/****************************************************************************** * $Id: cpl.i 23398 2011-11-20 14:01:47Z ajolma $ * * Name: cpl.i * Project: GDAL Python Interface * Purpose: GDAL Core SWIG Interface declarations. * Author: Kevin Ruland, kruland@ku.edu * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2005, Kevin Ruland * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ %include constraints.i #ifdef SWIGCSHARP typedef enum { CE_None = 0, CE_Log = 1, CE_Warning = 2, CE_Failure = 3, CE_Fatal = 4 } CPLErr; #endif %inline %{ typedef char retStringAndCPLFree; %} %inline %{ void Debug( const char *msg_class, const char *message ) { CPLDebug( msg_class, "%s", message ); } CPLErr PushErrorHandler( char const * pszCallbackName = NULL ) { CPLErrorHandler pfnHandler = NULL; if( pszCallbackName == NULL || EQUAL(pszCallbackName,"CPLQuietErrorHandler") ) pfnHandler = CPLQuietErrorHandler; else if( EQUAL(pszCallbackName,"CPLDefaultErrorHandler") ) pfnHandler = CPLDefaultErrorHandler; else if( EQUAL(pszCallbackName,"CPLLoggingErrorHandler") ) pfnHandler = CPLLoggingErrorHandler; if ( pfnHandler == NULL ) return CE_Fatal; CPLPushErrorHandler( pfnHandler ); return CE_None; } %} #ifdef SWIGJAVA %inline%{ void Error( CPLErr msg_class, int err_code, const char* msg ) { CPLError( msg_class, err_code, "%s", msg ); } %} #else %inline%{ void Error( CPLErr msg_class = CE_Failure, int err_code = 0, const char* msg = "error" ) { CPLError( msg_class, err_code, "%s", msg ); } %} #endif #ifdef SWIGRUBY %rename (push_error_handler) CPLPushErrorHandler; %rename (pop_error_handler) CPLPopErrorHandler; %rename (error_reset) CPLErrorReset; %rename (get_last_error_no) CPLGetLastErrorNo; %rename (get_last_error_type) CPLGetLastErrorType; %rename (get_last_error_msg) CPLGetLastErrorMsg; %rename (push_finder_location) CPLPushFinderLocation; %rename (pop_finder_location) CPLPopFinderLocation; %rename (finder_clean) CPLFinderClean; %rename (find_file) CPLFindFile; %rename (read_dir) VSIReadDir; %rename (mkdir) VSIMkdir; %rename (rmdir) VSIRmdir; %rename (rename) VSIRename; %rename (set_config_option) CPLSetConfigOption; %rename (get_config_option) wrapper_CPLGetConfigOption; %rename (binary_to_hex) CPLBinaryToHex; %rename (hex_to_binary) CPLHexToBinary; %rename (file_from_mem_buffer) wrapper_VSIFileFromMemBuffer; %rename (unlink) VSIUnlink; %rename (has_thread_support) wrapper_HasThreadSupport; #else %rename (PushErrorHandler) CPLPushErrorHandler; %rename (PopErrorHandler) CPLPopErrorHandler; %rename (ErrorReset) CPLErrorReset; %rename (GetLastErrorNo) CPLGetLastErrorNo; %rename (GetLastErrorType) CPLGetLastErrorType; %rename (GetLastErrorMsg) CPLGetLastErrorMsg; %rename (PushFinderLocation) CPLPushFinderLocation; %rename (PopFinderLocation) CPLPopFinderLocation; %rename (FinderClean) CPLFinderClean; #ifdef SWIGPERL %rename (_FindFile) CPLFindFile; %rename (_ReadDir) VSIReadDir; #else %rename (FindFile) CPLFindFile; %rename (ReadDir) VSIReadDir; #endif %rename (Mkdir) VSIMkdir; %rename (Rmdir) VSIRmdir; %rename (Rename) VSIRename; %rename (SetConfigOption) CPLSetConfigOption; %rename (GetConfigOption) wrapper_CPLGetConfigOption; %rename (CPLBinaryToHex) CPLBinaryToHex; %rename (CPLHexToBinary) CPLHexToBinary; %rename (FileFromMemBuffer) wrapper_VSIFileFromMemBuffer; %rename (Unlink) VSIUnlink; %rename (HasThreadSupport) wrapper_HasThreadSupport; #endif #ifndef SWIGJAVA void CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLErrorHandler ); #endif void CPLPopErrorHandler(); void CPLErrorReset(); #ifndef SWIGJAVA %feature( "kwargs" ) EscapeString; #endif #ifdef SWIGJAVA %apply (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) {( int len, unsigned char *bin_string )}; %inline %{ retStringAndCPLFree* EscapeString(int len, unsigned char *bin_string , int scheme) { return CPLEscapeString((const