Subversion Repositories

The SVN client enables you to download files from a Subversion repository into a build folder. There is one repository for the utilities, fdo core and thirdparty components and one repository for each of the providers with the exeception of the MySQL and ODBC providers, which share a repository. A URL identifies the repository and a local path identifies the folder which receives the downloaded files. In this document the build folder is called C:\OpenSource.

To get the source from the repositories do the following in a cmd.exe window.

NoteYou will be prompted for a password.
NoteThe parallelism between the third and fourth arguments of the svn command, for example, between “...trunk/Providers/ArcSDE” and “C:\OpenSource\Providers\ArcSDE”.
NoteThe fourth argument can be an absolute or relative path.
  1. svn checkout C:\OpenSource --username yourusername
  2. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\ArcSDE --username yourusername
  3. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\GDAL --username yourusername
  4. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\GenericRdbms --username yourusername
  5. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\SDF --username yourusername
  6. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\SHP --username yourusername
  7. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\WFS --username yourusername
  8. svn checkout C:\OpenSource\Providers\WMS --username yourusername
NoteThe fdocore components includes a script called checkoutsvn.bat, which can be used to get updates for the all of the components from the Subversion repositories.