OTL 4.0, Examples for PostgreSQL / ODBC

The examples below work with PostgreSQL via ODBC. In general, all of these examples should work with any PostgreSQL 7.0 and higher, when ODBC  is enabled in OTL by setting #define OTL_ODBC, or #define OTL_ODBC_POSTGRESQL. For more examples, see the Generic ODBC examples.
  1. Example 140 (Simple Insert/Select/Update)
  2. Example 141 ("Incompatible datatypes in stream operation" exception)
  3. Example 142 (otl_datetime container and DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP  table columns)
  4. Example 143 (otl_long_string container and a TEXT column)
  5. Example 144 (std::string and STL-compliant stream iterators)
  6. Example 145 (otl_stream::describe_select() with a simple Select)
  7. Example 146 (otl_stream and NULLs)
  9. Example 342 (otl_stream_read_iterator, "get by name" functions, PostgreSQL)
  10. Example 345 (Insert/Update/Select with TEXT in stream mode and otl_stream_read_iterator)
  11. Example 346 (Insert/Update/Select with BYTEA in stream mode and otl_stream_read_iterator)
  12. Example 347 (Strict numeric type checking on SELECTs)
  13. Example 348  (Simple Unicode Insert/Select and VARCHAR strings)
  14. Example 349 (Simple Unicode Insert/Select with TEXT)
  15. Example 350 (Simple Insert/Select/Update with a BOOL column)
  16. Example 361 (Unicode VARCHAR Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE)
  17. Example 362 (Unicode VARCHAR Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE)
  18. Example 369 (Unicode TEXT Insert/Select and #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE)
  19. Example 376 (Simple Insert/Select, otl_connect::operator<<, <<=, >>)
  20. Example 383 (Insert/Update/Select, PostgreSQL TEXT in stream mode, and std:strings)
  21. Example 393 (Insert/Update/Select with PostgreSQL TEXT  in stream mode, without otl_lob_stream::set_len())
  22. Example 454 (Simple Insert/Select with BYTEA datatype)
  23. Example 465 (Simple Insert/Select with BYTEA datatype and otl_stream_read_iterator)

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