Connection Example

The following example demonstrates how to establish a connection. The connection is contained within one class, which has the following four public methods:

This class also has the following three private data members:

The registry and connectionManager variables are initialized during object creation. The connection variable is given a value by the connection operation.

//get the display names for all of the providers in the registry
//and build a connection menu
ExerciseFdoUtilities::PopulateConnectionMenu(Menu * connectMenu) {
  const FdoProviderCollection * providers;
  GisPtr<FdoProvider> provider;
  try {
    providers = registry->GetProviders ();
    GisInt32 providerCount = providers->GetCount();
    GisString * providerDisplayName = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < providerCount; i++) {
      provider = providers->GetItem (i);
      providerDisplayName = provider->GetDisplayName();
      // add providerDisplayName to menu
  catch (GisException* ex) {
  // exception handling
// user selects a provider from the connection menu
// loop through the registry to match the provider name selected
// by the user with the display names in the registry
// once you get a match, get the provider internal name
GisString *
  GisString * menuName) {

  try {
    const FdoProviderCollection * providers =
    GisPtr<FdoProvider> provider;
    GisString * providerInternalName = NULL;
    GisInt32 providerCount = providers->GetCount();
    for(int i = 0; i < providerCount; i++) {
      provider = providers->GetItem(i);
      if (wcsicmp(menuName,
        provider->GetDisplayName()) == 0) {
        providerInternalName = provider->GetName();
    if (providerInternalName == NULL) {
      // error handling
      return NULL;
    } else {
      return providerInternalName;
  catch (GisException* ex) {
    // exception handling
    return NULL;
// map the provider menu name to an internal name
// use the connection manager to make a connection object using
// the provider internal name
// get the connection property dictionary from the connection
// object use the dictionary to construct a dialog, which asks
// the user to input values for connection properties specific
// to the provider (see the comments in the 
// GetConnectionProperties method)
// use the values given by the user to set the properties in the
// dictionary
// open the connection
// if the connection state returned by the open operation is
// pending, then ask the user for additional connection property
// values and call open again
ExerciseFdoUtilities::ConnectToProvider(GisString * providerMenuName) {
  GisString * providerInternalName = MapProviderMenuNameToInternalName(providerMenuName);
  if (providerInternalName == NULL) {
    return 1;
  GisPtr<FdoIConnectionInfo> connectionInfo;
  GisPtr<FdoIConnectionPropertyDictionary> connectionPropertyDictionary;
  Dialog * connectDialog = new Dialog();
  FdoConnectionState connectState;
  int retval = 0;
  try {
    connection = connectionManager->CreateConnection(providerInternalName);
    connectionInfo = connection->GetConnectionInfo();
    connectionPropertyDictionary = connectionInfo->GetConnectionProperties();
    retval = GetConnectionPropertyValues(connectionPropertyDictionary, connectDialog);
    if (retval == 0) {
      connectState = connection->Open();
      switch (connectState) {
        case FdoConnectionState_Busy: break;
        case FdoConnectionState_Closed: break;
        case FdoConnectionState_Open : break;
        case FdoConnectionState_Pending : 
          retval = GetConnectionPropertyValues(connectionPropertyDictionary, connectDialog);
          if (retval == 0) {
            connectState = connection->Open();
        default : 
          GisException * ex = GisException::Create(L"connection->Open() returned unknown connection state");
          throw ex;
  catch (GisException * ex){
    // error handling
    if (connection) {
    return 1;

  if (connectState != FdoConnectionState_Open) {
    // error handling
    return 1;
  return 0;
// this method constructs the dialog the user fills in with
// values for the connection properties
// if the user fills in all the required fields and does not
// cancel, the method sets the property values in the property 
// dictionary once that is done, the connection can be opened
    *dictionary, Dialog * dialog) {
  int retval = 0;
  // get the list of property names in the dictionary
  GisString ** propertyNames = NULL;
  GisInt32 nameCount = 0;
  propertyNames = dictionary->GetPropertyNames(nameCount);
  GisString * propertyName = NULL;

  // loop through the property names adding each property to the
  // dialog
  for(int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) {
    // get the property name
    propertyName = propertyNames[i];

    // get the label to be used for the property input line 
    // in the dialog
    GisString * propertyLabel = dictionary->

    // determine whether to make the entry line required 
    // or optional
    bool IsRequired = dictionary->

    // determine whether the user input has to be handled in a
    // secure way
    bool IsProtected = dictionary->

    // get the actual and default values for the property
    // these could be the empty string, that is, (GisString *)””
    GisString * actualValue = dictionary->
    GisString * defaultValue = dictionary->

    // determine whether the property values are enumerable
    bool IsEnumerable = dictionary->

    GisString ** EnumeratedValues = NULL;
    GisInt32 numValues = 0;
    if (IsEnumerable) {
      // get the list of valid values
      EnumeratedValues = dictionary->EnumeratePropertyValues
        (propertyName, numValues);

    // the dictionary entry for this property could possibly be
    // populatetd by a subsequent call to the Open() method
    bool greyOut = false;
    if (IsEnumerable && numValues == 0) {
      greyOut = true;

    // the values are enumerable and there is only one
    else if (IsEnumerable && numValues == 1) {
      // add the line to the dialog,
      // setting the spin box value to EnumeratedValues[0]

    // the values are enumerable and there is more than one
    else if (IsEnumerable && numValues > 1) {
      // add the line to the dialog,
      // setting the spin box value to the actualValue if 
      // not empty, or setting it to the defaultValue if 
      // valid and not empty, or setting it to one of the
      // enumerated values

    // set the field to the actual value if not empty
    else if ( wcscmp(actualValue, L"") != 0) {
      // add line to dialog

    // set the field to whatever is the default value
    else {
      // add line to dialog

  // blocks until user clicks ok or cancel in dialog
  // returns 0 if user clicks ok and all required input is 
  // there and valid if user doesn't fill in required fields,
  // dialog persists until user does so or presses cancel
  // returns positive if user cancels
  retval = dialog->expose();
  if (retval == 0) {
    GisString * value = NULL;
    for(int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) {
      // get the property name
      propertyName = propertyNames[i];
      // get the value input by the user for this property
      value = dialog->GetValue(propertyName);

      dictionary->SetProperty(propertyName, value);
  return retval;