topology.xsd Substitution group branch for Topo Primitives, used by TopoPrimitiveArrayAssociationType Its optional co-boundary is a set of connected directedEdges. The orientation of one of these dirEdges is "+" if the Node is the "to" node of the Edge, and "-" if it is the "from" node. There is precisely one positively directed and one negatively directed node in the boundary of every edge. The negatively and positively directed nodes correspond to the start and end nodes respectively. The optional coboundary of an edge is a circular sequence of directed faces which are incident on this edge in document order. Faces which use a particular boundary edge in its positive orientation appear with positive orientation on the coboundary of the same edge. In the 2D case, the orientation of the face on the left of the edge is "+"; the orientation of the face on the right on its right is "-". An edge may optionally be realised by a 1-dimensional (curve) geometric primitive. . The topological boundary of a face consists of a set of directed edges. Note that all edges associated with a Face, including dangling and interior edges, appear in the boundary. Dangling and interior edges are each referenced by pairs of directedEdges with opposing orientations. The optional coboundary of a face is a pair of directed solids which are bounded by this face. If present, there is precisely one positively directed and one negatively directed solid in the coboundary of every face. The positively directed solid corresponds to the solid which lies in the direction of the positively directed normal to the face in any geometric realisation. A face may optionally be realised by a 2-dimensional (surface) geometric primitive. The topological boundary of a TopoSolid consists of a set of directed faces. Note that all faces associated with the TopoSolid, including dangling faces, appear in the boundary. The coboundary of a TopoSolid is empty and hence requires no representation. The directed edges of a TopoCurveType when joined in document order shall be isomorphic to a gml:_Curve in any geometric realization. This type represents a TP_Complex capable of holding topological primitives. Need schamatron test here that isMaximal attribute value is true This Property can be used to embed a TopoComplex in a feature collection. This type supports embedding topological primitives in a TopoComplex. This type supports embedding an array of topological primitives in a TopoComplex