Schema Electric'l has errors; cannot apply it Property Electric'l:Dry Transformer.Geometry redefines the characteristics of base property Electric'l:Transformer.Geometry Property Electric'l:Dry Transformer.graphic redefines the characteristics of base property Electric'l:ElectricDevice.graphic Class 'Electric'l:Transformer', for object property 'Electric'l:Dry Transformer.graphic', is not an FdoClass Cannot change ordering for object property Electric'l:Maint items Cannot change identity properties for class Electric'l:Customer from (First Name, Last Name) to (Last Name); identity property change is not supported Table {USER_DS}_apply_schema.public.conductor has rows; cannot add non nullable column conductivity to it Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.public.conductor.underground has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Cannot change type of class Electric'l:'Address from Class to Feature