LexicalHandler Member List

This is the complete list of members for LexicalHandler, including all inherited members.

comment(const XMLCh *const chars, const XMLSize_t length)=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
endCDATA()=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
endDTD()=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
endEntity(const XMLCh *const name)=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
startCDATA()=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
startDTD(const XMLCh *const name, const XMLCh *const publicId, const XMLCh *const systemId)=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
startEntity(const XMLCh *const name)=0LexicalHandler [pure virtual]
~LexicalHandler()LexicalHandler [virtual]

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