## @ignore Geo::OGRc ## @class Geo::OGR ## @ignore TIEHASH ## @ignore CLEAR ## @ignore FIRSTKEY ## @ignore NEXTKEY ## @ignore FETCH ## @ignore STORE ## @ignore this ## @cmethod UseExceptions() ## @cmethod DontUseExceptions() ## @fn CreateGeometryFromWkb($bin_string, $reference = undef) # @param $reference Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @fn CreateGeometryFromWkt($string, $reference = undef) # @param $reference Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @fn CreateGeometryFromGML($string) # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @cmethod GetDriverCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @cmethod GetOpenDSCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @cmethod SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER($Generate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @cmethod RegisterAll() ## @cmethod GetOpenDS($ds_number) # @return Geo::OGR::DataSource object ## @fn Open($filename, $update = 0) # @return Geo::OGR::DataSource object ## @fn OpenShared($filename, $update = 0) # @return Geo::OGR::DataSource object ## @cmethod GetDriverByName($name) # @return Geo::OGR::Driver object ## @cmethod GetDriver($driver_number) # @return Geo::OGR::Driver object ## @attr wkb25Bit # scalar ## @attr wkbUnknown # scalar ## @attr wkbPoint # scalar ## @attr wkbLineString # scalar ## @attr wkbPolygon # scalar ## @attr wkbMultiPoint # scalar ## @attr wkbMultiLineString # scalar ## @attr wkbMultiPolygon # scalar ## @attr wkbGeometryCollection # scalar ## @attr wkbNone # scalar ## @attr wkbLinearRing # scalar ## @attr wkbPoint25D # scalar ## @attr wkbLineString25D # scalar ## @attr wkbPolygon25D # scalar ## @attr wkbMultiPoint25D # scalar ## @attr wkbMultiLineString25D # scalar ## @attr wkbMultiPolygon25D # scalar ## @attr wkbGeometryCollection25D # scalar ## @attr OFTInteger # scalar ## @attr OFTIntegerList # scalar ## @attr OFTReal # scalar ## @attr OFTRealList # scalar ## @attr OFTString # scalar ## @attr OFTStringList # scalar ## @attr OFTWideString # scalar ## @attr OFTWideStringList # scalar ## @attr OFTBinary # scalar ## @attr OFTDate # scalar ## @attr OFTTime # scalar ## @attr OFTDateTime # scalar ## @attr OJUndefined # scalar ## @attr OJLeft # scalar ## @attr OJRight # scalar ## @attr wkbXDR # scalar ## @attr wkbNDR # scalar ## @attr OLCRandomRead # scalar ## @attr OLCSequentialWrite # scalar ## @attr OLCRandomWrite # scalar ## @attr OLCFastSpatialFilter # scalar ## @attr OLCFastFeatureCount # scalar ## @attr OLCFastGetExtent # scalar ## @attr OLCCreateField # scalar ## @attr OLCTransactions # scalar ## @attr OLCDeleteFeature # scalar ## @attr OLCFastSetNextByIndex # scalar ## @attr ODsCCreateLayer # scalar ## @attr ODsCDeleteLayer # scalar ## @attr ODrCCreateDataSource # scalar ## @attr ODrCDeleteDataSource # scalar ## @class Geo::OGR::Driver ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @attr name # scalar (access as $driver->{name}) ## @method CreateDataSource($name, \@options = undef ) # @return Geo::OGR::Datasource object ## @method CopyDataSource($copy_ds, $name, \@options = undef) # @param $copy_ds Geo::OGR::Datasource object # @return Geo::OGR::Datasource object ## @method Open($name, $update = 0) # @return Geo::OGR::Datasource object ## @method DeleteDataSource($name) # @return scalar (int) ## @method TestCapability($cap) # @param $cap string # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetName() # @return scalar (string) ## @class Geo::OGR::DataSource ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @attr name # scalar (access as $datasource->{name}) ## @method GetRefCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetSummaryRefCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetLayerCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetDriver() # @return Geo::OGR::Driver object ## @method GetName() # @return scalar (string) ## @method DeleteLayer($index) # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method CreateLayer($name, $reference = undef, $geom_type = $Geo::OGR::wkbUnknown, \@options = undef) # @param $reference Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object # @param $geom_type one of $Geo::OGR::wkb* # @return Geo::OGR::Layer object ## @method CopyLayer($src_layer, $new_name, \@options = undef) # @param $src_layer Geo::OGR::Layer object # @return Geo::OGR::Layer object ## @method GetLayerByIndex($index = 0) # @return Geo::OGR::Layer object ## @method GetLayerByName($name) # @return Geo::OGR::Layer object ## @method TestCapability($cap) # @return scalar (int) ## @method ExecuteSQL($statement, $geom = undef, $dialect = "") # @param $geom Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return Geo::OGR::Layer object ## @method ReleaseResultSet() ## @class Geo::OGR::Layer ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @method GetRefCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetSpatialFilter($filter) # @param $filter Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method SetSpatialFilterRect($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) ## @method GetSpatialFilter() # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method SetAttributeFilter($filter_string) # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method ResetReading() ## @method GetNextFeature() # @return Geo::OGR::Feature object ## @method GetName() # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetFeature($fid) # @return Geo::OGR::Feature object ## @method SetNextByIndex($new_index) # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method SetFeature($feature) # @param $feature Geo::OGR::Feature object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method CreateFeature($feature) # @param $feature Geo::OGR::Feature object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method DeleteFeature($fid) # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method SyncToDisk() # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method GetLayerDefn() # @return Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object ## @method GetFeatureCount($force = 1) # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetExtent($force = 1) # @return arrayref Extent = ($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) ## @method TestCapability($cap) # @return scalar (int) ## @method CreateField($field_def, $approx_ok = 1) # @param $field_def Geo::OGR::FieldDefn # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method StartTransaction() # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method CommitTransaction() # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method RollbackTransaction() # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method GetSpatialRef() # @return Geo::OSR::SpatialReference ## @method GetFeatureRead() # @return scalar (int) ## @class Geo::OGR::Feature ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @cmethod