.. Sequences/Intrinsic Metafunctions//order order ===== Synopsis -------- .. parsed-literal:: template< typename Sequence , typename Key > struct order { typedef |unspecified| type; }; Description ----------- Returns a unique unsigned |Integral Constant| associated with the key ``Key`` in ``Sequence``. Header ------ .. parsed-literal:: #include Model of -------- |Tag Dispatched Metafunction| Parameters ---------- +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Requirement | Description | +===============+===========================+===============================================+ | ``Sequence`` | |Associative Sequence| | A sequence to query. | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``Key`` | Any type | The queried key. | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ Expression semantics -------------------- For any |Associative Sequence| ``s``, and arbitrary type ``key``: .. parsed-literal:: typedef order::type n; :Return type: Unsigned |Integral Constant|. :Semantics: If ``has_key::value == true``, ``n`` is a unique unsigned |Integral Constant| associated with ``key`` in ``s``; otherwise, ``n`` is identical to ``void_``. Complexity ---------- Amortized constant time. Example ------- .. parsed-literal:: typedef map< pair, pair > m; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT(( is_same< order::type, void\_ > )); BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< order::type,void\_ > )); See also -------- |Associative Sequence|, |has_key|, |count|, |map|