3.15. March. 2007 Implement bulk copy. Right now it is not implemented because I don't know how to implment this process parameter. When setting parameter I need to add also OTL type for it. 2. 15. March. 2007 MsSqlSpatial has a issue. When geometry is type of multipolygon it wan't allow polygon. Before that is changed in MsSqlSpatial I willchange that provider will use GEOMTRY type for every multi 1. 15. March. 2007 Now when appying schema I commented out generating identity if property is autogenerated and readonly. I am adding new column and seting as identity That is because if I use existing than fdo2Fdo is not working because it will try to copy also that column and sql server would not allow to explicitly set identity ( perhaps to tur on that option in sql server ? )