FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects



interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IBaseSelect
 The IBaseSelect interface defines a base interface for the the FDO ISelect command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features). More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IBaseSelectImp
 The IBaseSelectImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IBaseSelect. The IBaseSelect interface defines a base interface for the the FDO ISelect command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features). More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDataReader
 The IDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an IDataReader is returned from the ISQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the IDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDataReaderImp
 The IDataReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class for IDataReader. The IDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an IDataReader is returned from the SQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the IDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDelete
 The IDelete interface defines the FDO Delete command, which deletes instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the delete command includes the name of the class, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be deleted. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The delete command can delete instances at global scope or instances/values nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDeleteImp
 The IDeleteImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IDelete. The IDelete interface defines the FDO Delete command, which deletes instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the delete command includes the name of the class, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be deleted. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The delete command can delete instances at global scope or instances/values nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IFeatureReader
 The IFeatureReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IFeatureReader is returned from the Select and SelectAndLock commands. Because the initial position of the IFeatureReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IFeatureReaderImp
 The IFeatureReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IFeatureReader. The IFeatureReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IFeatureReader is returned from the Select and SelectAndLock commands. Because the initial position of the IFeatureReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IInsert
 The IInsert interface defines the Insert command, which inserts a new instance of a given class. Input to the insert command includes the name of the class and a collection of property values. Properties that are not specified and do not have a default value will be assigned a null value or an exception will be thrown if the property is required. The insert command can insert instances at global scope or instances nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IInsertImp
 The IInsertImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IInsert. The IInsert interface defines the Insert command, which inserts a new instance of a given class. Input to the insert command includes the name of the class and a collection of property values. Properties that are not specified and do not have a default value will be assigned a null value or an exception will be thrown if the property is required. The insert command can insert instances at global scope or instances nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IReader
 The IReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading data. Because the initial position of the IReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IReaderImp
 The IReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IReader. The IReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading data. Because the initial position of the IReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelect
 The ISelect interface defines the Select command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features). More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectAggregates
 The ISelectAggregate interface defines a Select command that handle selection of properties that include the use of aggregate functions. This command differs from the ISelect command in a number of ways. It handles selection of properties that are aggregate functions and supports selecting distinct property values. It also includes grouping criteria. The execute method returns an IDataReader which is not tied to a specific class. Unlike Select, ISelectAggregate does not include any locking functions. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectAggregatesImp
 The ISelectAggregateImp class is a cocrete implementation of interface ISelectAggregates. The ISelectAggregate interface defines a Select command that handle selection of properties that include the use of aggregate functions. This command differs from the ISelect command in a number of ways. It handles selection of properties that are aggregate functions and supports selecting distinct property values. It also includes grouping criteria. The execute method returns an IDataReader which is not tied to a specific class. Unlike Select, ISelectAggregate does not include any locking functions. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectImp
 The ISelectImp class is a concrete implementation of interface ISelect. The ISelect interface defines the Select command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features). More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IUpdate
 The IUpdate interface defines the Update command, which modifies instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the update command includes the name of the class, the list of property name/value pairs to be updated, and the filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be updated. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The update command can update instances at global scope or nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e., instances within an object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IUpdateImp
 The IUpdateImp class is a concrete implementation of interface IUpdate. The IUpdate interface defines the Update command, which modifies instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the update command includes the name of the class, the list of property name/value pairs to be updated, and the filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be updated. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The update command can update instances at global scope or nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e., instances within an object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name. More...

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