class Geo::OGR # @brief OGR utility functions. # @details A wrapper for many OGR utility functions and a root class for all # OGR classes. ## @ignore TermProgress ## @ignore TermProgress_nocb ## @ignore BuildPolygonFromEdges ## @ignore ApproximateArcAngles ## @ignore OLMD_FID64 ## @ignore ForceTo ## @ignore ForceToLineString ## @ignore ForceToMultiLineString ## @ignore ForceToMultiPoint ## @ignore ForceToMultiPolygon ## @ignore ForceToPolygon ## @ignore GeometryTypeToName ## @ignore GetFieldTypeName ## @ignore GeometryType ## @ignore GetFieldSubTypeName ## @sub @GeometryTypes() # @return a list of all geometry types, currently: # +list Geo::OGR wkb 25DBit,25Bit,NDR,XDR ## @sub list ByteOrders # @return a list of byte order types, XDR and NDR. XDR denotes # big-endian and NDR denotes little-endian. ## @method $GeometryTypeModify($type, $modifier) # @param type a geometry type (one of Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes). # @param modifier one of 'flatten', 'set_Z', 'make_collection', 'make_curve', or 'make_linear'. # @return modified geometry type. ## @method $GeometryTypeTest($type, $test, $type2) # @param type a geometry type (one of Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes). # @param test one of 'has_z', 'is_subclass_of', 'is_curve', 'is_surface', or 'is_non_linear'. # @param type2 a geometry type (one of Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes). Required for 'is_subclass_of' test. # @return result of the test. ## @ignore CreateGeometryFromWkb ## @ignore CreateGeometryFromWkt ## @ignore CreateGeometryFromGML ## @ignore CreateGeometryFromJson ## @method SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER($Generate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) # Needed only on IBM DB2. ## @ignore NullFID ## @ignore GetDriver ## @ignore GetDriverCount ## @ignore GetDriverNames ## @sub @Drivers() # @note Use Geo::GDAL::Drivers for raster drivers. # @return a list of all available GDAL vector drivers. ## @sub @DriverNames() # A.k.a GetDriverNames # \code # perl -MGeo::GDAL -e '@d=Geo::OGR::DriverNames;print "@d\n"' # \endcode # @note Use Geo::GDAL::DriverNames for raster drivers. # @return a list of the short names of all available GDAL vector drivers. ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Driver Driver($name) # A.k.a GetDriver. # @param name the short name of the driver. # @note No check is made that the driver is actually a vector driver. # @return a Geo::GDAL::Driver object. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open($name, $update = 0) # Open a vector data source. # @param name The data source string (directory, filename, etc.). # @param update Whether to open the data source in update mode (default is not). # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenShared($name, $update = 0) # Open a vector data source in shared mode. # @param name The data source string (directory, filename, etc.). # @param update Whether to open the data source in update mode. # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. ## @class Geo::OGR::Driver # @brief A vector format driver. # @details This is a legacy class which # should not be used in new code. Use Geo::GDAL::Driver. ## @method Open # The same as Geo::OGR::Open except that only this driver is allowed. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Create($name, hashref options = undef ) # Create a new vector data source using this driver. # @param name The data source name. # @param options Driver specific dataset creation options. ## @method Geo::GDAL::Dataset Copy(Geo::GDAL::Dataset source, $name, arrayref options = undef) # Copy a vector data source into a new data source with this driver. # @param source The Geo::GDAL::Dataset object to be copied. # @param name The name for the new data source. # @param options Driver specific options. In addition to options # specified in GDAL documentation the option STRICT can be set to 'NO' # for a more relaxed copy. Otherwise the STRICT is 'YES'. # @note The order of the first two parameters is different from that in Geo::GDAL::Driver::Copy. # @return a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object. ## @class Geo::OGR::DataSource # @brief A vector dataset. # @details This is a legacy class which should not be # used in new code. Use Geo::GDAL::Dataset. ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open # The same as Geo::OGR::Open ## @sub Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenShared # The same as Geo::OGR::OpenShared ## @class Geo::OGR::Layer # @brief A collection of similar features. # @details A layer object is typically obtained with a data source object. A # layer has a data model (a schema), which is maintained in a # definition object, and a set of features, which contain data # according to the data model. The schema is typically set when the # layer is created or opened, but it may be altered somewhat with # methods Geo::OGR::Layer::CreateField, # Geo::OGR::Layer::AlterFieldDefn, and # Geo::OGR::Layer::DeleteField. Features and/or their data can be # read, inserted and deleted. Reading can be filtered. Layers can be # compared to each other with methods Clip, Erase, Identity, # Intersection, SymDifference, Union, and Update. # A layer may have metadata OLMD_FID64 => 'YES' if it holds features # with 64 bit FIDs. The metadata of a layer can be obtained with # GetMetadata method. # @isa (Geo::OGR) ## @method @Capabilities() # Both a package subroutine and an object method. # @return a list of capabilities. The object method returns a list of # the capabilities the layer has. The package subroutine returns a list of # all potential capabilities a layer may have. These are currently: # +list Geo::OGR OLC # # Examples: # \code # @cap = Geo::OGR::Layer::Capabilities(); # the package subroutine # @cap = $layer->Capabilities(); # the object method # \endcode ## @method Clip(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # Clip off areas that are not covered by the method layer. The schema # of the result layer can be set before calling this method, or is # initialized to to contain all fields from # this and method layer. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method Intersection(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas # that are common between features in the input layer and in the # method layer. The schema of the result layer can be set before # calling this method, or is initialized to contain all fields from # this and method layer. