# Boost.Iostreams Library test Jamfile # (C) Copyright Jonathan Turkanis 2004 # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.) # See http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams for documentation. import stlport ; import modules ; local NO_BZIP2 = [ modules.peek : NO_BZIP2 ] ; local NO_ZLIB = [ modules.peek : NO_ZLIB ] ; rule test-iostreams ( sources * : requirements * ) { return [ run $(sources) /boost/test//boost_unit_test_framework/static : # command : # input files : # build requirements msvc,stlport:static cw-9.3,darwin:static BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_LIB shared:BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DYN_LINK=1 $(requirements) ] ; } local all-tests = [ test-iostreams array_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams auto_close_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams buffer_size_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams code_converter_test.cpp detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.cpp ] #: # build requirements # std::locale-support ] [ test-iostreams compose_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams component_access_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams copy_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams counter_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams direct_adapter_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams example_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams file_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams file_descriptor_test.cpp ../build//boost_iostreams : static ] [ test-iostreams filtering_stream_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams finite_state_filter_test.cpp : # build requirements # FIXME: yet to implement #std::locale-support ] [ test-iostreams flush_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams invert_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams line_filter_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams mapped_file_test.cpp ../build//boost_iostreams : static ] [ test-iostreams newline_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams null_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams pipeline_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams positioning_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams regex_filter_test.cpp /boost/regex//boost_regex ] [ test-iostreams restrict_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams seekable_file_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams seekable_filter_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams stdio_filter_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams symmetric_filter_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams tee_test.cpp ] [ test-iostreams wide_stream_test.cpp ] ; if ! $(NO_BZIP2) { all-tests += [ test-iostreams bzip2_test.cpp ../build//boost_iostreams ] ; } if ! $(NO_ZLIB) { all-tests += [ test-iostreams gzip_test.cpp ../build//boost_iostreams ] [ test-iostreams zlib_test.cpp ../build//boost_iostreams ] ; } test-suite "iostreams" : $(all-tests) ;