FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects


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00001 /*
00002 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006  Autodesk, Inc.
00003 * 
00004 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005 * modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser
00006 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
00007 * 
00008 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00009 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00011 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
00012 * 
00013 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00014 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00015 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00016 *
00017 */
00019 #pragma once
00021 #include "Runtime\Disposable.h"
00023 class FdoXmlReader; 
00026 public __gc class IoStream;
00027 public __gc class IoTextReader;
00031 public __gc class DictionaryElementCollection;
00034 using namespace NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_IO;
00035 using namespace NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON;
00038 public __gc __interface IXmlSaxHandler;
00039 public __gc class XmlSaxContext;
00041 /// \ingroup (OSGeoFDOCommonXml)
00042 /// \brief
00043 /// XmlReader reads an XML document from a text or binary stream. As various
00044 /// document fragments are read, it calls the appropriate SAX Handler callback on 
00045 /// the current SAX Handler. This object maintains a stack of SAX Handlers, with the 
00046 /// current one being the top handler in the stack. Callers provide this object with
00047 /// SAX Handlers to customize the processing of the XML document.
00048 /// SAXHandler callbacks also provide a means to push other handlers onto the stack.
00049 /// For example, a SAX Handler for a particular XML element might push another handler
00050 /// to read a particular sub-element.
00051 public __gc class XmlReader : public NAMESPACE_OSGEO_RUNTIME::Disposable
00052 {
00053 public:
00054     /// \brief
00055     /// Constructs an XML reader on a file
00056     /// 
00057     /// \param fileName 
00058     /// Input name of the file to read.
00059     /// 
00060     /// \return
00061     /// Returns XmlReader
00062     /// 
00063     XmlReader( System::String* fileName );
00065     /// \brief
00066     /// Constructs an XML reader on a stream
00067     /// 
00068     /// \param stream 
00069     /// Input the stream to read.
00070     /// 
00071     /// \return
00072     /// Returns XmlReader
00073     /// 
00074     XmlReader(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_IO::IoStream* stream);
00076     /// \brief
00077     /// Constructs an XML reader on a text reader
00078     /// 
00079     /// \param reader 
00080     /// Input the text reader.
00081     /// 
00082     /// \return
00083     /// Returns XmlReader
00084     /// 
00085     XmlReader( NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_IO::IoTextReader* reader );
00087     /// \brief
00088     /// Gets the underlying text reader. If a text reader was passed to this object
00089     /// then this text reader is returned.
00090     /// Otherwise, an auto-generated text reader is returned (a text reader
00091     /// wrapped around the file name or stream that was passed to this object)
00092     /// 
00093     /// \return
00094     /// Returns the underlying text reader
00095     /// 
00096     __property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_IO::IoTextReader* get_TextReader();
00098     /// \brief
00099     /// Gets the underlying stream. If a text reader was passed to this object
00100     /// then the stream for this text reader is returned.
00101     /// If a stream was passed to this object then this stream is returned.
00102     /// If a file name as passed then a auto-generated stream (wrapped around
00103     /// the file) is returned.
00104     /// 
00105     /// \return
00106     /// Returns the underlying stream
00107     /// 
00108     __property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_IO::IoStream* get_Stream();
00110     /// \brief
00111     /// Parses the XML document.
00112     /// 
00113     /// \return
00114     /// Returns true if the end of the document has not yet been reached
00115     /// 
00116     System::Boolean Parse();
00118     /// \brief
00119     /// Parses the XML document.
00120     /// 
00121     /// \param saxHandler 
00122     /// Input SAX Handler to receive the SaxHandler events.
00123     /// This object is pushed onto the SAX Handler stack when parse() starts and popped
00124     /// when parse() is finished. If NULL then no handler is pushed, meaning that
00125     /// the current top SAX Handler receives the events. If saxHander is NULL
00126     /// and there is on current top SAX Handler then this function does a 
00127     /// parse and reports syntax errors, but does no semantic processing.
00128     /// 
00129     /// \return
00130     /// Returns true if the end of the document has not yet been reached
00131     /// 
00132     System::Boolean Parse(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandler* saxHandler);
00134     /// \brief
00135     /// Parses the XML document.
00136     /// 
00137     /// \param saxHandler 
00138     /// Input SAX Handler to receive the SaxHandler events.