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method Union(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas # that are in either in the input layer or in the method layer. The # schema of the result layer can be set before calling this method, or # is initialized to contain all fields from this and method layer. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method SymDifference(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas # that are in either in the input layer or in the method layer but not # in both. The features in the result layer have attributes from both # input and method layers. For features which represent areas that are # only in the input or in the method layer the respective attributes # have undefined values. The schema of the result layer can be set by # the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in # the input and method layers. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method Identity(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas # that are in the input layer. The features in the result layer have # attributes from both input and method layers. The schema of the # result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is # initialized to contain all fields in input and method layers. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method Update(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas # that are either in the input layer or in the method layer. The # features in the result layer have areas of the features of the # method layer or those ares of the features of the input layer that # are not covered by the method layer. The features of the result # layer get their attributes from the input layer. The schema of the # result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is # initialized to contain all fields in the input layer. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method Erase(Geo::OGR::Layer method, Geo::OGR::Layer result, hashref options, coderef callback, $callback_data) # The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas # that are in the input layer but not in the method layer. The # features in the result layer have attributes from the input # layer. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if # it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input # layer. # @param method method layer. # @param result result layer. # @param options a reference to an options hash. # @param callback [optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will # be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, callback_data) # @param callback_data [optional] ## @method $TestCapability($cap) # @param cap A capability string. # @return a boolean value indicating whether the layer has the # specified capability. ## @method Geo::OSR::SpatialReference SpatialReference($name, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference sr) # @note A.k.a GetSpatialRef. # Get or set the projection of a spatial field of this layer. Gets or # sets the projection of the first field if no field name is given. # @param name [optional] a name of a spatial field in this layer. # @param sr [optional] a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object, # which replaces the existing projection. # @return a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object, which represents the # projection in the given spatial field. ## @method Geo::OGR::DataSource GetDataSource() # @return the data source object to which this layer object belongs to. ## @ignore FindFieldIndex ## @method $GetFieldDefn($name) # Get the definition of a field. # @param name the name of the field. # @return a Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object. ## @method $GetGeomFieldDefn($name) # Get the definition of a spatial field. # @param name the name of the spatial field. # @return a Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn object. ## @ignore CreateGeomField ## @method CreateField(%params) # Create a field. # @param params as in Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::new or # Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::new, plus ApproxOK (whose default is true). ## @method AlterFieldDefn($name, %params) # @param field the name of the field to be altered. # @param params as in Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::new. Width and # Precision should be both or neither. # @note Only non-spatial fields can be altered. # @note Also the deprecated form AlterFieldDefn($field, # Geo::OGR::FieldDefn $Defn, $Flags) works. ## @method DeleteField($field) # Delete an existing field from a layer. # @param field name (or index) of the field which is deleted # @note Only non-spatial fields can be deleted. ## @ignore Schema ## @method \%GetSchema() # @brief Get the schema of this layer. # @note The schema of a layer cannot be set with this method. If you # have a Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object before creating the layer, use # its schema in the Geo::OGR::CreateLayer method. # @return the schema of this layer, as in Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn::Schema. ## @method \%Row(%row) # Get and/or set the data of a feature that has the supplied feature # id (the next feature obtained with GetNextFeature is used if feature # id is not given). Calls Geo::OGR::Feature::Row. # @param row [optional] feature data # @return a reference to feature data in a hash ## @method @Tuple(@tuple) # Get and/set the data of a feature that has the supplied feature id # (the next feature obtained with GetNextFeature is used if feature id # is not given). The expected data in the tuple is: ([feature id,] # non-spatial fields, spatial fields). Calls Geo::OGR::Feature::Tuple. # @param tuple [optional] feature data # @note The schema of the tuple needs to be the same as that of the # layer. # @return a reference to feature data in an array ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry SpatialFilter($filter) # @param filter [optional] a Geo::OGR::Geometry object or a string. An # undefined value removes the filter if there is one. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry SpatialFilter(@filter) # @param filter [optional] a rectangle ($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy). # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method SetSpatialFilter($filter) # @param filter [optional] a Geo::OGR::Geometry object. If not given, # removes the filter if there is one. ## @method SetSpatialFilterRect($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) # @param minx # @param miny # @param maxx # @param maxy ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry GetSpatialFilter() # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method SetAttributeFilter($filter_string) # Set or clear the attribute filter. # @param filter_string a SQL WHERE clause or undef to clear the # filter. ## @method ResetReading() # Initialize the layer object for iterative reading. ## @method Geo::OGR::Feature GetNextFeature() # @return iteratively Geo::OGR::Feature objects from the layer. The # iteration obeys the spatial and the attribute filter. ## @method SetNextByIndex($new_index) # @param new_index the index to which set the read cursor in the # current iteration ## @method $GetFeaturesRead() # @return integer ## @method ForFeatures($code, $in_place) # @note experimental, the syntax may change # # Call code for all features. This is a simple wrapper for # ResetReading and while(GetNextFeature). # # Example usage: # \code # $layer->ForFeatures(sub {my $f = shift; $self->DeleteFeature($f->FID)}); # empties the layer # \endcode # # @param code a reference to a subroutine, which is called with each # feature as an argument # @param in_place if set to true, the feature is stored back to the # layer ## @method ForGeometries($code, $in_place) # @note experimental, the syntax may change # # Call code for all geometries. This is a simple wrapper for # ResetReading and while(GetNextFeature). # # Example usage: # \code # my $area = 0; # $layer->ForGeometries(sub {my $g = shift; $area += $g->Area}); # computes the total area # \endcode # # @param code a reference to a subroutine, which is called with each # geometry as an argument # @param in_place if set to true, the geometry is stored back to the # layer ## @method $GetName() # @return the name of the layer. ## @method Geo::OGR::Feature Feature($f) # # @param f [optional] feature id, a feature, a row, or a tuple # # @note If the argument feature has a null FID (FID not set) the # feature is inserted into the layer as a new feature. If the FID is # non null, then the feature replaces the feature in the layer with # that FID. # # @return a new Geo::OGR::Feature object that represents the feature # in the layer. ## @method Geo::OGR::Feature GetFeature($fid) # @param fid feature id # @return a new Geo::OGR::Feature object that represents the feature in the layer. ## @method SetFeature($feature) # @note The feature should have the same schema as the layer. # # Replaces a feature in the layer based on the given feature's # id. Requires RandomWrite capability. # @param feature a Geo::OGR::Feature object ## @method InsertFeature($feature) # Creates a new feature which has the schema of the layer and # initializes it with data from the argument. Then inserts the feature # into the layer (using CreateFeature). Uses Geo::OGR::Feature::Row or # Geo::OGR::Feature::Tuple. # @param feature a Geo::OGR::Feature object or reference to feature # data in a hash (as in Geo::OGR::Feature::Row) or in an array (as in # Geo::OGR::Feature::Tuple) # @return the new feature. ## @method DeleteFeature($fid) # @param fid feature id ## @method SyncToDisk() ## @ignore GetLayerDefn ## @method Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn GetDefn() # A.k.a GetLayerDefn. # @return a Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object. ## @method $FeatureCount($force = 1) # A.k.a GetFeatureCount # @param force # @return integer ## @method @GetExtent($force = 1) # @param force compute the extent even if it is expensive # @note In scalar context returns a reference to an anonymous array # containing the extent. # @return the extent ($minx, $maxx, $miny, $maxy) # @param force # @return the extent = ($minx, $maxx, $miny, $maxy) as a listref ## @method StartTransaction() ## @method CommitTransaction() ## @method RollbackTransaction() ## @ignore GetSpatialRef ## @ignore GetRefCount ## @method $GetFIDColumn() # @return the name of the underlying database column being used as the # FID column, or "" if not supported. ## @ignore GetGeometryColumn ## @ignore GetGeomType ## @method $GeometryType($field) # @param field the name or index of the spatial field. # @return the geometry type of the spatial field. ## @method @GetFieldNames() # @return a list of the names of the fields in this layer. The # non-geometry field names are first in the list and then the geometry # fields. ## @method SetIgnoredFields(@fields) # @param fields a list of field names ## @class Geo::OGR::Feature # @brief A collection of non-spatial and spatial attributes. # @details A feature is a collection of non-spatial and spatial attributes and # an id, which is a special attribute, and data records according to # this data model. Attributes are called fields and some fields are # spatial, i.e., their value is a geometry. Fields have at least a # name and a type. Features may exist within a layer or # separetely. The data model of a feature is a definition object. # @isa (Geo::OGR) ## @cmethod Geo::OGR::Feature new(%schema) # @brief Create a new feature. # @param Named parameters: # - \a Schema a reference to a schema hash, or a Geo::OGR::Layer, # Geo::OGR::Feature, or Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object. # - \a Values values for the feature attributes. # - \a StyleIgnored whether the style can be omitted when fetching # features. (default is false) # # Schema is a hash with the following keys: # - \a Name name of the schema (not used). # - \a Fields a list of Geo::OGR::FieldDefn or Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn # objects or references to hashes from which fields can be created. # - \a GeometryType the geometry type if the feature has only one spatial field. # # @note Do not mix GeometryType and geometry fields in Fields list. # @note Old syntax where the argument is a Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn # object or Schema hash is supported. # # @return a new Geo::OGR::Feature object. ## @method