Schema Land has errors; cannot apply it Column {USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA.PARCEL_PERSON.PARCEL_PIN has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA.PARCEL_PERSON.PARCEL_PROVINCE has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA.PARCEL_PERSON.LAST_NAME has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA.PARCEL_PERSON.FIRST_NAME has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Cannot delete table "{USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA"."PARCEL_PERSON" because it has rows Cannot delete geometric property 'Land:Parcel.Grading'; it is the geometry property for class 'Land:Parcel' Column {USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA.DRIVEWAY.PAV_D has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_APPLY_SCHEMA.A1_8_SCHOOL.A_ROOMS has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Cannot delete geometric property 'Land:Build'g.Geometry'; it is the geometry property for class 'Land:1-8 School'