OTL 4.0, Examples for Oracle 8i, Unicode

The examples below show how to use OTL with Oracle 8i and Unicode based strings. At the database level,, the string format may vary, and at least at the C++ level all string data gets converted  into 2-byte Unicode.  In order to enable OTL/OCI8I and Unicde, the following #defined need to be defined: #define OTL_ORA8I, #define OTL_UNICODE.
  1. Example 174 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select)
  2. Example 175 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select in the NLS (NVARCHAR2))
  3. Example 176 (Unicode Insert and Select via referenced cursor)
  4. Example 177 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with LONG)
  5. Example 178 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with CLOB)
  6. Example 179 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with NCLOB)
  7. Example 180 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with CLOB via referenced cursor)
  8. Example 181 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with NCLOB via referenced cursor)
  9. Example 182 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with CLOB, and LOB streams)
  10. Example 183 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with NCLOB, and LOB streams)
  11. Example 184 (Unicode, VARCHAR2, and otl_refcur_stream)
  12. Example 185 (Unicode, NVARCHAR2, and otl_refcur_stream)
  13. Example 186 (Unicode, PLSQL/index-by tables as parameters)
  14. Example 187 (Unicode, PLSQL/index-by tables as parameters, and NVARCHAR2s)
  15. Example 285 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select for both VARCHAR2 and NVARCHAR2 at the same time)
  16. Example 286 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select for both CLOB  and NCLOB  at the same time)
  17. Example 287 (otl_stream::describe_select() with extended otl_column_desc fields)

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