Geo::OGR::Layer Layer() # @return the layer to which this feature belongs to or undef. ## @method $DumpReadable() # Write the contents of this feature to stdout. ## @method $Validate(list flags) # @param flags one of more of null, geom_type, width, # allow_null_when_default, or all. # @exception croaks with an error message if the feature is not valid. # @return integer denoting the validity of the feature object. ## @ignore Schema ## @method \%GetSchema() # @brief Get the schema of this feature. # # @return the schema as a hash whose keywords are Name, StyleIgnored # and Fields. Fields is an anonymous array of first non-spatial and # then spatial field schemas as in Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::Schema() and # Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::Schema(). ## @method \%Row(%row) # @note This method discards the data the destination feature (or # layer) does not support. Changes in data due to differences between # field types may also occur. # # Get and/or set the data of the feature. The key of the (key,value) # pairs of the row is the field name. Special field names FID and # Geometry are used for feature id and (single) geometry # respectively. The geometry/ies is/are set and get using the # Geo::OGR::Feature::Geometry method. Field values are set using the # Geo::OGR::Feature::Field method. # @param row [optional] feature data in a hash. # @return a reference to feature data in a hash. Spatial fields are # returned as Geo::OGR::Geometry objects. ## @method @Tuple(@tuple) # @note This method discards the data the destination feature (or # layer) does not support. Changes in data due to differences between # field types may also occur. # # @note The schema of the tuple needs to be the same as that of the # feature. # # Get and/set the data of the feature. The expected data in the tuple # is ([feature_id,] non-spatial fields, spatial fields). The fields in # the tuple are in the order they are in the schema. Field values are # set using the Geo::OGR::Feature::Field method. Geometries are set # and get using the Geo::OGR::Feature::Geometry method. # @param tuple [optional] feature data in an array # @return feature data in an array ## @ignore GetDefnRef ## @method Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn GetDefn() # @note A.k.a GetDefnRef. # @return a Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object, which represents the definition of this feature. ## @ignore GetFieldDefnRef ## @ignore GetFieldType ## @ignore GetGeomFieldDefnRef ## @method $GetFieldDefn($name) # Get the definition of a field. # @param name the name of the field. # @return a Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object. ## @method $GetGeomFieldDefn($name) # Get the definition of a spatial field. # @param name the name of the spatial field. # @return a Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn object. ## @method Geo::OGR::Feature Clone() # @return a new Geo::OGR::Feature object ## @method $Equal($feature) # @param feature a Geo::OGR::Feature object for comparison # @return boolean ## @ignore GetFieldIndex ## @ignore GetGeomFieldIndex ## @ignore GetFieldCount ## @ignore GetGeomFieldCount ## @method @GetFieldNames() # Get the names of the fields in this feature. ## @ignore GetFieldAsString ## @ignore GetFieldAsInteger ## @ignore GetFieldAsDouble ## @ignore GetFieldAsBinary ## @ignore GetFieldAsDateTime ## @ignore GetFieldAsInteger64 ## @ignore GetFieldAsDoubleList ## @ignore GetFieldAsIntegerList ## @ignore GetFieldAsInteger64List ## @ignore GetFieldAsStringList ## @ignore SetFieldBinary ## @ignore SetFieldBinaryFromHexString ## @ignore SetFieldInteger64 ## @ignore SetFieldDoubleList ## @ignore SetFieldIntegerList ## @ignore SetFieldInteger64List ## @ignore SetFieldStringList ## @ignore IsFieldSet ## @ignore UnsetField ## @method SetField($name, @Value) # See Field(). ## @method @GetField($name) # See Field(). ## @method Field($name, $value, ...) # @brief Get, set, or unset the field value. # @param name the name (or the index) of the field. # @param value a scalar, a list of scalars or a reference to a # list. If undef, the field is unset. If a scalar or a list of # scalars, the field is set from them. # @note Non-scalar fields (for example Date) can be set either from a # scalar, which is then assumed to be a string and parsed, or from a # list of values (for example year, month, day for Date). # @note Setting and getting Integer64 fields requires 'use bigint' if # \$Config{ivsize} is smaller than 8, i.e., in a 32 bit machine. # @return in non-void context the value of the field, which may be a # scalar or a list, depending on the field type. For unset fields the # undef value is returned. ## @ignore SetGeometry ## @ignore SetGeometryDirectly ## @ignore GetGeometry ## @ignore GetGeometryRef ## @ignore GetGeomFieldRef ## @ignore SetGeomField ## @ignore SetGeomFieldDirectly ## @method Geometry($name, $geometry) # @brief Get or set the value of a geometry field. # @note This method delivers the functionality of undocumented methods # SetGeometry($geometry), SetGeometryDirectly, SetGeomField, # SetGeomFieldDirectly, GetGeometry, GetGeometryRef. # # Set or get the geometry in the feature. When setting, does a check # against the schema (GeometryType) of the feature. If the parameter # is a geometry object, it is cloned. # @param name [optional] the name of the spatial field, # whose geometry is to be set. If not given, sets or gets the geometry # of the first (or the single) spatial field. # @param geometry [optional] a Geo::OGR::Geometry object or a # reference to a hash from which such can be created (using # Geo::OGR::Geometry::new). # @return in a non-void context the indicated geometry in the feature # as a Geo::OGR::Geometry object. The returned object contains a # reference to the actual geometry data in the feature (the geometry # is not cloned) and to the feature object, thus keeping the feature # object from being destroyed while the geometry object exists. ## @ignore SetFromWithMap ## @method SetFrom($other, $forgiving = 1, hashref map) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Feature object # @param forgiving [optional] set to false if the operation should not # continue if output fields do not match some of the source fields # @param map [optional] a mapping