#ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP /* $Id: credits.dox,v 1.11 2006/11/29 14:57:09 fwarmerdam Exp $ */ #endif /* DOXYGEN_SKIP */ /*! \page credits Sponsors, Acknowledgements and Credits There are too many people who have helped since GDAL/OGR was launched in late 1998 for me to thank them all. I have received moral support, financial support, code contributions, sample datasets, and bug reports from literally hundreds of people. However, below I would like to single out a few people and organizations who have supported GDAL over the years. Forgive me for all those I left out.

Frank Warmerdam

\section credits_sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsors help fund maintenance, development and promotion of GDAL/OGR. If your organization depends on GDAL/OGR consider becoming a sponsor. \subsection silver_sponsors Silver Sponsors \htmlonly
Cadcorp is a leading UK developer of digital mapping and GIS software. With offices in the UK and the USA, Cadcorp's distribution and VAR network stretches worldwide. Cadcorp also plays a pivotal technical role in the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.(r) (OGC(r)), and the Cadcorp SIS - Spatial Information System product family is OGC certified compliant for several specifications.
Safe Software is the leading developer of Spatial ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) technology, providing spatial data transformation solutions and professional services. Safe's FME software delivers seamless translation of 160 GIS, CAD, raster, and database formats, and allows users to easily manage feature geometry and attribute restructuring, database loading, merging multiple data sources, web-based data distribution, and coordinate system conversion.
\endhtmlonly \subsection past_sponsors Past Sponsors \htmlonly
ER Mapper ER Mapper generously provided primary sponsorship for GDAL from February 2005 to November 2007 to support work on GDAL improvement efforts not focused on any particular client project.
\endhtmlonly \section credits_personal Personal

\section credits_cooperate Corporate \htmlonly

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\endhtmlonly */