FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects


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00001 /*
00002 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006  Autodesk, Inc.
00003 * 
00004 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005 * modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser
00006 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
00007 * 
00008 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00009 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00011 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
00012 * 
00013 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00014 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00015 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00016 *
00017 */
00019 #pragma  once
00021 #include "FDO\Xml\mgXmlFlags.h"
00023 class FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags;
00027 /// \ingroup (OSGeoFDOXml)
00028 /// \brief
00029 /// FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags extends FdoXmlFlags to specify flags specific to Spatial Contexts.
00030 public __gc class XmlSpatialContextFlags : public NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags
00031 {
00032 public:
00033     /// \brief
00034     /// XmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption specifies how 
00035     /// to handle Spatial Contexts that are already in the DataStore, 
00036     /// when Deserializing:
00037     /// 
00038     /// \param ConflictOption_Add 
00039     /// just add new spatial contexts to the FDO DataStore. 
00040     /// If the Spatial Context already exists, an exception is thrown.
00041     /// \param ConflictOption_Update 
00042     /// Update the spatial context if it already
00043     /// exists, add it if it doesn't exist.
00044     /// \param ConflictOption_Skip 
00045     /// Just add new spatial contexts. 
00046     /// Silently skip spatial contexts already in the DataStore.
00047     /// 
00048     __value enum ConflictOption 
00049     {
00050         ConflictOption_Add = FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption_Add,
00051         ConflictOption_Update = FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption_Update,
00052         ConflictOption_Skip = FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption_Skip
00053     };
00055     /// \brief
00056     /// Constructs an XmlSpatialContextFlags object.
00057     /// 
00058     XmlSpatialContextFlags();
00060     /// \brief
00061     /// Constructs an XmlSpatialContextFlags object.
00062     /// 
00063     /// \param location 
00064     /// Base URL for generating well-known references to 
00065     /// GML coordinate systems and transformations
00066     /// 
00067     XmlSpatialContextFlags(System::String* location);
00069     /// \brief
00070     /// Constructs an XmlSpatialContextFlags object.
00071     /// 
00072     /// \param location 
00073     /// Base URL for generating well-known references to 
00074     /// GML coordinate systems and transformations
00075     /// \param errorLevel 
00076     /// Input The error level for reading spatial contexts. Controls how 
00077     /// strict the error reporting is.
00078     /// 
00079     XmlSpatialContextFlags(System::String* location, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags::ErrorLevel errorLevel);
00081     /// \brief
00082     /// Constructs an XmlSpatialContextFlags object.
00083     /// 
00084     /// \param location 
00085     /// Base URL for generating well-known references to 
00086     /// GML coordinate systems and transformations
00087     /// \param errorLevel 
00088     /// Input The error level for reading spatial contexts. Controls how 
00089     /// strict the error reporting is.
00090     /// \param nameAdjust 
00091     /// Input true: apply name adjustment to all elements. 
00092     /// false: apply name adjustment only to elements with fdo:nameAdjust="true"
00093     /// 
00094     XmlSpatialContextFlags(System::String* location, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags::ErrorLevel errorLevel, System::Boolean nameAdjust);
00096     /// \brief
00097     /// Constructs an XmlSpatialContextFlags object.
00098     /// 
00099     /// \param location 
00100     /// Base URL for generating well-known references to 
00101     /// GML coordinate systems and transformations
00102     /// \param errorLevel 
00103     /// Input The error level for reading spatial contexts. Controls how 
00104     /// strict the error reporting is.
00105     /// \param nameAdjust 
00106     /// Input true: apply name adjustment to all elements. 
00107     /// false: apply name adjustment only to elements with fdo:nameAdjust="true"
00108     /// \param conflictOption 
00109     /// Input option for Deserializing Spatial Contexts. 
00110     /// Specified how Spatial Contexts, already in  connection, are handled.
00111     /// 
00112     XmlSpatialContextFlags(System::String* location, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags::ErrorLevel errorLevel, System::Boolean nameAdjust, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption conflictOption);
00114     /// \brief
00115     /// Constructs an XmlSpatialContextFlags object.
00116     /// 
00117     /// \param location 
00118     /// Base URL for generating well-known references to 
00119     /// GML coordinate systems and transformations
00120     /// \param errorLevel 
00121     /// Input The error level for reading spatial contexts. Controls how 
00122     /// strict the error reporting is.
00123     /// \param nameAdjust 
00124     /// Input true: apply name adjustment to all elements. 
00125     /// false: apply name adjustment only to elements with fdo:nameAdjust="true"
00126     /// \param conflictOption 
00127     /// Input option for Deserializing Spatial Contexts. 
00128     /// Specified how Spatial Contexts, already in  connection, are handled.
00129     /// \param includeDefault 
00130     /// Input true: When Serializing Spatial Contexts, serialize
00131     /// all contexts including the default.
00132     /// false: skip the default Spatial Context.
00133     /// 
00134     XmlSpatialContextFlags(System::String* location, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags::ErrorLevel errorLevel, System::Boolean nameAdjust, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption conflictOption, System::Boolean includeDefault);
00136     /// \brief
00137     /// Sets the current option for handling Spatial Contexts
00138     /// already in the connection.
00139     /// 
00140     /// \param conflictOption 
00141     /// Input option for Deserializing Spatial Contexts. 
00142     /// Specified how Spatial Contexts, already in the FDO connection, are handled.
00143     /// 
00144     System::Void SetConflictOption(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption conflictOption);
00146     /// \brief
00147     /// Get the current option for handling Spatial Contexts
00148     /// already in the connection.
00149     /// 
00150     /// \return
00151     /// Returns the current conflict option.
00152     /// 
00153     NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlSpatialContextFlags::ConflictOption GetConflictOption();
00155     /// \brief
00156     /// Sets the default Spatial Context inclusion flag.
00157     /// 
00158     /// \param includeDefault 
00159     /// Input true: When Serializing Spatial Contexts, serialize
00160     /// all contexts including the default.
00161     /// false: skip the default Spatial Context.
00162     /// 
00163     __property System::Void set_IncludeDefault(System::Boolean includeDefault);
00165     /// \brief
00166     /// Gets the default Spatial Context inclusion flag.
00167     /// 
00168     /// \return
00169     /// Returns the default Spatial Context inclusion flag.
00170     /// 
00171     __property System::Boolean get_IncludeDefault();
00173     /// \brief
00174     /// Constructs a XmlSpatialContextFlags object based on an unmanaged instance of the object
00175     /// 
00176     /// \param unmanaged 
00177     /// Input A Pointer to the unmanaged object.
00178     /// 
00179     /// \param autoDelete 
00180     /// Input Indicates if the constructed object should be automatically deleted 
00181     /// once it no longer referenced.
00182     /// 
00183     XmlSpatialContextFlags(System::IntPtr unmanaged, System::Boolean autoDelete) : NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags(unmanaged, autoDelete)
00184     {
00186     }
00188 /// \cond DOXYGEN-IGNORE
00189     inline FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags* GetImpObj()
00190     {
00191         return static_cast<FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags*>(__super::UnmanagedObject.ToPointer());
00192     }
00193 /// \endcond
00194 };

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