XMLValidator Member List

This is the complete list of members for XMLValidator, including all inherited members.

checkContent(XMLElementDecl *const elemDecl, QName **const children, XMLSize_t childCount, XMLSize_t *indexFailingChild)=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
emitError(const XMLValid::Codes toEmit)XMLValidator
emitError(const XMLValid::Codes toEmit, const XMLCh *const text1, const XMLCh *const text2=0, const XMLCh *const text3=0, const XMLCh *const text4=0)XMLValidator
emitError(const XMLValid::Codes toEmit, const char *const text1, const char *const text2=0, const char *const text3=0, const char *const text4=0)XMLValidator
emitError(const XMLValid::Codes toEmit, const XMLExcepts::Codes originalErrorCode, const XMLCh *const text1=0, const XMLCh *const text2=0, const XMLCh *const text3=0, const XMLCh *const text4=0)XMLValidator
faultInAttr(XMLAttr &toFill, const XMLAttDef &attDef) const =0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
getBufMgr() const XMLValidator [protected]
getBufMgr()XMLValidator [protected]
getGrammar() const =0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
getReaderMgr() const XMLValidator [protected]
getReaderMgr()XMLValidator [protected]
getScanner() const XMLValidator [protected]
getScanner()XMLValidator [protected]
handlesDTD() const =0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
handlesSchema() const =0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
operator delete(void *p)XMemory
operator delete(void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr)XMemory
operator delete(void *p, void *ptr)XMemory
operator new(size_t size)XMemory
operator new(size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr)XMemory
operator new(size_t size, void *ptr)XMemory
postParseValidation()=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
preContentValidation(bool reuseGrammar, bool validateDefAttr=false)=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
requiresNamespaces() const =0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
reset()=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
setErrorReporter(XMLErrorReporter *const errorReporter)XMLValidator
setGrammar(Grammar *aGrammar)=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
setScannerInfo(XMLScanner *const owningScanner, ReaderMgr *const readerMgr, XMLBufferMgr *const bufMgr)XMLValidator
validateAttrValue(const XMLAttDef *attDef, const XMLCh *const attrValue, bool preValidation=false, const XMLElementDecl *elemDecl=0)=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
validateElement(const XMLElementDecl *elemDef)=0XMLValidator [pure virtual]
XMemory()XMemory [protected]
XMLValidator(XMLErrorReporter *const errReporter=0)XMLValidator [protected]
~XMLValidator()XMLValidator [virtual]

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