OTL 4.0, OTL reference cursor stream class

OTL reference cursor stream class

This class (otl_refcur_stream) is used for reading rows from a reference cursor bind variable. The class is defined for OTL/OCI8/8i/9i/10g only. It's similar to the otl_stream class itself, when the otl_stream is instantiated with a SELECT statement, or with a single reference cursor. otl_refcur_stream can be initiliazed by reading a reference cursor descriptor from an otl_stream. The class, in tandem with the refcur placeholder, allows the otl_stream to return multiple reference cursors from a stored procedure call in one shot.

Potentially, the otl_refcur_stream class may raise an OTL defined exception.

All of the functions, defined in this class, mimick the otl_stream functions, therefore, see the descriptions of the corresponding functions in otl_stream.

class otl_refcur_stream {
 void set_column_type(const int column_ndx,
                      const int col_type,
                      const int col_size=0);
 void set_all_column_types(const unsigned mask=0);

 void rewind(void);
 int is_null(void);
 int eof(void);
 void close(void);

 otl_column_desc* describe_select(int& desc_len);

otl_var_desc* describe_out_vars(int& desc_len);
otl_var_desc* describe_next_out_var(void);

 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(char& c);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(unsigned char& c);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(char* s);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(unsigned char* s);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(int& n);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(unsigned& u);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(short& sh);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(long int& l);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(float& f);
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(double& d);

otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(OTL_BIGINT& n);
// Reads a string (char) value from the stream and converts it to
// a signed 64-bit integer. This operator is useful for reading
// large whole numbers that are larger than the "double"
// container can hold. The underlying SELECT statement that gets returned
// to C++ via a reference cursor should explicitly convert numeric values
// to strings, for example: LTRIM(TO_CHAR(my_large_num))

 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(otl_long_string& s); // read the LOB from the stream
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(otl_datetime& dt); // read date/time info from the stream
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(otl_lob_stream& lob); 
                      // read reference to CLOB/BLOB from otl_ref_stream 
                      // into otl_lob_stream (OCI8). In other words,
                      // initialize otl_lob_stream for reading CLOB/BLOB 
                      // in stream mode
 otl_refcur_stream& operator>>(std::string& s); 
   // Read the ANSI C++ std::string. This operator can
   // read VARCHAR/CHAR table fields as well as large string
   // objects (TEXT, LONG, CLOB, etc.)

If #define OTL_UNICODE is enabled, the following operators have 
special meaning:

  otl_stream& operator>>(unsigned char* s);
       // returns a null terminated array of unsigned short's
       // (double-byte Unicode characters). Therefore, "unsigned char*" 
       // needs to be type cast to "unsigned short*". Also, it's recommended
       // to allocate 2 bytes per each Unicode character. plus 2 bytes per 
       // possible surrogate character.

  otl_stream& operator>>(otl_long_unicode_string& s); 
      // read the Unicode LOB from the stream
}; // end of otl_refcur_stream

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Copyright © 1996, 2007, Sergei Kuchin, email: skuchin@ispwest.com, skuchin@gmail.com .

Permission to use, copy, modify and redistribute this document for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.