.. Metafunctions/Arithmetic Operations//divides |40 divides ======= Synopsis -------- .. parsed-literal:: template< typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 = |unspecified| |...| , typename T\ *n* = |unspecified| > struct divides { typedef |unspecified| type; }; Description ----------- Returns the quotient of its arguments. Header ------ .. parsed-literal:: #include #include Model of -------- |Numeric Metafunction| Parameters ---------- +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Requirement | Description | +===============+===========================+===============================================+ | |T1...Tn| | |Integral Constant| | Operation's arguments. | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |Note:| |numeric metafunction note| |-- end note| Expression semantics -------------------- For any |Integral Constant|\ s |c1...cn|: .. parsed-literal:: typedef divides::type r; :Return type: |Integral Constant|. :Precondition: ``c2::value != 0``, |...| ``cn::value != 0``. :Semantics: Equivalent to .. parsed-literal:: typedef integral_c< typeof(c1::value / c2::value) , ( c1::value / c2::value ) > c; typedef divides::type r; .. .......................................................................... .. parsed-literal:: typedef divides r; :Return type: |Integral Constant|. :Precondition: ``c2::value != 0``, |...| ``cn::value != 0``. :Semantics: Equivalent to .. parsed-literal:: struct r : divides::type {}; Complexity ---------- Amortized constant time. Example ------- .. parsed-literal:: typedef divides< int_<-10>, int_<3>, long_<1> >::type r; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( r::value, ==, -3 ); BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< r::value_type, long > )); See also -------- |Arithmetic Operations|, |Numeric Metafunction|, |numeric_cast|, |times|, |modulus|, |plus|