new($feature_def = undef) # @param $feature_def Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object # @return Geo::OGR::Feature object ## @method GetDefnRef() # @return Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object ## @method SetGeometry($geom) # @param $geom Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method SetGeometryDirectly($geom) # @param $geom Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method GetGeometryRef() # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Clone() # @return Geo::OGR::Feature object ## @method Equal($feature) # @param $feature Geo::OGR::Feature object # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetFieldCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetFieldDefnRef($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object ## @method GetFieldAsString($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetFieldAsInteger($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetFieldAsDouble($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return scalar (double) ## @method GetField($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return scalar ## @method IsFieldSet($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetFieldIndex($name) # @param $name field name # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetFID() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetFID($fid) # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method DumpReadable() ## @method UnsetField($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) ## @method SetField($param, $value) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) ## @method SetFrom($other, $forgiving = 1) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Feature object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method GetStyleString() # @return scalar (string) ## @method SetStyleString($style_string) ## @method GetFieldType($param) # @param $param scalar (index or name of a field) # @return one of Geo::OGR::OFT* ## @class Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @cmethod new($name = undef) # @return Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn object ## @method GetName() # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetFieldCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetFieldDefn($index) # @return Geo::OGR::FieldDefn ## @method GetFieldIndex($name) # @return scalar (int) (-1 if no such field) ## @method AddFieldDefn($defn) # @param $defn Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object ## @method GetGeomType() # @return one of $Geo::OGR::wkb* ## @method SetGeomType($geom_type) # @param $geom_type one of $Geo::OGR::wkb* ## @method GetReferenceCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @class Geo::OGR::FieldDefn ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @cmethod new($name = "unnamed", $field_type = $Geo::OGR::OFTString) # @return Geo::OGR::FieldDefn object ## @method GetName() # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetNameRef() # @return scalar (string) ## @method SetName($name) ## @method GetType() # @return one of $Geo::OGR::OFT* ## @method SetType($type) # @param $type one of $Geo::OGR::OFT* ## @method GetJustify() # @return one of $Geo::OGR::OJ* ## @method SetJustify($justification) # @param $justification one of $Geo::OGR::OJ* ## @method GetWidth() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetWidth($width) ## @method GetPrecision() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetPrecision($precision) # @param $precision scalar (int) ## @cmethod GetFieldTypeName($type) # @return scalar (string) ## @class Geo::OGR::Geometry ## @ignore DISOWN ## @ignore ACQUIRE ## @cmethod new($type = $Geo::OGR::wkbUnknown, $wkt = undef, $wkb = undef, $gml = undef) # @param $type one of Geo::OGR::wkb* # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method ExportToWkt() # @return scalar (WKT string) ## @method ExportToWkb($byte_order = $Geo::OGR::wkbXDR) # @return scalar (WKB binary string) ## @method ExportToGML() # @return scalar (GML string) ## @method AddPoint($x, $y, $z = 0) ## @method AddGeometryDirectly($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method AddGeometry($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method Clone() # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method GetGeometryType() # @return one of Geo::OGR::wkb* ## @method GetGeometryName() # @return scalar (string) ## @method GetArea() # @return scalar (double) ## @method GetPointCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetX($point = 0) # @return scalar (double) ## @method GetY($point = 0) # @return scalar (double) ## @method GetZ($point = 0) # @return scalar (double) ## @method GetGeometryCount() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetPoint($point, $x, $y, $z = 0) ## @method GetGeometryRef($geom) # @param $geom scalar (int) # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method GetBoundary() # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method ConvexHull() # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Buffer($distance, $quadsecs = 30) # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Intersection($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Union($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Difference($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method SymmetricDifference($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Distance($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method Empty() ## @method Intersect($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Equal($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Disjoint($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Touches($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Crosses($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Within($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Contains($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method Overlaps($other) # @param $other Geo::OGR::Geometry object # @return scalar (int) ## @method TransformTo($reference) # @param $reference Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method Transform($trans) # @param $trans Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation object # @return scalar (OGRErr) ## @method GetSpatialReference() # @return Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object ## @method AssignSpatialReference($reference) # @param $reference Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object ## @method CloseRings() ## @method FlattenTo2D() ## @method GetEnvelope() # @return arrayref = [$minx, $maxx, $miny, $maxy] ## @method Centroid() # @return Geo::OGR::Geometry object ## @method WkbSize() # @return scalar (int) ## @method GetCoordinateDimension() # @return scalar (int) ## @method SetCoordinateDimension($dimension) ## @method GetDimension() # @return scalar (int)