from output field indexes to source # fields, include into the hash all field indexes of this feature # which should be set ## @method $IsFieldSet($field) # @param field the name (or index) of the field # @return boolean ## @method UnsetField($field) # See Field(). ## @method $FID($id) # @brief Get or set the id of this feature. # @param id [optional] the id to set for this feature. # @return integer the id of this feature. ## @method $GetFID() # @return the feature id (an integer). ## @method SetFID($id) # @param id the feature id. ## @method DumpReadable() ## @ignore StyleString ## @method $GetStyleString() # @return a string ## @method SetStyleString($string) # @param string ## @class Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn # @brief The schema of a feature or a layer. # @details A FeatureDefn object is a collection of field definition objects. A # read-only FeatureDefn object can be obtained from a layer # (Geo::OGR::Layer::GetDefn()) or a feature # (Geo::OGR::Feature::GetDefn()). # @isa (Geo::OGR) ## @cmethod Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn new(%schema) # Creates a new layer or feature definition. The new definition is # either initialized to the given schema or it will contain no # non-spatial fields and one spatial field, whose Name is '' and # GeometryType is 'Unknown' or the value of the named parameter # GeometryType. # @param schema [optional] The schema for the new feature definition, # as in Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn::Schema(). # @return a Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object # # Example usage: # \code # $fd = Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn->new( # Name => "name", # Fields => [{ Name => 'field1', Type => 'String' }, # { Name => 'geom', GeometryType => 'Point' }] ); # \endcode ## @ignore Schema ## @method \%GetSchema() # @brief Get the schema of this feature or layer definition. # # @return the schema as a hash whose keywords are Name, StyleIgnored # and Fields. Fields is an anonymous array of first non-spatial and # then spatial field schemas as in Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::Schema() and # Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::Schema(). ## @ignore Name ## @method $GetName() # @return the name of this layer or feature definition. ## @ignore GetFieldIndex ## @ignore GetFieldCount ## @ignore GetGeomFieldCount ## @ignore GetGeomFieldIndex ## @method @GetFieldNames() # The names of the fields in this layer or feature definition. # @return the list of field names. ## @ignore GeometryIgnored ## @ignore GeometryType ## @method $GetFieldDefn($name) # Get the definition of a field. # @param name the name of the field. # @return a Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object. ## @method $GetGeomFieldDefn($name) # Get the definition of a spatial field. # @param name the name of the spatial field. # @return a Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn object. ## @ignore AddFieldDefn ## @ignore AddGeomFieldDefn ## @method AddField(%params) # @param params Named parameters to create a new Geo::OGR::FieldDefn # or Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn object. ## @ignore DeleteGeomFieldDefn ## @method DeleteField($name) # @note Currently only geometry fields can be deleted. # @param index the index of the geometry field to be deleted. ## @ignore GeomType ## @ignore GetGeomType ## @ignore SetGeomType ## @method $GeometryType($geometry_type) # Get or set the geometry type of this feature definition. # @deprecated returns the type of the first spatial field. Use # Geo::OGR::Layer::GeometryType($index), # Geo::OGR::Feature::GeometryType($index), # Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::GeometryType, or the schema. # # @note a.k.a. GeomType, GetGeomType (deprecated, returns an integer), # SetGeomType (deprecated, requires an integer) # @param geometry_type [optional] one of \@Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes # @return the geometry type, one of \@Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes ## @ignore GetReferenceCount ## @ignore IsGeometryIgnored ## @ignore SetGeometryIgnored ## @method $GeometryIgnored($IgnoreState) # @deprecated gets or sets the ignore status of the first spatial # field. Use Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::Ignored or set the keyword in # schema in creation. # # @note a.k.a. GetGeometryIgnored (only get), SetGeometryIgnored (only set) # # Get or set the ignore status of geometry when fetching features. # @return the ignore status of geometry # @since 1.9.0 ## @ignore StyleIgnored ## @method $IsStyleIgnored() # Get the ignore status of style information when fetching features. # @return the ignore status of style information # @since 1.9.0 ## @method SetStyleIgnored($IgnoreState) # Set the ignore status of style information when fetching features. # @since 1.9.0 ## @method IsSame(Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn defn) # @return true if this definition is similar to the other definition, # false otherwise. ## @class Geo::OGR::FieldDefn # @brief A definition of a non-spatial attribute. # @details # @isa (Geo::OGR) ## @sub list Types # Field types supported by GDAL. Current list is # +list Geo::OGR OFT # (However, WideString is not supported.) ## @sub list JustifyValues # Justify values supported by GDAL. Current list is # +list Geo::OGR OJ ## @cmethod Geo::OGR::FieldDefn new(%params) # @brief Create a new field definition. # # @param Named parameters: # - \a Name Field name (default is 'unnamed'). # - \a Type Field type, one of Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::Types (default is 'String'). # - \a SubType Field sub type, one of Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::SubTypes. # - \a Justify Justify value, one of Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::JustifyValues # - \a Width # - \a Precision # - \a Nullable (default is true) # - \a Default # - \a Ignored (default is false) # # @note Simplified parameters => is also supported. # # @return a new Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object ## @method \%Schema(%params) # Get the schema or set parts of the schema # @param params [optional] as those in Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::new. # @return a reference to a hash whose