Run the ArcSDE Unit Tests

You must configure the ArcSDE server before you can run the unit tests. This procedure is described in the topic Configure the ArcSDE Server.

You must add $SDEHOME/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that the UnitTest binary can find the ArcSDE client libraries.

The parameters in the following commands are more fully explained in the Windows build topic Run the ArcSDE Unit Tests.

  1. cd /home/OpenSource/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/UnitTest
  2. ./UnitTest server=<dnsHostnameOrIPAddr> port_multi=<port>/tcp port_single=<port>/tcp sdepwd=<sdeUserPassword> dataset=<datasetName> rdbms=ORACLE
  3. ./UnitTest server=<dnsHostnameOrIPAddr> port_multi=<multiPort>/tcp port_single=<singlePort>/tcp sdepwd=<sdeUserPassword> dataset=<datasetName> rdbms=SQLSERVER
  4. ./UnitTest ThreadingTests server=<dnsHostnameOrIPAddr> port_multi=<port>/tcp port_single=<port>/tcp sdepwd=<sdeUserPassword> dataset=<datasetName> rdbms=ORACLE
  5. ./UnitTest ThreadingTests server=<dnsHostnameOrIPAddr> port_multi=<multiPort>/tcp port_single=<singlePort>/tcp sdepwd=<sdeUserPassword> dataset=<datasetName> rdbms=SQLSERVER