OTL 4.0, Examples for DB2, Unicode

The examples below show how to use OTL with DB2 and Unicode based strings. At the database level,, the string format may vary (UTF-8, double byte character set (UCS-2), etc). At least at the C++ level all string data gets converted  into 2-byte Unicode characters.  In order to enable OTL/DB2-CLI and Unicode, the following #defines need to be defined: #define OTL_DB2_CLI, #define OTL_UNICODE. Before trying any of the following examples, make sure that your DB2 database supports Unicode.
  1. Example 265  (Simple Unicode Insert/Select and VARCHAR strings)
  2. Example 266 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select and VARGRAPHIC strings)
  3. Example 267 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with CLOB)
  4. Example 268 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with DBCLOB)
  5. Example 269 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with CLOB, and LOB streams)
  6. Example 270 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with DBCLOB, and LOB streams)
  7. Example 355 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE)
  8. Example 356 (Unicode VARGRAPHIC Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE)
  9. Example 357 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE)
  10. Example 358 (Unicode VARGRAPHIC Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE)
  11. Example 367 (Unicode CLOB Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE)

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