[article List Test [quickbook 1.6] ] Simple list: * A * B Simple list: #A #B Two level list: * A * A * B * B * A * B Two level list: # A * A * B # B * A * B Three level list: # A * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H Three level list: # A * A * B # C # D # G # H Inconsistent Indentation: * A1 * B1 * B2 * C1 * C2 * B3 * B4 * B5 * C3 * B6 * A2 * A3 Markup in list: * *Bold* * [*Bold] * ["Quoted] * [footnote Footnote] * [table [[Heading]][[Cell]]] * [heading The heading for a list item] The content of the list item. Don't end list with comment 1: * A1 * A2 [/ End list?] * A3 * A4 Don't end list with comment 2: * A1 * B1 [/ End list?] * B2 * B3 [section List immediately following markup] * One * Two * Three [endsect] [section List immediately following markup 2] * One [section Nested section] * Two [endsect] [endsect] [section Paragraphs in list items] * A1 A2 * B1 * C1 C2 B2 * D1 * E1 E2 E3 D2 [endsect] [section Indented code blocks in lists] * A B C * D E * F [endsect]