char*)bin_string, len, scheme); } retStringAndCPLFree* EscapeString(const char* str, int scheme) { return CPLEscapeString(str, (str) ? strlen(str) : 0, scheme); } %} %clear (int len, unsigned char *bin_string); #elif defined(SWIGCSHARP) %inline %{ retStringAndCPLFree* EscapeString(int len, char *bin_string , int scheme) { return CPLEscapeString((const char*)bin_string, len, scheme); } %} retStringAndCPLFree* EscapeString(int len, char *bin_string , int scheme=CPLES_SQL) { return CPLEscapeString(bin_string, len, scheme); } #elif defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGPERL) %apply (int nLen, char *pBuf ) { (int len, char *bin_string)}; %inline %{ retStringAndCPLFree* EscapeString(int len, char *bin_string , int scheme=CPLES_SQL) { return CPLEscapeString(bin_string, len, scheme); } %} %clear (int len, char *bin_string); #else %apply (int nLen, char *pBuf ) { (int len, char *bin_string)}; %inline %{ char* EscapeString(int len, char *bin_string , int scheme=CPLES_SQL) { return CPLEscapeString(bin_string, len, scheme); } %} %clear (int len, char *bin_string); #endif #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGCSHARP) /* We don't want errors to be cleared or thrown by this */ /* call */ %exception CPLGetLastErrorNo { result = CPLGetLastErrorNo(); } #endif int CPLGetLastErrorNo(); #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGCSHARP) /* We don't want errors to be cleared or thrown by this */ /* call */ %exception CPLGetLastErrorType { result = CPLGetLastErrorType(); } int CPLGetLastErrorType(); #else CPLErr CPLGetLastErrorType(); #endif #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGCSHARP) /* We don't want errors to be cleared or thrown by this */ /* call */ %exception CPLGetLastErrorMsg { result = (char*)CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); } #endif const char *CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); void CPLPushFinderLocation( const char * utf8_path ); void CPLPopFinderLocation(); void CPLFinderClean(); const char * CPLFindFile( const char *pszClass, const char *utf8_path ); %apply (char **CSL) {char **}; char **VSIReadDir( const char * utf8_path ); %clear char **; %apply Pointer NONNULL {const char * pszKey}; void CPLSetConfigOption( const char * pszKey, const char * pszValue ); %inline { const char *wrapper_CPLGetConfigOption( const char * pszKey, const char * pszDefault = NULL ) { return CPLGetConfigOption( pszKey, pszDefault ); } } %clear const char * pszKey; /* Provide hooks to hex encoding methods */ #if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGPERL) %apply (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) {( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData )}; retStringAndCPLFree* CPLBinaryToHex( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); %clear ( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); #elif defined(SWIGCSHARP) retStringAndCPLFree* CPLBinaryToHex( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); #elif defined(SWIGPYTHON) %apply (int nLen, char *pBuf) {( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData )}; retStringAndCPLFree* CPLBinaryToHex( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); %clear ( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); #else /* FIXME : wrong typemap. The string should be freed */ char * CPLBinaryToHex( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); #endif #ifdef SWIGJAVA %apply (GByte* outBytes) {GByte*}; #endif GByte *CPLHexToBinary( const char *pszHex, int *pnBytes ); #ifdef SWIGJAVA %clear GByte*; #endif /* Inappropriate typemap for Ruby bindings */ #ifndef SWIGRUBY %apply Pointer NONNULL {const char * pszFilename}; /* Added in GDAL 1.7.0 */ #ifdef SWIGJAVA %apply (int nLen, unsigned char *pBuf ) {( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData )}; #elif