FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects



class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryExpression
 The BinaryExpression class derives from Expression and represents string concatenation and the simple arithmetic operations add, subtract, multiply, and divide. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BLOBValue
 The BLOBValue class derives from LOBValue and represents a literal BLOB value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BooleanValue
 The BooleanValue class derives from DataValue and represents a Boolean value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ByteValue
 The ByteValue class derives from DataValue and represents a literal byte value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::CLOBValue
 The CLOBValue class derives from LOBValue and represents a literal CLOB value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ComputedIdentifier
 The ComputedIdentifier class derives from Identifier and represents an expression with alias. The name or alias must be a simple name and should not be scoped or contain the the schema name. The ComputedIdentifier can be used to provide an alias to an expression. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValue
 The DataValue class derives from LiteralValue and represents a literal value such as a string or a number. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValueCollection
 DataValueCollection is a collection of DataValue objects. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DateTimeValue
 The DateTimeValue class derives from DataValue and represents a date or time. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DecimalValue
 The DecimalValue class derives from DataValue and represents a decimal value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DoubleValue
 The DoubleValue class derives from DataValue and represents a double-precision floating point number. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Expression
 Expression is an abstract base class that forms the root of an expression tree. The Expression class contains operations for converting between the well defined text representation and the object representation of an expression. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ExpressionCollection
 ExpressionCollection is a collection of Expression objects. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Function
 The Function class derives from Expression and represents a function call. As such it defines the name of the function and the collection of arguments to be passed to it. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::GeometryValue
 The GeometryValue class derives from LiteralValue and represents a geometric value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Identifier
 The Identifier class derives from Expression and represents an identifier, such as a class name or property name. Identifiers can be just a name or they can be scoped to a particular context. For example, consider a Person class that has a DataProperty called "Name" and a ClassProperty called "Address". The Address class has DataProperties "Street", "City", and "Zip Code". When manipulating instances of a Person, the "Name" property can be referred to by the property name "Name". The "City" property is scoped inside the "Address" property, hence must be referred to by the property name "Address.City". More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::IExpressionProcessor
 The IExpressionProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in an Expression tree. It declares an process operation for each concrete class in the Expression hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with an Expression hierarchy. For example, an RDBMS feature provider implements a processor class to convert an Expression hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::IExpressionProcessorImp
 The IExpressionProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in an Expression tree. It declares an process operation for each concrete class in the Expression hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with an Expression hierarchy. For example, an RDBMS feature provider implements a processor class to convert an Expression hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Int16Value
 The Int16Value class derives from DataValue and represents a 16-bit signed integer value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Int32Value
 The Int32Value class derives from DataValue and represents a 32-bit signed integer value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Int64Value
 The Int64Value class derives from DataValue and represents a 64-bit signed integer value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::LiteralValue
 LiteralValue is an abstract base class that derives from ValueExpression to form the root for all literal value types. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::LOBValue
 The LOBValue class derives from DataValue and represents a literal BLOB value. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Parameter
 The Parameter class derives from ValueExpression and represents a substitution parameter in the expression. Parameters are represented by a name: when expressions are evaluated, the caller must supply a value to be bound to each parameter name. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::SingleValue
 The SingleValue class derives from DataValue and represents a single precision floating point number. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::StringValue
 The StringValue class derives from DataValue and represents a literal string. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::UnaryExpression
 The UnaryExpression class derives from Expression and allows negation of arithmetic expressions. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ValueExpression
 ValueExpression is an abstract base class that derives from Expression to form the root for all value expression types. More...


enum  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryOperations {
  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryOperations_Add = FdoBinaryOperations_Add,
  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryOperations_Subtract = FdoBinaryOperations_Subtract,
  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryOperations_Multiply = FdoBinaryOperations_Multiply,
  OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryOperations_Divide = FdoBinaryOperations_Divide
 The BinaryOperations enumeration lists the binary expression operations available. More...
enum  ExpressionType {
  ExpressionType_Basic = FdoExpressionType_Basic,
  ExpressionType_Function = FdoExpressionType_Function,
  ExpressionType_Parameter = FdoExpressionType_Parameter
 The ExpressionType enumeration defines the expression types available. This enumeration is used in the capabilities metadata. More...
enum  UnaryOperations { UnaryOperations_Negate = FdoUnaryOperations_Negate }
 The UnaryOperations enumeration lists the unary expression operations available. More...

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