What Is FDO Provider for WFS?

The Feature Data Objects (FDO) API provides access to data in a data store. A provider is a specific implementation of the FDO API that provides access to data in a particular data store. The FDO Provider for WFS provides FDO with access to a WFS-based data store.

An OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) provides access to geographic features that are stored in an opaque data store in a client/server environment. A client uses WFS to retrieve geospatial data that is encoded in Geography Markup Language (GML) from a single or multiple Web Feature Service. The communication between client and server is encoded in XML. If the WFS response includes feature geometries, it is encoded in Geography Markup Language (GML), which is specified in the OpenGIS Geographic Markup Language Implementation Specification.

Using FDO Provider for WFS data manipulation operations, you can do the following:

For more information, see The Essential FDO (FET_TheEssentialFDO.pdf).

NoteThere is no public API documentation for the FDO Provider for WFS; functionality is available through the main FDO API.