
This driver implements support for access to spatial tables in PostgreSQL extended with the PostGIS spatial data support. Some support exists in the driver for use with PostgreSQL without PostGIS but with less functionalities.

Connecting to a database

To connect to a Postgres datasource, use a connection string specifying the database name, with additional parameters as necessary
PG:"dbname='databasename' server='addr' port='5432' user='x' passwd='y'"
It's also possible to omit the database name and connect to a default database, with the same name as the user name. Note: We use PQconnectdb() to make the connection, so any other options and defaults that would apply to it, apply to the name here. The PG: prefix is used to mark the name as a postgres connection string.

Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, the set of tables to be scanned can be overridden by specifying tables=[schema.]table[(geom_column_name)][,[schema2.]table2[(geom_column_name2)],...] within the connection string. If the parameter is found, the driver skips enumeration of the tables as described in the next paragraph.

Geometry columns

If the geometry_columns table exists (i.e. PostGIS is enabled for the accessed database), then all tables and named views listed in the geometry_columns table will be treated as OGR layers. Otherwise (PostGIS disabled for the accessed database), all regular user tables and named views will be treated as layers.

Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, the PostgreSQL driver supports accessing tables with multiple PostGIS geometry columns. For such a table, there will be as many layers reported as the number of geometry columns listed for that table in the geometry_columns table. For example, if a table 'foo' has 2 geometry columns 'bar' and 'baz', 2 layers will be reported : 'foo(bar)' and 'foo(baz)'. For backward compatibility, if a table has only one geometry column, the layer name is the table name. Also if a table 'foo' has several geometry columns, with one being called 'wkb_geometry', the layer corresponding to this geometry column will be simply reported as 'foo'. Be careful - the behaviour in creation, update or deletion of layers that are based on tables with multiple PostGIS geometry column is known to have (not well-defined) side-effects on the other layers as they are closely tied. Thus, that capability should currently be thought as mostly read-only.


Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, even when PostGIS is enabled, if the user defines the environment variable
(and does not specify tables=), all regular user tables and named views will be treated as layers. However, tables with multiple geometry column will only be reported once in that mode. So this variable is mainly useful when PostGIS is enabled to find out tables with no spatial data, or views without an entry in geometry_columns table.

In any case, all user tables can be queried explicitly with GetLayerByName()

Regular (non-spatial) tables can be accessed, and will return features with attributes, but not geometry. If the table has a "wkb_geometry" field, it will be treated as a spatial table. The type of the field is inspected to determine how to read it. It can be a PostGIS geometry field, which is assumed to come back in OGC WKT, or type BYTEA or OID in which case it is used as a source of OGC WKB geometry.

Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, tables inherited from spatial tables are supported.

If there is an "ogc_fid" field, it will be used to set the feature id of the features, and not treated as a regular field.

The layer name may be of the form "schema.table". The schema must exist, and the user needs to have write permissions for the target and the public schema.

Named views

When PostGIS is enabled for the accessed database, named views are supported, provided that there is an entry in the geometry_columns tables. But, note that the AddGeometryColumn() SQL function doesn't accept adding an entry for a view (only for regular tables). So, that must usually be done by hand with a SQL statement like :
"INSERT INTO geometry_columns VALUES ( '', 'public', 'name_of_my_view', 'name_of_geometry_column', 2, 4326, 'POINT');"
Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, it is also possible to use named views without inserting a row in the geometry_columns table. For that, you need to explicitly specify the name of the view in the "tables=" option of the connection string. See above. The drawback is that OGR will not be able to report a valid SRS and figure out the right geometry type.

SQL statements

The PostgreSQL driver passes SQL statements directly to PostgreSQL by default, rather than evaluating them internally when using the ExecuteSQL() call on the OGRDataSource, or the -sql command option to ogr2ogr. Attribute query expressions are also passed directly through to PostgreSQL. It's also possible to request the ogr Pg driver to handle SQL commands with the OGR SQL engine, by passing "OGRSQL" string to the ExecuteSQL() method, as the name of the SQL dialect.

The PostgreSQL driver in OGR supports the OGRDataSource::StartTrasaction(), OGRDataSource::CommitTransaction() and OGRDataSource::RollbackTransaction() calls in the normal SQL sense.


Creation Issues

The PostgreSQL driver does not support creation of new datasets (a database within PostgreSQL), but it does allow creation of new layers within an existing database.

As mentioned above the type system is impoverished, and many OGR types are not appropriately mapped into PostgreSQL.

If the database has PostGIS types loaded (ie. the geometry type) newly created layers will be created with the PostGIS Geometry type. Otherwise they will use OID. By default it is assumed that text being sent to Postgres is in the UTF-8 encoding. This is fine for plain ASCII, but can result in errors for extended characters (ASCII 155+, LATIN1, etc). While OGR provides no direct control over this, you can set the PGCLIENTENCODING environment variable to indicate the format being provided. For instance, if your text is LATIN1 you could set the environment variable to LATIN1 before using OGR and input would be assumed to be LATIN1 instead of UTF-8.

Dataset Creation Options


Layer Creation Options

Environment variables


See Also