ESRI File Geodatabase (FileGDB)

The FileGDB driver provides read and write access to File Geodatabases (.gdb directories) created by ArcGIS 10 and above.


Bulk feature loading (OGR >= 1.9.2)

The FGDB_BULK_LOAD configuration option can be set to YES to speed-up feature insertion (or sometimes solve problems when inserting a lot of features (see The effect of this configuration option is to cause a write lock to be taken and a temporary disabling of the indexes. Those are restored when the datasource is closed or when a read operation is done.

SQL support (OGR >= 1.10)

Starting with OGR 1.10, SQL statements are run through the SQL engine of the FileGDB SDK API. This holds for non-SELECT statements. However, due to partial/inaccurate support for SELECT statements in current FileGDB SDK API versions (v1.2), SELECT statements will be run by default by the OGR SQL engine. This can be changed by specifying the -dialect FileGDB option to ogrinfo or ogr2ogr.

Special SQL requests

"GetLayerDefinition a_layer_name" and "GetLayerMetadata a_layer_name" can be used as special SQL requests to get respectively the definition and metadata of a FileGDB table as XML content.

Dataset Creation Options


Layer Creation Options


Building Notes

Read the GDAL Windows Building example for Plugins. You will find a similar section in nmake.opt for FileGDB. After you are done, go to the $gdal_source_root\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\filegdb folder and execute:

nmake /f plugin nmake /f plugin-install

Known Issues
