# Copyright Eric Niebler 2005. Use, modification, and distribution are # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) import doxygen ; import quickbook ; doxygen autodoc : [ glob ../../../boost/xpressive/*.hpp ] [ glob ../../../boost/xpressive/traits/*.hpp ] : EXTRACT_ALL=YES "PREDEFINED=\"BOOST_XPRESSIVE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED\" \\ \"BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME=typename\"" HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS=NO EXTRACT_PRIVATE=NO ENABLE_PREPROCESSING=YES MACRO_EXPANSION=YES EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF=YES SEARCH_INCLUDES=YES INCLUDE_PATH=$(BOOST_ROOT) ; xml xpressive : xpressive.qbk # : : : # toc.max.depth=3 # toc.section.depth=3 # chunk.section.depth=3 ; boostbook standalone : xpressive : toc.max.depth=3 toc.section.depth=3 chunk.section.depth=3 ;