keys are as those in Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::new. ## @ignore GetName ## @ignore GetNameRef ## @ignore SetName ## @method $Name($name) # Get and/or set the name of the field. # @note a.k.a. GetName, GetNameRef, SetName # @param name [optional] # @return the name in non-void context ## @ignore GetFieldTypeName ## @ignore GetTypeName ## @ignore GetType ## @ignore SetType ## @method $Type($type) # Get and/or set the type of the field. # @note a.k.a. GetFieldTypeName, GetTypeName, GetType, SetType # @param type [optional] One of field types (Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::Types). # @return one of field types in non-void context. ## @ignore GetSubType ## @ignore SetSubType ## @method $SubType($SubType) # @note a.k.a. GetSubType, SetSubType # @param SubType [optional] One of field sub types (Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::SubTypes). # @return the sub type of this field in non-void context. ## @ignore GetJustify ## @ignore SetJustify ## @method $Justify($justify) # Get and/or set the justification of this field. # @note a.k.a. GetJustify, SetJustify # @param justify [optional] One of field justify types (Geo::OGR::FieldDefn::JustifyValues). # @return the justify value of this field in non-void context. ## @ignore GetWidth ## @ignore SetWidth ## @method $Width($width) # Get and/or set the field width. # @note a.k.a. GetWidth, SetWidth # @param width [optional] # @return the width of this field in non-void context. ## @ignore GetPrecision ## @ignore SetPrecision ## @method $Precision($precision) # Get and/or set the precision of this field. # @note a.k.a. GetPrecision, SetPrecision # @param precision [optional] # @return the precision of this field in non-void context. ## @ignore IsNullable ## @ignore SetNullable ## @method $Nullable($nullable) # Get or set the nullable constraint for this field. # @note a.k.a. IsNullable and SetNullable # @param nullable [optional] # @return the nullable value of this field in non-void context. ## @ignore GetDefault ## @ignore SetDefault ## @method $Default($value) # Get or set the default value for this field. # @note a.k.a. GetDefault and SetDefault # @param value [optional] # @return the default value of this field in non-void context. ## @ignore IsIgnored ## @ignore SetIgnored ## @method $Ignored($ignore) # Get and/or set the ignore status (whether this field should be # omitted when fetching features) of this field. # @note a.k.a. IsIgnored, SetIgnored # @param ignore [optional] # @return the ignore status of this field in non-void context. # @since 1.9.0 ## @class Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn # @brief A definition of a spatial attribute. # @details # @isa (Geo::OGR) ## @cmethod Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn new(%params) # @brief Create a new spatial field definition. # # @param params one or more of: # - \a Name name for the field (default is 'geom'). # - \a GeometryType type for the field type, one of Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::Types (default is 'Unknown'). # - \a SpatialReference a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object. # - \a Nullable (default is true) # - \a Ignored (default is false) # # @note Simplified parameters => is also supported. # # @return a new Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn object ## @method \%Schema(%params) # Get the schema or set parts of the schema. # @param params [optional] as those in Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::new. # @return a reference to a hash whose keys are as those in Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::new. ## @method Type # @return the type of this geometry field. One of Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn::Types ## @sub Types # @return a list of all geometry types, currently: # +list Geo::OGR wkb 25DBit,25Bit,NDR,XDR ## @ignore GetName ## @ignore GetNameRef ## @ignore SetName ## @method $Name($name) # @note a.k.a. GetName, GetNameRef, SetName # @return the name of the field. ## @ignore GetType ## @ignore SetType ## @method $GeometryType($type) # @note a.k.a. GetType, SetType # @return the geometry type of the field. ## @ignore GetSpatialRef ## @ignore SetSpatialRef ## @method $SpatialReference($sr) # @note a.k.a. GetSpatialRef, SetSpatialRef # @return the spatial reference of the field as a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object. ## @ignore IsNullable ## @ignore SetNullable ## @method $Nullable($nullable) # @note a.k.a. IsNullable, SetNullable # @return the nullable status of the field. ## @ignore IsIgnored ## @ignore SetIgnored ## @method $Ignored($ignore) # @note a.k.a. IsIgnored, SetIgnored # @return the ignore status of the field. ## @class Geo::OGR::Geometry # @brief Spatial data. # @details A geometry is spatial data (coordinate values, and a reference to a # spatial reference system) organized into one of the geometry # types. Geometries can be created from several type of data including # a Perl data structure. There are several methods, which modify, # compare, test, or compute values from geometries. # @note Most spatial analysis methods require GEOS to work rigorously. # @isa (Geo::OGR) ## @sub @GeometryTypes() # Same as Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes ## @sub list ByteOrders # Same as Geo::OGR::ByteOrders ## @cmethod Geo::OGR::Geometry new(%params) # @param %params A named parameter, one of: # - \a GeometryType one the supported geometry types, see Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes. # - \a WKT a well known text string, which defines a geometry. # - \a WKB a well known binary string, which defines a geometry. # - \a HEXWKB WKB in hexadecimal. # - \a HEXEWKB PostGIS extended WKB. # - \a GML geometry written in Geographic Markup Language. # - \a GeoJSON geometry written in GeoJSON (JavaScript Object Notation for Geographic data). # - \a arc a reference to a list of values defining an arc: [CenterX, # CenterY, CenterZ, PrimaryRadius, SecondaryRadius, Rotation, # StartAngle, EndAngle, MaxAngleStepSizeDegrees] (see also Geo::OGR::Geometry::ApproximateArcAngles) # - \a Points An anonymous array as in method # Geo::OGR::Geometry::Points; Note: requires also GeometryType # parameter # # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object. ## @sub Geo::OGR::Geometry ApproximateArcAngles(%params) # Create a line string, which approximates an arc. # @note All angles are in degrees. # # @param %params Named parameters: # - \a Center center point (default is [0, 0, 0]) # - \a PrimaryRadius default is 1. # - \a SecondaryAxis default is 1. # - \a Rotation default is 0. # - \a StartAngle default is 0. # - \a EndAngle default is 360. # - \a MaxAngleStepSizeDegrees default is 4. