/****************************************************************************** * $Id: Dataset.i,v 1.16 2006/12/02 05:15:30 hobu Exp $ * * Name: Dataset.i * Project: GDAL Python Interface * Purpose: GDAL Core SWIG Interface declarations. * Author: Kevin Ruland, kruland@ku.edu * * * $Log: Dataset.i,v $ * Revision 1.16 2006/12/02 05:15:30 hobu * Dataset.ReadRaster * * Revision 1.15 2005/09/02 16:19:23 kruland * Major reorganization to accomodate multiple language bindings. * Each language binding can define renames and supplemental code without * having to have a lot of conditionals in the main interface definition files. * * Revision 1.14 2005/08/06 20:51:58 kruland * Instead of using double_## defines and SWIG macros, use typemaps with * [ANY] specified and use $dim0 to extract the dimension. This makes the * code quite a bit more readable. * * Revision 1.13 2005/07/18 16:13:31 kruland * Added MajorObject.i an interface specification to the MajorObject baseclass. * Used inheritance in Band.i, Driver.i, and Dataset.i to access MajorObject * functionality. * Adjusted Makefile to have PYTHON be a variable, gdal wrapper depend on * MajorObject.i, use rm (instead of libtool's wrapped RM) for removal because * the libtool didn't accept -r. * * Revision 1.12 2005/07/15 19:00:55 kruland * Implement the SetMetadata/GetMetadata methods as in Band.i * * Revision 1.11 2005/07/15 16:55:21 kruland * Implemented SetDescription and GetDescription. * * Revision 1.10 2005/03/10 17:18:55 hobu * #ifdefs for csharp * * Revision 1.9 2005/02/23 21:37:18 kruland * Added GetProjectionRef(). Commented missing methods. * * Revision 1.8 2005/02/23 17:46:39 kruland * Added r/o attribute RasterCount. * Added AddBand method. * Added WriteRaster method. * * Revision 1.7 2005/02/21 14:51:32 kruland * Needed to rename GDALDriver to GDALDriverShadow in the last commit. * * Revision 1.6 2005/02/20 19:42:53 kruland * Rename the Swig shadow classes so the names do not give the impression that * they are any part of the GDAL/OSR apis. There were no bugs with the old * names but they were confusing. * * Revision 1.5 2005/02/17 17:27:13 kruland * Changed the handling of fixed size double arrays to make it fit more * naturally with GDAL/OSR usage. Declare as typedef double * double_17; * If used as return argument use: function ( ... double_17 argout ... ); * If used as value argument use: function (... double_17 argin ... ); * * Revision 1.4 2005/02/16 17:41:19 kruland * Added a few more methods to Dataset and marked the ones still missing. * * Revision 1.3 2005/02/15 20:50:49 kruland * Added SetProjection. * * Revision 1.2 2005/02/15 16:53:36 kruland * Removed use of vector in the ?etGeoTransform() methods. Use fixed * length double array type instead. * * Revision 1.1 2005/02/15 05:56:49 kruland * Created the Dataset shadow class definition. Does not rely on the C++ api * in gdal_priv.h. Need to remove the vector<>s and replace with fixed * size arrays. * * */ %{ static CPLErr DSReadRaster_internal( GDALDatasetShadow *obj, int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, GDALDataType buf_type, int *buf_size, char **buf, int band_list, int *pband_list ) { *buf_size = buf_xsize * buf_ysize * GDALGetDataTypeSize( buf_type ) / 8; *buf = (char*) malloc( *buf_size ); CPLErr result = GDALDatasetRasterIO(obj, GF_Read, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, (void*) *buf, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, band_list, pband_list, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( result != CE_None ) { free( *buf ); *buf = 0; *buf_size = 0; } return result; } %} //************************************************************************ // // Define the extensions for Dataset (nee GDALDatasetShadow) // //************************************************************************ %rename (Dataset) GDALDatasetShadow; class GDALDatasetShadow : public GDALMajorObjectShadow { private: GDALDatasetShadow(); public: %extend { %immutable; int RasterXSize; int RasterYSize; int RasterCount; // // Needed // _band list? %mutable; ~GDALDatasetShadow() { if ( GDALDereferenceDataset( self ) <= 0 ) { GDALClose(self); } } GDALDriverShadow* GetDriver() { return (GDALDriverShadow*) GDALGetDatasetDriver( self ); } GDALRasterBandShadow* GetRasterBand(int nBand ) { return (GDALRasterBandShadow*) GDALGetRasterBand( self, nBand ); } char const *GetProjection() { return GDALGetProjectionRef( self ); } char const *GetProjectionRef() { return GDALGetProjectionRef( self ); } CPLErr SetProjection( char const *prj ) { return GDALSetProjection( self, prj ); } void GetGeoTransform( double argout[6] ) { if ( GDALGetGeoTransform( self, argout ) != 0 ) { argout[0] = 0.0; argout[1] = 1.0; argout[2] = 0.0; argout[3] = 0.0; argout[4] = 0.0; argout[5] = 1.0; } } CPLErr SetGeoTransform( double argin[6] ) { return GDALSetGeoTransform( self, argin ); } // The (int,int*) arguments are typemapped. The name of the first argument // becomes the kwarg name for it. %feature("kwargs") BuildOverviews; %apply (int nList, int* pList) { (int overviewlist, int *pOverviews) }; int BuildOverviews( const char *resampling = "NEAREST", int overviewlist = 0 , int *pOverviews = 0 ) { return GDALBuildOverviews( self, resampling, overviewlist, pOverviews, 0, 0, 0, 0); } %clear (int overviewlist, int *pOverviews); int GetGCPCount() { return GDALGetGCPCount( self ); } const char *GetGCPProjection() { return GDALGetGCPProjection( self ); } void GetGCPs( int *nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const **pGCPs ) { *nGCPs = GDALGetGCPCount( self ); *pGCPs = GDALGetGCPs( self ); } CPLErr SetGCPs( int nGCPs, GDAL_GCP const *pGCPs, const char *pszGCPProjection ) { return GDALSetGCPs( self, nGCPs, pGCPs, pszGCPProjection ); } void FlushCache() { GDALFlushCache( self ); } %feature ("kwargs") AddBand; /* uses the defined char **options typemap */ CPLErr AddBand( GDALDataType datatype = GDT_Byte, char **options = 0 ) { return GDALAddBand( self, datatype, options ); } %feature("kwargs") WriteRaster; %apply (int nLen, char *pBuf) { (int buf_len, char *buf_string) }; %apply (int *optional_int) { (int*) }; %apply (int *optional_int) { (GDALDataType *buf_type) }; %apply (int nList, int *pList ) { (int band_list, int *pband_list ) }; CPLErr WriteRaster( int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_len, char *buf_string, int *buf_xsize = 0, int *buf_ysize = 0, GDALDataType *buf_type = 0, int band_list = 0, int *pband_list = 0 ) { int nxsize = (buf_xsize==0) ? xsize : *buf_xsize; int nysize = (buf_ysize==0) ? ysize : *buf_ysize; GDALDataType ntype; if ( buf_type != 0 ) { ntype = (GDALDataType) *buf_type; } else { int lastband = GDALGetRasterCount( self ) - 1; ntype = GDALGetRasterDataType( GDALGetRasterBand( self, lastband ) ); } bool myBandList = false; int nBandCount; int *pBandList; if ( band_list != 0 ) { myBandList = false; nBandCount = band_list; pBandList = pband_list; } else { myBandList = true; nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( self ); pBandList = (int*) CPLMalloc( sizeof(int) * nBandCount ); for( int i = 0; i< nBandCount; ++i ) { pBandList[i] = i; } } return GDALDatasetRasterIO( self, GF_Write, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, (void*) buf_string, nxsize, nysize, ntype, band_list, pband_list, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( myBandList ) { CPLFree( pBandList ); } } %clear (int band_list, int *pband_list ); %clear (GDALDataType *buf_type); %clear (int*); %clear (int buf_len, char *buf_string); %feature("kwargs") ReadRaster; %apply (int *optional_int) { (GDALDataType *buf_type) }; %apply (int nList, int *pList ) { (int band_list, int *pband_list ) }; %apply ( int *nLen, char **pBuf ) { (int *buf_len, char **buf ) }; %apply ( int *optional_int ) {(int*)}; CPLErr ReadRaster( int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int *buf_len, char **buf, int *buf_xsize = 0, int *buf_ysize = 0, GDALDataType *buf_type = 0, int band_list = 0, int *pband_list = 0 ) { int nxsize = (buf_xsize==0) ? xsize : *buf_xsize; int nysize = (buf_ysize==0) ? ysize : *buf_ysize; GDALDataType ntype; if ( buf_type != 0 ) { ntype = (GDALDataType) *buf_type; } else { int lastband = GDALGetRasterCount( self ) - 1; ntype = GDALGetRasterDataType( GDALGetRasterBand( self, lastband ) ); } bool myBandList = false; int nBandCount; int *pBandList; if ( band_list != 0 ) { myBandList = false; nBandCount = band_list; pBandList = pband_list; } else { myBandList = true; nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( self ); pBandList = (int*) CPLMalloc( sizeof(int) * nBandCount ); for( int i = 0; i< nBandCount; ++i ) { pBandList[i] = i; } } return DSReadRaster_internal( self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, nxsize, nysize, ntype, buf_len, buf, nBandCount, pBandList); if ( myBandList ) { CPLFree( pBandList ); } } %clear (int *buf_len, char **buf ); %clear (int*); /* NEEDED */ /* GetSubDatasets */ /* ReadAsArray */ /* AddBand */ /* AdviseRead */ /* ReadRaster */ } /* extend */ }; /* GDALDatasetShadow */ %{ int GDALDatasetShadow_RasterXSize_get( GDALDatasetShadow *h ) { return GDALGetRasterXSize( h ); } int GDALDatasetShadow_RasterYSize_get( GDALDatasetShadow *h ) { return GDALGetRasterYSize( h ); } int GDALDatasetShadow_RasterCount_get( GDALDatasetShadow *h ) { return GDALGetRasterCount( h ); } %}