00139     /// This object is pushed onto the SAX Handler stack when parse() starts and popped
00140     /// when parse() is finished. If NULL then no handler is pushed, meaning that
00141     /// the current top SAX Handler receives the events. If saxHander is NULL
00142     /// and there is on current top SAX Handler then this function does a 
00143     /// parse and reports syntax errors, but does no semantic processing.
00144     /// \param saxContext 
00145     /// Input Caller-specific contextual information that is 
00146     /// pass to all SAX callbacks.
00147     /// 
00148     /// \return
00149     /// Returns true if the end of the document has not yet been reached
00150     /// 
00151     System::Boolean Parse(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandler* saxHandler, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext* saxContext);
00153     /// \brief
00154     /// Parses the XML document.
00155     /// 
00156     /// \param saxHandler 
00157     /// Input SAX Handler to receive the SaxHandler events.
00158     /// This object is pushed onto the SAX Handler stack when parse() starts and popped
00159     /// when parse() is finished. If NULL then no handler is pushed, meaning that
00160     /// the current top SAX Handler receives the events. If saxHander is NULL
00161     /// and there is on current top SAX Handler then this function does a 
00162     /// parse and reports syntax errors, but does no semantic processing.
00163     /// \param saxContext 
00164     /// Input Caller-specific contextual information that is 
00165     /// pass to all SAX callbacks.
00166     /// \param incremental 
00167     /// Input 
00168     /// true: an incremental (progressive) parse is performed. The first call 
00169     /// to XmlReader::Parse() causes the XML document to be read from the current 
00170     /// position  until the XmlSaxHandler::EndElement() callback returns false 
00171     /// or the end of the document is reached. On subsequent calls to Parse() the 
00172     /// read continues where the previous call left off. 
00173     /// false: the whole document is parsed in a single call to XmlReader::Parse(). 
00174     /// The XmlSaxHandler::EndElement() return value is ignored. If a previous call 
00175     /// was made to XmlReader::Parse(), with incremental = true, then the rest of the 
00176     /// document is parsed ( the EndElement() return value is ignored ).
00177     /// 
00178     /// \return
00179     /// Returns true if the end of the document has not yet been reached
00180     /// 
00181     System::Boolean Parse(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandler* saxHandler, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext* saxContext, System::Boolean incremental);
00183     /// \brief
00184     /// Utility function that is typically called for element names or 
00185     /// name type attributes that were adjusted when they were written to XML. 
00186     /// FDO names that correspond to XML names, but aren't valid XML names, are 
00187     /// adjusted. This function undoes the name adjustment.
00188     /// 
00189     /// \param name 
00190     /// Input the name to decode.
00191     /// 
00192     /// \return
00193     /// Returns the decoded name.
00194     /// 
00195     System::String* DecodeName(System::String* name);
00197     /// \brief
00198     /// Indicates whether the end of the XML document has been reached.
00199     /// 
00200     /// \return
00201     /// Returns true if this reader is at the end of the document, false otherwise
00202     /// 
00203     __property System::Boolean get_EOD();
00205     /// \brief
00206     /// Returns all of the XML namespace declarations that are currently
00207     /// in-scope for the current position in the XML document being read.
00208     /// 
00209     /// \return
00210     /// Returns DictionaryElementCollection. The dictionary has one DictionaryElement
00211     /// entry per namespace declaration. DictionaryElement->GetName() returns
00212     /// the namespace prefix. DictionaryElement->GetValue() returns the URI.
00213     /// 
00214     __property DictionaryElementCollection* get_Namespaces();
00216     /// \brief
00217     /// Gets the URI for a namespace prefix.
00218     /// 
00219     /// \param prefix 
00220     /// Input the namespace prefix.
00221     /// 
00222     /// \return
00223     /// Returns the URI; L"" if the prefix is not in-scope at the
00224     /// current position in the XML document.
00225     /// 
00226     System::String* PrefixToUri( System::String* prefix );  
00228 /// \cond DOXYGEN-IGNORE
00229 protected:
00230     System::Void ReleaseUnmanagedObject();
00232 public private:
00233     XmlReader(System::IntPtr unmanaged, System::Boolean autoDelete);
00235     inline FdoXmlReader* GetImpObj();
00236 /// \endcond
00237 };

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