# (C) Copyright 2008: Joachim Faulhaber # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Examples that do not use boost_date_time exe interval : interval_/interval.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe interval_container : interval_container_/interval_container.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe overlap_counter : overlap_counter_/overlap_counter.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe party : party_/party.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe std_copy : std_copy_/std_copy.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe std_transform : std_transform_/std_transform.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe custom_interval : custom_interval_/custom_interval.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe dynamic_interval : dynamic_interval_/dynamic_interval.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe static_interval : static_interval_/static_interval.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; # Examples using boost_date_time exe boost_party : boost_party_/boost_party.cpp /boost/date_time//boost_date_time : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe partys_height_average : partys_height_average_/partys_height_average.cpp /boost/date_time//boost_date_time : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe partys_tallest_guests : partys_tallest_guests_/partys_tallest_guests.cpp /boost/date_time//boost_date_time : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe man_power : man_power_/man_power.cpp /boost/date_time//boost_date_time : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe month_and_week_grid : month_and_week_grid_/month_and_week_grid.cpp /boost/date_time//boost_date_time : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe user_groups : user_groups_/user_groups.cpp /boost/date_time//boost_date_time : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; # Projects exe large_bitset : large_bitset_/large_bitset.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe itvset_shell : itvset_shell_/itvset_shell.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ; exe splititvmap_shell : splititvmap_shell_/splititvmap_shell.cpp : ../../.. $(BOOST_ROOT) ;