<-- Copyright (c) 2002 2004 Joel de Guzman Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Niebler http://spirit.sourceforge.net/ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) --> Quick Reference
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Quick Reference

Syntax Compendium

To do this... Use this... See this...
comment [/ some comment] Comments
italics ['italics] or /italics/ Font Styles and formatting Simple formatting
bold [*bold] or *bold* Font Styles and formatting Simple formatting
underline [_underline] or _underline_ Font Styles and formatting Simple formatting
teletype [^teletype] or =teletype= Font Styles and formatting Simple formatting
strikethrough [-strikethrough] Font Styles and formatting Simple formatting
replaceable [~replaceable] Replaceble
source mode [c++] or [python] Source Mode
inline code `int main();` Inline code
code block ``int main();`` Code
code escape ``from c++ to QuickBook`` Escaping Back To QuickBook
line break [br] or \n line-break
anchor [#anchor] Anchors
link [@http://www.boost.org Boost] Links
anchor link [link section.anchor Link text] Anchor links
refentry link [link xml.refentry Link text] refentry links
function link [funcref fully::qualified::function_name Link text] function, class, member, enum or header links
class link [classref fully::qualified::class_name Link text] function, class, member, enum or header links
member link [memberref fully::qualified::member_name Link text] function, class, member, enum or header links
enum link [enumref fully::qualified::enum_name Link text] function, class, member, enum or header links
header link [headerref path/to/header.hpp Link text] function, class, member, enum or header links
escape '''escaped text (no processing/formatting)''' Escape
single char escape \c Single char escape
images [$image.jpg] Images
begin section [section The Section Title] Section
end section [endsect] Section
paragraph No markup. Paragraphs start left-flushed and are terminated by two or more newlines. Paragraphs
ordered list # one
# two
# three
Ordered lists
unordered list * one
* two
* three
Unordered lists
code No markup. Preformatted code starts with a space or a tab. Code
preformatted [pre preformatted] Preformatted
block quote [:sometext...] Blockquote
heading 1 [h1 Heading 1] Heading
heading 2 [h2 Heading 2] Heading
heading 3 [h3 Heading 3] Heading
heading 4 [h4 Heading 4] Heading
heading 5 [h5 Heading 5] Heading
heading 6 [h6 Heading 6] Heading
macro [def macro_identifier some text] Macros
blurb [blurb advertisement or note...] Blurbs
admonition [warning Warning text...] Admonitions
table [table Title
variablelist [variablelist Title
Variable Lists
include [include someother.qbk] Include
Copyright © 2002, 2004 Joel de Guzman, Eric Niebler
