.. Iterators/Iterator Metafunctions//prior |40 prior ===== Synopsis -------- .. parsed-literal:: template< typename Iterator > struct prior { typedef |unspecified| type; }; Description ----------- Returns the previous iterator in the sequence. |Note:| ``prior`` has a number of overloaded meanings, depending on the type of its argument. For instance, if ``X`` is an |Integral Constant|, ``prior`` returns an decremented |Integral Constant| of the same type. The following specification is iterator-specific. Please refer to the corresponding concept's documentation for the details of the alternative semantics |-- end note|. Header ------ .. parsed-literal:: #include Parameters ---------- +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Requirement | Description | +===============+===========================+===================================+ | ``Iterator`` | |Forward Iterator|. | An iterator to decrement. | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------+ Expression semantics -------------------- For any |Forward Iterator|\ s ``iter``: .. parsed-literal:: typedef prior::type j; :Return type: |Forward Iterator|. :Precondition: ``iter`` is decrementable. :Semantics: ``j`` is an iterator pointing to the previous element in the sequence. If ``iter`` is a user-defined iterator, the library-provided default implementation is equivalent to .. parsed-literal:: typedef iter::prior j; Complexity ---------- Amortized constant time. Example ------- .. parsed-literal:: typedef vector_c v; typedef begin::type first; typedef end::type last; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< prior::type, first > )); See also -------- |Iterators|, |begin| / |end|, |next|, |deref|