[library Boost.Math [quickbook 1.3] [copyright 2001-2002 Daryle Walker, 2001-2003 Hubert Holin, 2005 John Maddock] [purpose Various mathematical functions and data types] [license Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt]) ] [authors [Holin, Hubert], [Maddock, John], [Walker, Daryle]] [category math] [last-revision $Date: 2007/05/09 17:20:56 $] ] [def __asinh [link boost_math.math_special_functions.asinh asinh]] [def __acosh [link boost_math.math_special_functions.acosh acosh]] [def __atanh [link boost_math.math_special_functions.atanh atanh]] [def __sinc_pi [link boost_math.math_special_functions.sinc_pi sinc_pi]] [def __sinhc_pi [link boost_math.math_special_functions.sinhc_pi sinhc_pi]] [def __log1p [link boost_math.math_special_functions.log1p log1p]] [def __expm1 [link boost_math.math_special_functions.expm1 expm1]] [def __hypot [link boost_math.math_special_functions.hypot hypot]] [section Overview] This documentation is [@http://boost-consulting.com/vault/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=boost_math-1.34.pdf&directory=PDF%20Documentation& also available in printer-friendly PDF format]. The [link boost_math.gcd_lcm Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple library] provides run-time and compile-time evaluation of the greatest common divisor (GCD) or least common multiple (LCM) of two integers. The [link boost_math.math_special_functions Special Functions library] currently provides eight templated special functions, in namespace boost. Two of these (__sinc_pi and __sinhc_pi) are needed by our implementation of quaternions and octonions. The functions __acosh, __asinh and __atanh are entirely classical, the function __sinc_pi sees heavy use in signal processing tasks, and the function __sinhc_pi is an ad'hoc function whose naming is modelled on __sinc_pi and hyperbolic functions. The functions __log1p, __expm1 and __hypot are all part of the C99 standard but not yet C++. Two of these (__log1p and __hypot) were needed for the [link boost_math.inverse_complex complex number inverse trigonometric functions]. The [link boost_math.inverse_complex Complex Number Inverse Trigonometric Functions] are the inverses of trigonometric functions currently present in the C++ standard. Equivalents to these functions are part of the C99 standard, and they will be part of the forthcoming Technical Report on C++ Standard Library Extensions. [link boost_math.quaternions Quaternions] are a relative of complex numbers often used to parameterise rotations in three dimentional space. [link boost_math.octonions Octonions], like [link boost_math.quaternions quaternions], are a relative of complex numbers. [link boost_math.octonions Octonions] see some use in theoretical physics. [endsect] [include math-gcd.qbk] [include math-sf.qbk] [include math-tr1.qbk] [include math-quaternion.qbk] [include math-octonion.qbk] [include math-background.qbk]