## @ignore Geo::GDALc ## @class Geo::GDAL ## @ignore TIEHASH ## @ignore CLEAR ## @ignore FIRSTKEY ## @ignore NEXTKEY ## @ignore FETCH ## @ignore STORE ## @ignore this ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPX_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPX_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPY_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPY_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_Info_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_Info_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_Id_get ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_Id_set ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_GCPX ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_GCPX ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_GCPY ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_GCPY ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_GCPZ ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_GCPZ ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_GCPPixel ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_GCPPixel ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_GCPLine ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_GCPLine ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_Info ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_Info ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_get_Id ## @ignore GDAL_GCP_set_Id ## @fn UseExceptions() ## @fn DontUseExceptions() ## @fn Debug() ## @fn Error() ## @fn PushErrorHandler() ## @fn PopErrorHandler() ## @fn ErrorReset() ## @fn GetLastErrorNo() ## @fn GetLastErrorType() ## @fn GetLastErrorMsg() ## @fn PushFinderLocation() ## @fn PopFinderLocation() ## @fn FinderClean() ## @fn FindFile() ## @fn SetConfigOption() ## @fn GetConfigOption() ## @fn CPLBinaryToHex() ## @fn CPLHexToBinary() ## @fn GCPsToGeoTransform(\@GCPs, $ApproxOK = 1) # @return arrayref = [$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f] # x = $a + j * $b + i * $c; # y = $d + j * $e + i * $f; # (i,j) is the location in pixel coordinates # (x,y) is the location in projection coordinates ## @fn AllRegister() ## @fn GetCacheMax() # @return scalar (int) ## @fn SetCacheMax($nBytes) ## @fn GetCacheUsed() # @return scalar (int) ## @fn GetDataTypeSize($GDALDataType) # @return scalar (int) ## @fn DataTypeIsComplex($GDALDataType) # @return scalar (int) ## @fn GetDataTypeName($GDALDataType) # @return scalar (string) ## @fn GetDataTypeByName($name) # @return scalar (int) ## @fn GetColorInterpretationName($GDALColorInterp) # @return scalar (string) ## @fn GetPaletteInterpretationName($GDALPaletteInterp) # @return scalar (string) ## @fn DecToDMS($double, $string, $int) # @return scalar (string) ## @fn PackedDMSToDec($double) # @return scalar (double) ## @fn DecToPackedDMS($double) # @return scalar (double) ## @fn ParseXMLString($string) # @return ref to array of CPLXMLNodes ## @fn SerializeXMLTree(\@CPLXMLNodes) # @return scalar (string) ## @fn GetDriverCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @fn GetDriverByName($ShortName) # @return Geo::GDAL::Driver object ## @fn GetDriver($int) # @return Geo::GDAL::Driver object ## @fn Open($name, $Access = \$Geo::GDAL::Const::GA_ReadOnly) # @return Geo::GDAL::Dataset object ## @fn OpenShared($name, $Access = \$Geo::GDAL::Const::GA_ReadOnly) # @return Geo::GDAL::Dataset object ## @fn AutoCreateWarpedVRT($src_ds, $src_wkt = undef, $dst_wkt = undef, $ResampleAlg = \$Geo::GDAL::Const::GRA_NearestNeighbour, $maxerror = 0.0) # @param $src_ds a Geo::GDAL::Dataset object # @param $ResampleAlg GDALResampleAlg # @return Geo::GDAL::Dataset object ## @fn GeneralCmdLineProcessor(\@Argv, $nOptions = 0) # @return arrayref ## @fn PackCharacter($DataType) # @param $DataType GDAL data type value, typically from $band->{DataType} # @return character which can be used in Perl's pack and unpack ## @class Geo::GDAL::MajorObject ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @method $description = GetDescription() # @return scalar (string) ## @method SetDescription($NewDesc) ## @method GetMetadata($Domain = "") # @return hashref ## @method SetMetadata(\%Metadata, $Domain = "") ## @class Geo::GDAL::Driver ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @attr ShortName # scalar (access as $driver->{ShortName}) ## @attr LongName # scalar (access as $driver->{LongName}) ## @attr HelpTopic # scalar (access as $driver->{HelpTopic}) ## @method Create($name, $xsize, $ysize, $bands =1, $Type = \$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Byte, \@options = undef) # @return Geo::GDAL::Dataset object ## @method CreateCopy($name, $src, $strict = 1, \@options = undef) # @param $src Geo::GDAL::Dataset object ## @method Delete($name) ## @class Geo::GDAL::GCP ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @cmethod new($x = 0.0, $y = 0.0, $z = 0.0, $pixel = 0.0, $line = 0.0, $info = "", $id = "") ## @attr GCPX # scalar (access as $gcp->{GCPX}) ## @attr GCPY # scalar (access as $gcp->{GCPY}) ## @attr GCPZ # scalar (access as $gcp->{GCPZ}) ## @attr Pixel # scalar (access as $gcp->{Pixel}) # the j pixel coordinate ## @attr Line # scalar (access as $gcp->{Line}) # the i pixel coordinate ## @attr Info # scalar (access as $gcp->{Info}) ## @attr Id # scalar (access as $gcp->{Id}) ## @class Geo::GDAL::Dataset ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @attr RasterXSize # scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterXSize}) ## @attr RasterYSize # scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterYSize}) ## @attr Count # scalar (access as $dataset->{Count}) ## @method GetDriver() # @return Geo::GDAL::Driver object ## @method GetRasterBand($nBand) # @param $nBand 1...RasterCount # @return Geo::GDAL::RasterBand object ## @method GetProjection() # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetProjectionRef() # @return scalar (string) ## @method SetProjection($proj) # @param $proj scalar (string) ## @method GetGeoTransform() # @return arrayref ## @method SetGeoTransform(\@GeoTransform) ## @method BuildOverviews($resampling = "NEAREST", \@Overviews = undef) ## @method GetGCPCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetGCPProjection() # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetGCPs() # @return arrayref ## @method SetGCPs(\@GCPs, $GCPProjection) ## @method FlushCache() ## @method AddBand($datatype = $Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Byte, \@options = 0) ## @method WriteRaster($xoff, $yoff, $xsize, $ysize, $buf, $buf_xsize = undef, $buf_ysize = undef, $buf_type = undef, \@band_list = undef) # Entry in GDAL docs ## @method ReadRaster($xoff, $yoff, $xsize, $ysize, $buf_xsize = undef, $buf_ysize = undef, $buf_type = undef, \@band_list = undef) # @return $buf ## @class Geo::GDAL::Band ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @attr XSize # scalar (access as $band->{XSize}) ## @attr YSize # scalar (access as $band->{YSize}) ## @attr DataType # scalar (access as $band->{DataType}) ## @method GetBlockSize() # @return array BlockSize = ($BlockXSize, $BlockYSize) ## @method GetRasterColorInterpretation() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetRasterColorInterpretation($val) # @param $val one of $Geo::GDAL::Const::GPI_* ## @method GetNoDataValue() # @return scalar (double or undef) ## @method SetNoDataValue($NoDataValue) # @param $NoDataValue (undef is zero) ## @method GetMinimum() # @return scalar (double or undef) ## @method GetMaximum() # @return scalar (double or undef) ## @method GetOffset() # @return scalar (double or undef) ## @method GetScale() # @return scalar (double or undef) ## @method GetStatistics($approx_ok, $force) # @return array Statistics = ($min, $max, $mean, $stddev) ## @method SetStatistics($min, $max, $mean, $stddev) ## @method GetOverviewCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetOverview($i) # @param $i 0..GetOverviewCount-1 # @return Geo::GDAL::RasterBand object ## @method Checksum($xoff = 0, $yoff = 0, $xsize = undef, $ysize = undef) # @return scalar (int) ## @method ComputeRasterMinMax($approx_ok = 0) # @return arrayref MinMax = [$min, $max] ## @method ComputeBandStats($samplestep = 1) # @return arrayref Stats ## @method Fill($real_fill, $imag_fill = 0.0) # @return CPLErr ## @method ReadRaster($xoff, $yoff, $xsize, $ysize, $buf_xsize = undef, $buf_ysize = undef, $buf_type = undef) # @return $buf ## @method WriteRaster($xoff, $yoff, $xsize, $ysize, $buf, $buf_xsize = undef, $buf_ysize = undef, $buf_type = undef) ## @method FlushCache() ## @method GetRasterColorTable() # @return Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object ## @method SetRasterColorTable($ColorTable) # @param $ColorTable Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object ## @class Geo::GDAL::ColorTable ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @cmethod new($GDALPaletteInterp = $Geo::GDAL::Const::GPI_RGB) ## @method Clone() # @return Geo::GDAL::ColorTable object ## @method GetPaletteInterpretation() # @return one of $Geo::GDAL::Const::GPI_* ## @method GetCount() # @return scalar (count of color entries as int) ## @method GetColorEntry($i) # @return array ColorEntry = ($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) ## @method GetColorEntryAsRGB($i) # @return array ColorEntry = ($r, $g, $b, $alpha) ## @method SetColorEntry($i, \@ColorEntry)