defined(SWIGPYTHON) %apply (int nLen, char *pBuf) {( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData )}; #endif %inline { void wrapper_VSIFileFromMemBuffer( const char* utf8_path, int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData) { GByte* pabyDataDup = (GByte*)VSIMalloc(nBytes); if (pabyDataDup == NULL) return; memcpy(pabyDataDup, pabyData, nBytes); VSIFCloseL(VSIFileFromMemBuffer(utf8_path, (GByte*) pabyDataDup, nBytes, TRUE)); } } #if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGPYTHON) %clear ( int nBytes, const GByte *pabyData ); #endif /* Added in GDAL 1.7.0 */ int VSIUnlink(const char * utf8_path ); /* Added in GDAL 1.7.0 */ /* Thread support is necessary for binding languages with threaded GC */ /* even if the user doesn't explicitely use threads */ %inline { int wrapper_HasThreadSupport() { return strcmp(CPLGetThreadingModel(), "stub") != 0; } } /* Added for GDAL 1.8 */ int VSIMkdir(const char *utf8_path, int mode ); int VSIRmdir(const char *utf8_path ); int VSIRename(const char * pszOld, const char *pszNew ); /* Added for GDAL 1.8 We do not bother renaming the VSI*L api as this wrapping is not considered "official", or available for use by application code. It is just for some testing stuff. */ #if !defined(SWIGJAVA) typedef void VSILFILE; #if defined(SWIGPERL) %apply RETURN_NONE_TRUE_IS_ERROR {RETURN_NONE}; RETURN_NONE VSIStatL( const char * utf8_path, VSIStatBufL *psStatBuf ); %clear RETURN_NONE; #elif defined(SWIGPYTHON) %{ typedef struct { int mode; GIntBig size; GIntBig mtime; } StatBuf; %} #define VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG 0x1 #define VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG 0x2 #define VSI_STAT_SIZE_FLAG 0x4 struct StatBuf { %apply (GIntBig bigint) { GIntBig }; %immutable; int mode; GIntBig size; GIntBig mtime; %mutable; %clear (GIntBig bigint); %extend { StatBuf( StatBuf *psStatBuf ) { StatBuf *self = (StatBuf*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( StatBuf ) ); self->mode = psStatBuf->mode; self->size = psStatBuf->size; self->mtime = psStatBuf->mtime; return self; } ~StatBuf() { CPLFree(self); } int IsDirectory() { return (self->mode & S_IFDIR) != 0; } } /* extend */ } /* StatBuf */ ; %rename (VSIStatL) wrapper_VSIStatL; %inline { int wrapper_VSIStatL( const char * utf8_path, StatBuf *psStatBufOut, int nFlags = 0 ) { VSIStatBufL sStat; memset(&sStat, 0, sizeof(sStat)); memset(psStatBufOut, 0, sizeof(StatBuf)); int nRet = VSIStatExL(utf8_path, &sStat, nFlags); psStatBufOut->mode = sStat.st_mode; psStatBufOut->size = (GIntBig)sStat.st_size; psStatBufOut->mtime = (GIntBig)sStat.st_mtime; return nRet; } } #endif VSILFILE *VSIFOpenL( const char *utf8_path, const char *pszMode ); void VSIFCloseL( VSILFILE * ); #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %apply (GIntBig bigint) { GIntBig }; int VSIFSeekL( VSILFILE *, GIntBig, int ); GIntBig VSIFTellL( VSILFILE * ); int VSIFTruncateL( VSILFILE *, GIntBig ); %clear (GIntBig bigint); #else int VSIFSeekL( VSILFILE *, long, int ); long VSIFTellL( VSILFILE * ); int VSIFTruncateL( VSILFILE *, long ); #endif #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %rename (VSIFWriteL) wrapper_VSIFWriteL; %inline { int wrapper_VSIFWriteL( int nLen, char *pBuf, int size, int memb, VSILFILE * f) { if (nLen < size * memb) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Inconsistant buffer size with 'size' and 'memb' values"); return 0; } return VSIFWriteL(pBuf, size, memb, f); } } #elif defined(SWIGPERL) size_t VSIFWriteL(const void *pBuffer, size_t nSize, size_t nCount, VSILFILE *fp); #else int VSIFWriteL( const char *, int, int, VSILFILE * ); #endif #if defined(SWIGPERL) size_t VSIFReadL(void *pBuffer, size_t nSize, size_t nCount, VSILFILE *fp); #endif /* VSIFReadL() handled specially in python/gdal_python.i */ #endif #endif