JP2OpenJPEG --- JPEG2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library

(GDAL >= 1.8.0)

This driver is an implementation of a JPEG2000 reader/writer based on OpenJPEG library v2.

The v2 branch is - at the time of writing - still unreleased, so you'll have to pull it yourself from its Subversion repository : OpenJPEG trunk is still deriving on the 1.3 series that doesn't provide access to tile-level reading. v2 branch enables reading big JPEG2000 images without loading them entirely in memory. This is a noticeable improvement in comparison with the JPEG2000 driver based on Jasper library.

The v2 branch also adds the capability to use the VSI Virtual File API, so the driver is able to read JPEG2000 compressed NITF files.

Starting with GDAL 1.9.0, XMP metadata can be extracted from JPEG2000 files, and will be stored as XML raw content in the xml:XMP metadata domain.

In creation, the driver doesn't support writing GeoJP2 nor GMLJP2.

Creation Options

Patches for OpenJPEG library :

Links to usefull patches to apply to OpenJPEG (valid for v2 branch in revision r565) :

See Also:

Other JPEG2000 GDAL drivers :