FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

CHM Usage Notes

The CHM has been created from .NET managed C++ header files using doxygen.

Interface Classes

In general an interface class name is prefixed by a capital I and does not end with 'Imp'. Those classes whose names are prefixed with a capital I and end with 'Imp' inherit from the interface class with the related name. For example, OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IAcquireLock is the name of an interface class, and OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IAcquireLockImp is the name of an implementation class which inherits from IAcquireLock.
In the table of contents click Modules, click Interfaces and then click Classes to see the list of all of the interface classes.
In the table of contents click Modules, click a namespace node and then click Interfaces to see the list of interfaces belonging to that namespace.
To see the description of the interface class methods click on the inherited by link and on the page describing the implementation class scroll to the bottom.

Implementation Classes

Click on 'Class List' to see the list of implementation classes.
You will also see the interface classes there as well.


In the table of contents click Modules, click Enums and click Enumerations to see the list of all of the enumerations.
In the table of contents click Modules, click a namespace node and then click Enumerations to see the list of enumerations belonging to that namespace.


Click 'Namespace List' to see the list of namespaces and then click a namespace name to see a list of classes and interfaces contained in that namespace.

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