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object. ## @method FlattenTo2D() ## @method $CoordinateDimension($dimension) # @param dimension [optional] # @return 2 or 3 ## @method $GetCoordinateDimension() # @return an integer ## @method SetCoordinateDimension($dimension) # @param dimension ## @method $GetDimension() # @return 0, 1, or 2 ## @ignore AsText ## @ignore ExportToWkt ## @ignore ExportToIsoWkt ## @ignore AsBinary ## @ignore AsHEXWKB ## @ignore AsHEXEWKB ## @ignore ExportToWkb ## @ignore ExportToIsoWkb ## @ignore AsGML ## @ignore ExportToGML ## @ignore AsKML ## @ignore ExportToKML ## @ignore AsJSON ## @ignore ExportToJson ## @method $As(%params) # Export the geometry into a known format. # # @param params Named parameters: # - \a Format One of # - \a WKT Well Known Text. # - ISO WKT # - \a Text Same as WKT. # - \a WKB Well Known Binary. # - ISO WKB # - \a Binary Same as WKB. # - \a HEXWKB # - \a HEXEWKB # - \a GML # - \a GeoJSON # - \a ByteOrder Byte order for binary formats. Default is 'XDR'. # - \a SRID Spatial reference id for HEXEWKB. # - \a Options GML generation options. # - \a AltitudeMode For KML. # # @return the geometry in a given format. ## @method AddPoint($x, $y, $z) # Set the data of a point or add a point to a line string. Consider # using Geo::OGR::Geometry::Points. Note that the coordinate # dimension is automatically upgraded to 25D (3) if z is given. # @param x # @param y # @param z [optional] # Calls internally the 2D or 3D version depending on the number of parameters. ## @method AddPoint_2D($x, $y) # Set the data of a point or add a point to a line string. Consider # using Geo::OGR::Geometry::Points. # @param x # @param y ## @method AddPoint_3D($x, $y, $z) # Set the data of a point or add a point to a line string. Note that # the coordinate dimension is automatically upgraded to 25D (3). Consider # using Geo::OGR::Geometry::Points. # @param x # @param y # @param z ## @method SetPoint($index, $x, $y, $z) # Set the data of a point or a line string. Note that the coordinate # dimension is automatically upgraded to 25D (3) if z is given. # @param index # @param x # @param y # @param z [optional] ## @method SetPoint_2D($index, $x, $y) # @param index # @param x # @param y ## @method SetPoint_3D($index, $x, $y, $z) # Set the data of a point or a line string. Note that the coordinate # dimension is automatically upgraded to 25D (3). # @param index # @param x # @param y # @param z ## @method $GetPointCount() # @return an integer ## @method @GetPoint($index = 0) # @param index # @return (x,y) or a list with more coordinates ## @method $GetPoint_2D($index = 0) # @param index # @return (x,y) or a list with more coordinates ## @method $GetPoint_3D($index = 0) # @param index # @return (x,y) or a list with more coordinates ## @method $GetX($index = 0) # @param index # @return a number ## @method $GetY($index = 0) # @param index # @return a number ## @method $GetZ($index = 0) # @param index # @return a number ## @method @Point($index, $x, $y, $z) # Get or set the point # @param index The index of the point. Optional (ignored if given) for # Point and Point25D geometries. # @param x [optional] # @param y [optional] # @param z [optional] # @return ## @method \@Points(arrayref points) # Get or set the points of the geometry. The points (vertices) are # stored in obvious lists of lists. When setting, the geometry is # first emptied. The method uses internally either AddPoint_2D or # AddPoint_3D depending on the coordinate dimension of the input data. # # @note The same structure may represent different geometries # depending on the actual geometry type of the object. # # @param points [optional] A reference to an array. A point is a reference to an # array of numbers, a linestring or a ring is a reference to an array of points, # a polygon is a reference to an array of rings, etc. # # @return A reference to an array. ## @method Empty() # Clear geometry data, i.e., remove all points, or, for a point, set # the coordinate dimension as zero. ## @method $IsEmpty() # Test whether the geometry is empty (has no points, or, for a point, # has coordinate dimension of zero). # @return boolean ## @method $IsRing() # Test if the geometry is a ring. Requires GEOS in GDAL. # @return boolean ## @method $IsSimple() # Test the simplicity of the geometry (OGC sense). Requires GEOS in GDAL. # @return boolean ## @method $IsValid() # Test the validity of the geometry (OGC sense). Requires GEOS in GDAL. # @return boolean ## @method Move($dx, $dy, $dz) # Move every point of the object as defined by the parameters. # @param dx # @param dy # @param dz [optional] ## @method AddGeometryDirectly($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method AddGeometry($other) # Add a copy of another geometry to a geometry collection # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Clone() # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method $GeometryType() # @return the geometry type of this geometry (one of Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes). ## @method $Length() # @return the length of the linestring ## @ignore GetArea ## @method $Area() # @note a.k.a. GetArea # @return the area of the polygon or multipolygon ## @method $GetGeometryCount() # @return an integer ## @method $GetGeometryRef($index) # @param index index to the geometry, which is a part of this geometry # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object whose data is a part of the # parent geometry ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ConvexHull() # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry BuildPolygonFromEdges($BestEffort = 0, $AutoClose = 0, $Tolerance = 0) # Attempt to create a polygon from a collection of lines or from a multilinestring. # @param BestEffort For future # @param AutoClose Assure the first and last points of rings are same. # @param Tolerance Snap distance. # @exception Several possibilities, some are reported, some are general errors. