# # makefile.vc - MapInfo TAB Read/Write library makefile # # To use the makefile: # - Open a DOS prompt window # - Run the VCVARS32.BAT script to initialize the VC++ environment variables # - Start the build with: nmake /f makefile.vc # # $Id: makefile,v 1.9 2001/03/09 04:38:03 danmo Exp $ # OBJ = mitab_rawbinblock.obj mitab_mapheaderblock.obj \ mitab_mapindexblock.obj mitab_indfile.obj \ mitab_tabview.obj mitab_bounds.obj \ mitab_mapobjectblock.obj mitab_mapcoordblock.obj \ mitab_feature.obj mitab_feature_mif.obj \ mitab_mapfile.obj mitab_idfile.obj mitab_datfile.obj \ mitab_tabfile.obj mitab_miffile.obj \ mitab_utils.obj mitab_imapinfofile.obj mitab_middatafile.obj \ mitab_maptoolblock.obj mitab_coordsys.obj \ mitab_tooldef.obj mitab_spatialref.obj mitab_ogr_driver.obj \ mitab_ogr_datasource.obj mitab_geometry.obj \ mitab_tabseamless.obj EXTRAFLAGS = -I.. -I..\.. -DOGR GDAL_ROOT = ..\..\.. !INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.opt default: $(OBJ) clean: -del *.obj *.pdb