.. Sequences/Views//transform_view transform_view ============== Synopsis -------- .. parsed-literal:: template< typename Sequence , typename F > struct transform_view { // |unspecified| // |...| }; Description ----------- A view the full range of ``Sequence``\ 's transformed elements. Header ------ .. parsed-literal:: #include Model of -------- * |Forward Sequence| Parameters ---------- +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Parameter | Requirement | Description | +===============+===============================+===============================+ | ``Sequence`` | |Forward Sequence| | A sequence to wrap. | +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ``F`` | Unary |Lambda Expression| | A transformation. | +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ Expression semantics -------------------- |Semantics disclaimer...| |Forward Sequence|. In the following table, ``v`` is an instance of ``transform_view``, ``s`` is an arbitrary |Forward Sequence|, and ``f`` is an unary |Lambda Expression|. +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Expression | Semantics | +===================================+===========================================================+ | .. parsed-literal:: | A lazy |Forward Sequence| such that for each ``i`` in the | | | range |begin/end| and each ``j`` in for in the range | | transform_view | |begin/end| ``deref::type`` is identical to | | transform_view::type | ``apply< f, deref::type >::type``. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``size::type`` | The size of ``v``; | | | ``size::value == size::value``; | | | linear complexity; see |Forward Sequence|. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ Example ------- Find the largest type in a sequence. .. parsed-literal:: typedef vector types; typedef max_element< transform_view< types, size_of<_> > >::type iter; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( deref::type::value, ==, 50 ); See also -------- |Sequences|, |Views|, |filter_view|, |joint_view|, |zip_view|, |iterator_range|