FDO Tools ========= This directory (fdo/Tools) is intended as a home for fdo user tools - either commandline or GUI. That is tools for doing translations, inquiries or processing using FDO. It is intended that there will be a relatively low barrier for users to contribute new tools in this tree so the quality of the tools may vary substantially. The following list differentiates between tools supported by the FDO Project, and those that are contributed "as is", but not actively supported by the project team. Supported Tools =============== Unsupported Tools ================= fdorastutil ----------- A commandline tool for querying information about raster datasources, and for translating fdo raster data sources GeoTIFF format. Useful primarily for checking raster data sources, either for developers or fdo users. Status: Only builds easily on Linux, poorly documented. Maintainer: Frank Warmerdam