OTL 4.0, Examples for Sybase SQL Server / ODBC

The examples below work with Sybase SQL Server via ODBC. The examples were tested with Sybase SQL Server 15.0 on  Linux with the Sybase 15.0's default ODBC driver. The underlying database had "allow NULLs by default", and "ddl in transactions" enabled. Sybase 15.0's default ODBC driver has a limit of 32767 bytes on SELECTing TEXT and IMAGE columns. So, if you want to be able to fetch longer TEXT and IMAGE values from the database, you may want to try to use ODBC drivers from EasySoft or DataDirect.

  1. Example 396 (Sybase SQL  Server stored procedure call)
  2. Example 397 (TIMESTAMP_STRUCT and Sybase SQL  Server)
  3. Example 398 (Sybase SQL Server and TEXT column)
  4. Example 399 (Sybase SQL  Server and IMAGE column)
  5. Example 400 (Sybase SQL  Server: otl_stream::describe_select() and result sets)
  6. Example 401 (Datatype override in SELECT, Sybase SQL  Server)
  7. Example 402 (Simple Insert/Select and otl_stream::clean() function for OTL/ODBC and Sybase SQL  Server)
  8. Example 403 (STL std::strings, ANSI C++ typecasts, Sybase SQL  Server)
  9. Example 404 (STL-compliant OTL/ODBC stream iterators, Sybase SQL  Server)
  10. Example 405 (otl_value<T>, ODBC / Sybase SQL  Server)
  11. Example 406 (#define OTL_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_ON, ODBC / Sybase SQL  Server)
  12. Example 407 (#define OTL_EXTENDED_EXCEPTION, ODBC / Sybase SQL  Server)
  13. Example 409 (OTL/ODBC and bulk operations with Sybase SQL  Server's TEXT)
  14. Example 410 (Group data type override in SELECT, Sybase SQL  Server)
  16. Example 412 (Insert/Update/Select with Sybase SQL  Server TEXT  in stream mode)
  17. Example 413 (Insert/Update/Select with  Sybase SQL  Server IMAGE in stream mode)
  18. Example 414 (Describe otl_stream's bind variables for Sybase SQL  Server)
  19. Example 415 (set_transaction_isolation_level, ODBC, Sybase SQL )
  20. Example 416 (external logon, ODBC, Sybase SQL )
  21. Example 417 (otl_stream::clean(), cancelling SELECT's fetch sequence, Sybase SQL  Server)
  22. Example 418 (otl_stream::clean(), cancelling Result Set's fetch sequence, Sybase SQL  Server)
  23. Example 419 (otl_stream::clean(), cleaning the SELECT stream's error flags, Sybase SQL  Server )
  24. Example 420 (otl_stream::clean(), cleaning the Result Set stream's error flags, Sybase SQL  Server )
  25. Example 421 (#define's OTL_DEFAULT_XXX_NULL_TO_VAL, Sybase SQL  Server)
  26. Example 422 (otl_datetime container with Datetime values down to milliseconds in Sybase SQL  Server)
  27. Example 423 (otl_exception, derived from a base class, Sybase SQL  Server)
  28. Example 425 (OTL_ADD_NULL_TERMINATOR_STRING_SIZE,Sybase SQL  Server)
  29. Example 426 (std::string and TEXTs, Sybase SQL  Server)
  30. Example 427 (SQL statement label, Sybase SQL  Server)
  31. Example 428 (OTL/ODBC, accessing the system data dictionary via ODBC functions, Sybase SQL  Server)
  32. Example 429 (OTL/ODBC, accessing the system data dictionary via ODBC functions, Sybase SQL  Server)
  33. Example 430 (OTL/ODBC, accessing the system data dictionary via ODBC functions, Sybase SQL  Server)
  34. Example 431 (64-bit integers (bigint), Sybase SQL  Server, OTL/ODBC)
  35. Example 432 (user defined string class and TEXTs, Sybase SQL  Server)
  36. Example 433 (OTL tracing, ODBC, Sybase SQL  Server)
  37. Example 434 (Explict bind variables in SELECT statement column definitions, ODBC, Sybase SQL  Server)
  38. Example 435 (#define OTL_THROWS_ON_SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, ODBC, Sybase SQL  Server)
  39. Example 436 (OTL stream read iterator, simple SELECT, Sybase SQL  / ODBC)
  40. Example 437 (OTL stream read iterator, implicit result set, Sybase SQL  / ODBC)
  41. Example 438 (Strict numeric type checking on SELECTs)
  42. Example 439 (Stream buffer size as int, simple Insert/Select)
  43. Example 440 (Insert/Update/Select with Sybase SQL  Server TEXT  in stream mode and otl_stream_read_iterator)
  44. Example 441 (Insert/Update/Select with Sybase SQL  Server IMAGE  in stream mode and otl_stream_read_iterator)
  45. Example 442 (OTL stream read iterator, "get by name" functions, Sybase SQL  / ODBC)
  46. Example 443 (Simple Insert/Select, otl_connect::operator<<, <<=, >>)
  47. Example 444 (Insert/Update/Select, Sybase SQL IMAGE in stream mode, and std:strings)
  48. Example 445 (Insert/Update/Select with Sybase SQL Server TEXT in stream mode, without otl_lob_stream::set_len())
  49. Example 450 (Simple Insert/Select with VARBINARY datatype)
  50. Example 451 (Simple Insert/Select with BINARY datatype)
  51. Example 461 (Simple Insert/Select with VARBINARY datatype and otl_stream_read_iterator)
  52. Example 462 (Simple Insert/Select with BINARY datatype and otl_stream_read_iterator)

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Copyright © 1996, 2007, Sergei Kuchin, email: skuchin@ispwest.com, skuchin@gmail.com .

Permission to use, copy, modify and redistribute this document for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.