/****************************************************************************** * $Id: cpl.i,v 1.5 2006/01/17 04:38:09 cfis Exp $ * * Name: cpl.i * Project: GDAL Python Interface * Purpose: GDAL Core SWIG Interface declarations. * Author: Kevin Ruland, kruland@ku.edu * * * $Log: cpl.i,v $ * Revision 1.5 2006/01/17 04:38:09 cfis * Switched #ifdef declarations to have a section for Ruby to be more consistent with other SWIG interface files. * * Revision 1.4 2006/01/16 08:07:04 cfis * Exposed CPLHexToBinary and CPLHexToBinary to scripting languages. * * Revision 1.3 2005/10/02 23:31:27 cfis * Updated the renames to include support for Ruby. * * Revision 1.2 2005/02/16 16:54:48 kruland * Removed the python code from the wrapper for now. Wrapped a simple version * of PushErrorHandler(char const*) which allows assignment of the CPL defined * error handlers. * * */ %inline %{ void Debug( const char *msg_class, const char *message ) { CPLDebug( msg_class, message ); } void Error( CPLErr msg_class = CE_Failure, int err_code = 0, const char* msg = "error" ) { CPLError( msg_class, err_code, msg ); } CPLErr PushErrorHandler( char const * pszCallbackName = "CPLQuietErrorHandler" ) { CPLErrorHandler pfnHandler = NULL; if( EQUAL(pszCallbackName,"CPLQuietErrorHandler") ) pfnHandler = CPLQuietErrorHandler; else if( EQUAL(pszCallbackName,"CPLDefaultErrorHandler") ) pfnHandler = CPLDefaultErrorHandler; else if( EQUAL(pszCallbackName,"CPLLoggingErrorHandler") ) pfnHandler = CPLLoggingErrorHandler; if ( pfnHandler == NULL ) return CE_Fatal; CPLPushErrorHandler( pfnHandler ); return CE_None; } %} #ifdef SWIGRUBY %rename (push_error_handler) CPLPushErrorHandler; %rename (pop_error_handler) CPLPopErrorHandler; %rename (error_reset) CPLErrorReset; %rename (get_last_error_no) CPLGetLastErrorNo; %rename (get_last_error_type) CPLGetLastErrorType; %rename (get_last_error_msg) CPLGetLastErrorMsg; %rename (push_finder_location) CPLPushFinderLocation; %rename (pop_finder_location) CPLPopFinderLocation; %rename (finder_clean) CPLFinderClean; %rename (find_file) CPLFindFile; %rename (set_config_option) CPLSetConfigOption; %rename (get_config_option) CPLGetConfigOption; %rename (binary_to_hex) CPLBinaryToHex; %rename (hex_to_binary) CPLHexToBinary; #else %rename (PushErrorHandler) CPLPushErrorHandler; %rename (PopErrorHandler) CPLPopErrorHandler; %rename (ErrorReset) CPLErrorReset; %rename (GetLastErrorNo) CPLGetLastErrorNo; %rename (GetLastErrorType) CPLGetLastErrorType; %rename (GetLastErrorMsg) CPLGetLastErrorMsg; %rename (PushFinderLocation) CPLPushFinderLocation; %rename (PopFinderLocation) CPLPopFinderLocation; %rename (FinderClean) CPLFinderClean; %rename (FindFile) CPLFindFile; %rename (SetConfigOption) CPLSetConfigOption; %rename (GetConfigOption) CPLGetConfigOption; %rename (CPLBinaryToHex) CPLBinaryToHex; %rename (CPLHexToBinary) CPLHexToBinary; #endif void CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLErrorHandler ); void CPLPopErrorHandler(); void CPLErrorReset(); int CPLGetLastErrorNo(); CPLErr CPLGetLastErrorType(); char const *CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); void CPLPushFinderLocation( const char * ); void CPLPopFinderLocation(); void CPLFinderClean(); const char * CPLFindFile( const char *, const char * ); void CPLSetConfigOption( const char *, const char * ); const char * CPLGetConfigOption( const char *, const char * ); /* Provide hooks to hex encoding methods */ char *CPLBinaryToHex( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); GByte *CPLHexToBinary( const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes );