Iteration algorithms are the basic building blocks behind many of the MPL's algorithms, and are usually the first place to look at when starting to build a new one. Abstracting away the details of sequence iteration and employing various optimizations such as recursion unrolling, they provide significant advantages over a hand-coded approach. .. Of all of iteration algorithms, ``iter_fold_if`` is the most complex and at the same time the most fundamental. The rest of the algorithms from the category |--| ``iter_fold``, ``reverse_iter_fold``, ``fold``, and ``reverse_fold`` |--| simply provide a more high-level (and more restricted) interface to the core ``iter_fold_if`` functionality [#performace]_. .. [#performace] That's not to say that they are *implemented* through ``iter_fold_if`` |--| they are often not, in particular because the restricted functionality allows for more optimizations.