# - Try to find XercesC # Once done this will define # # XERCESC_FOUND - System has XercesC # XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR - The XercesC include directory # XERCESC_LIBRARY_DIR - The XercesC library dir # XERCESC_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use XercesC # XERCESC_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using XercesC # Copyright (c) 2009, Helio Chissini de Castro, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. IF (XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR AND XERCESC_LIBRARIES) # in cache already SET(XercesC_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) ENDIF (XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR AND XERCESC_LIBRARIES) IF (NOT WIN32) # use pkg-config to get the directories and then use these values # in the FIND_PATH() and FIND_LIBRARY() calls FIND_PACKAGE(PkgConfig) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PC_XERCESC xerces-c) SET(XERCESC_DEFINITIONS ${PC_XERCESC_CFLAGS_OTHER}) SET(XERCESC_LIBRARY_DIR ${PC_XERCESC_LIBRARY_DIRS}) ENDIF (NOT WIN32) FIND_PATH(XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp HINTS ${PC_XERCESC_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES xerces-c ) if (NOT WIN32) FIND_LIBRARY(XERCESC_LIBRARIES NAMES xerces-c HINTS ${PC_XERCESC_LIBDIR} ${PC_XERCESC_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) else (NOT WIN32) FIND_LIBRARY(XERCESC_LIBRARIES_RELEASE NAMES xerces-c_3) FIND_LIBRARY(XERCESC_LIBRARIES_DEBUG NAMES xerces-c_3D) if(XERCESC_LIBRARIES_DEBUG AND XERCESC_LIBRARIES_RELEASE) set(XERCESC_LIBRARIES optimized ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES_RELEASE} debug ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES_DEBUG}) message(STATUS "Found xerces-c library") elseif(XERCESC_LIBRARIES_RELEASE) set(XERCESC_LIBRARIES ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES_RELEASE}) message(STATUS "Found xerces-c release library: ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES}") elseif(XERCESC_LIBRARIES_DEBUG) set(XERCESC_LIBRARIES ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES_DEBUG}) message(STATUS "Found xerces-c debug library: ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "xerces-c library not found") endif() endif (NOT WIN32) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set XERCESC_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(XercesC DEFAULT_MSG XERCESC_LIBRARIES XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR XERCESC_LIBRARIES XERCESC_LIBRARY_DIR)