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object (Polygon) ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Collect(@geometries) # Create a geometrycollection from this and possibly other geometries. # @param geometries [optional] More geometries to add to the collection. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object of type geometrycollection. ## @method @Dissolve() # Dissolve a geometrycollection into separate geometries. # @return a list of new Geo::OGR::Geometry objects cloned from the collection. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceTo($type, ref options) # Attempt to make a geometry of type 'type' out of this geometry. # @param type target geometry type. One of Geo::OGR::GeometryTypes. # @param options not used currently. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceToLineString() # Attempt to create a line string from this geometry. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceToPolygon() # Attempt to create a polygon from this geometry. # @exception None reported. If this method fails, just a copy is returned. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceToMultiPoint(@points) # Attempt to create a multipoint from the geometry, which must be a point. # @param points [optional] More points to add to the collection. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object of type multipoint. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceToMultiLineString(@linestrings) # Attempt to create a multilinestring from the geometry, which must be a linestring. # @param linestrings [optional] More linestrings to add to the collection. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object of type multilinestring. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceToMultiPolygon(@polygons) # Attempt to create a multipolygon from the geometry, which must be a polygon. # @param polygons [optional] More polygons to add to the collection. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object of type multipolygon. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry ForceToCollection(@geometries) # Create a geometrycollection from the geometry. # @param geometries [optional] More geometries to add to the collection. # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object of type geometrycollection. ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Buffer($distance, $quadsecs = 30) # @param distance # @param quadsecs # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Intersection($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Union($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry UnionCascaded() # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @since 1.8.0 ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Difference($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @ignore SymmetricDifference ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry SymDifference($other) # Compute symmetric difference. # @note a.k.a. SymmetricDifference # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @since 1.8.0 ## @ignore GetBoundary ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Boundary() # @note a.k.a. GetBoundary # @return the boundary of this geometry as a geometry # @since 1.8.0 ## @method $Distance($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return the distance to the other geometry ## @ignore Intersect ## @method $Intersects($other) # @note a.k.a. Intersect (deprecated) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry intersects with the other geometry, false otherwise ## @ignore Equal ## @method $Equals($other) # @note a.k.a. Equal (deprecated) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry is equivalent to the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method $Disjoint($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry is disjoint from the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method $Touches($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry touches the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method $Crosses($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry crosses the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method $Within($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry is within the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method $Contains($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry contains the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method $Overlaps($other) # @param other a Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return true if this geometry overlaps the other geometry, false otherwise ## @method Segmentize($MaxLength) # Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer than the given length. # @param MaxLength the given length ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Simplify($Tolerance) # Simplify the geometry. # @param Tolerance the length tolerance for the simplification # @since 1.8.0 # @return a new Geo::OSR::Geometry object ## @method TransformTo($srs) # @param srs a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object ## @method Transform($trans) # @param trans a Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation object ## @method Geo::OSR::SpatialReference GetSpatialReference() # @return a new Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object ## @method AssignSpatialReference($srs) # @param srs a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object ## @method CloseRings() ## @method @GetEnvelope() # @note In scalar context returns a reference to an anonymous array # containing the envelope. # @return the envelope ($minx, $maxx, $miny, $maxy) ## @method @GetEnvelope3D() # @note In scalar context returns a reference to an anonymous array # containing the envelope. # @return the 3-D envelope ($minx, $maxx, $miny, $maxy, $minz, $maxz) # @since 1.9.0 ## @method Geo::OGR::Geometry Centroid() # @return a new Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @since 1.8.0 ## @method $WkbSize() # @return an integer ## @method $GetGeometryType() # @deprecated use Geo::OGR::Geometry::GeometryType, which returns the # type as a string. # # @return type as an integer ## @method $GetGeometryName() # @deprecated use Geo::OGR::Geometry::GeometryType. # # @return a string